Chapter 28

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Tommy, hearing the laughter in the other room, soon showed up with a confused face before looking at the screen and getting an understanding of what was going on. Now he was also bursting out into laughter. As I look back on the screen, I see the credits roll. Knowing that the film was over, I lean over towards Wilbur, glancing at his clock on his wrist. It read 7:27pm, so I stood up and headed over to the kitchen, Tommy only taking a moment to great everyone before following after.

"OOO! Muffins!" Tommy cheered at the sight of them and snatched one before walking alongside me towards the fridge. "Nothing interesting. Let's just convince Wilbur to order pizza." He said while munching on his muffin, then walking to the other room talking to Wilbur. And after a lot of back and forth, we were now sat eating in the living room with the television playing a game show.

After I finished eating, I stretched with a yawn. Almost everyone had passed out, and the few that were awake were quietly browsing their phones. "I think I'm going to bed." I stood up waving to them all before walking up towards my room, only barely hearing all of them saying goodnight to me. I close the wooden door carefully behind me, leaning towards the door with a huff. That was when my eyes landed on a paper on my desk that I walked over towards. The handwriting was fancy and had loads of swirls, but I spotted the name Techno in the corner, and it all made sense. 

I started reading before It got too messy to read, it was clearly rushed. I look outside the nearby window as I see something move in the corner of my eyes, I follow the shadow and see it disappear up the roof. "What the...?" I open the window and hesitantly stand up in the frame, looking down. The house was on a mountain of sorts, so a fall from here could break bones or potentially cause death. But being tired, not thinking straight and being curious, I start reaching for the nearby pipe and ledge to boost myself up onto the roof.

After a deep breath, I lift myself up and manage to climb onto the roof with a bit of struggle. I quickly pull myself away from the edge, smiling at my success. I carefully stand up and start walking along the roof, looking for the shadow figure I had just seen. Just then I see something move in the nearby tree and I rush over, but too fast to stop before I reach the edge and I lose my balance. Trying to steady myself before almost falling down to the ground, the only thing stopping me being the harsh grip at my shirt.

I look back to see Techno, he had a firm grip on my sleeve, but I got scared at the sight of a blood splatter on his hands and a nose bleed, so in a panic I begin flailing. And he lost his grip, failing to get a hold of me again before I fall backwards. I was certain that this was how I die, being stupid and climbing on the roof of a house. But the harsh feeling of the ground on my back never hit me.

Instead, the wind flowing in my hair quickly changed as I was swooped up by none other than Phil. Who quickly had caught me and carried me back onto the roof with a serious look on his face as he looked at Techno. "What the hell are you guys doing on the roof?" But Phil's face changed from a serious one to a concerned one when he saw the look on Techno's face as he just stared at me.

"Techno?" Phil asked, trying to get his attention. "Look at Y/N." It was all Techno said as they both turned to face me, Phil now also looked just as surprised. "What...?" I asked, nervous by the glares. Techno just swooped back down into my room through my open window, and Phil helped me back inside as they lead me to the mirror.

Once in front of it, I saw small F/C (favourite colour) feathers, mixed with a few of Phil's larger black ones, scattered in my hair and across the sides of my face. "What the fuck?" Techno was sat on my bed just observing it all while Phil was closely looking at me. "Y/N, did you ever hear about hybrids?" I nodded, not looking away from the mirror. "Yeah, Wil told me about them."

"But surely Y/N would have already had their hybrid developed by now? I mean, look at Tommy and Tubbo. They are not that much older?" Techno asked, to which Phil nodded at. "It is a bit strange. Y/N, have you had things like this happen before?" I looked away from the mirror for the first time, looking at Phil. "I don't think so?" Phil and Techno just both stared, trying to figure out what's going on. "Should I get Wilbur?" Techno spoke softly and Phil nods.

Techno dashed off quicker than ever before. "Can I touch them?" Phil spoke softly, staying calm, and I game him a thumbs up as he ran his fingers through my hair, removing any of his own feathers. Most of my own feathers were already disappearing or falling off, so he picked up a loose F/C one.

That was when Wilbur entered the room, half asleep, as Techno finished up explaining. "But Isn't Schlatt a ram hybrid? How would Y/N then grow elytrian feathers." Wilbur said in a grumpy tone, having been woken up. "But I didn't have them up until I fell and Phil caught me." Techno froze up at this before rushing to get something from his room. Coming back with a medium-sized old book that had Phil's name on it. He starts flipping through it hastily before showing Phil a page. 

"Techno, you are a genius! Of course." The shorter elytrian exclaim as it all made sense. "What now?" Wilbur said, snuggling up in my bed. "Techno cracked the code. Y/N, you are not just any hybrid, it's possible that you are a mimic."

Decided to make Y/N a hybrid of sorts because that was ill have more ideas to write about :]

anyways tyty ily <333


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