Chapter 3

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!!Trigger warnings: swearing, yelling(?), slight mention of eating disorder/problems!!

Philza leads me into another room, what seems to be a kitchen of sorts. And tells me to wait there as he goes and gets the supplies. I take a seat at a nearby chair, lightly swinging my legs as I look around, the place does not look bad, it is rather clean and has a cosy feeling to it all. As I am looking around, I spot who I can only assume is Tommy, staring at me. He seems hesitant yet confident at the same time, something I have never seen someone pull off before.

"Uhm... hello?" I say hesitantly as I give a forced smile. "You are Schlatt's kid, aren't you?" he says confidently accompanied with a smirk growing on his lips. I freeze, 'how would he know that? I was never allowed outside so he wouldn't have been able to see me before.' "I uhm..." before I can say another word tommy cuts in "Techno told us about it all." I take a deep breathe. "Look, I-"

"Why would you run away? Sure, he might be a dick at times, but still-" That was it. "You don't get to tell me I did the wrong thing!" Tommy looks taken a back at this. "YOU don't know a SINGLE THING about me and what HE did! Look at me Tommy! WHY do you think I look like this?!" I finally snap, everything I have bottled up over these past years was finally getting out.

I take a deep breath as I realise what I just did and quickly cover my mouth. I didn't mean to be so harsh, i didn't expect myself to explode like that. I turn around and see phil standing there with a surprised look on his face. "I'm sorry- I- I didn't mean to!" I wrap my arms lightly around myself as my breathing quickens. "I-I-" before I can say anything else i realise that phil hugs me which I first tense up at and then quickly relax.

we stay like that for roughly 30 seconds before phil lets go, Tommy was gone which leaves only me and him in the room. After I calm down, he helps me patch up my wound and gives me some water along with some bread which I softly nibble at. "I need to talk with Techno, will you be okay by yourself?" Phil asks softly and I reply with a quick nod and a low hum.

After Phil exits the room, I'm left alone to sort out my thoughts. I hear some faint talking from behind the now closed door. It sounds like all four of the guys talking to each other about what I can only assume would be about me. My suspicion is confirmed when I hear some yelling "BLOODY-HELL, THEY LOOK LIKE A BEATEN-UP SQUIRREL!" it was Tommy that was yelling.

"Tommy! It's not their fault! For fuck sake Tommy they are just a kid!" now it was philza talking instead, I slip down on the floor and reach into my bag bringing out a cracked phone. i open up Discord and scroll through my direct messages before bringing up a certain chat.

Y/N: "Hey, sorry if im disturbing you bud."

I anxiously stare at the cracked screen, I have left him on read for roughly a week now and im sure he will have a lot of questions about where i have been.

Tubbo: "Y/N! where have you been?! why have you not responded to my messages, you had me worried!"

Y/N: "Tubbo! Sorry about that!"

i think for a moment trying to figure out a decent excuse to why i would have been so inactive.

Y/N: "i uh, had some personal stuff going on."

Tubbo: "oh, i see. i hope everything is okay, im here if you ever need to talk!"

My face lights up at this and i let out a sigh of relief before i stuff my phone into my pocket and get up from the floor, brushing off my shirt and pants a bit depsite not needing to. Just as i'm about to toss my bag over my shoulder the door opens up behind me which i quickly snap around to look at who is there, there stands the tall brunette in the door opening lightly leaning against the door frame. 

"hey uhh, Y/N... right?" he asks waiting for me to confirm or deny the name he had said. "Yeah, uhm, thats me. You are uhm, Wilbur, right?" i give him a faint smile as i prop my bag over my shoulder and grip onto it. "Yeah!" he smiles at me, a soft smile that makes me relax a bit. "Phil asked me to show you the guest room so you could rest up and leave your stuff." he says followed by him standing up properly in the door frame, god is he tall.

"That would be really nice..." i mumble out, he nods towards the hallway meaning i should follow and so i do. we walk out the room i was in and towards and up the gorgeous staircase before taking a left turn and walking until we reach the door furthest down to the left. Wilbur opens the door and im met with a rather large F/C (favourite colour) themed bedroom with a bed in the far left corner, a large desk standing next to the wodden bed, a wardrobe in the far right corner and some instruments standing against the walls. "Sorry for the mess, its my old room and we have yet to move some of the things out..." He nervously laughs.

"Oh, no worries, Thank you once again." i say as i go towards the bed standing in the corner of the room and put my stuff down near the end of the wooden build. "I will leave you to make yourself a bit more at home, dinner should be ready in a bit so i'll come up and get you." He smiles at me and i return the smile with a small nod. "Thank you Wilbur." and with that, he leaves the room, lightly shutting the door behind him.

Now, what is the first thing you do when you are left alone in a unknown room? you snoop around. and so i do, i walk up to the desk, it has papers littered across the wooden surface and a big dent on the left corner, i wonder how that got there. i continue by looking through the drawer, there lays a notebook, a few guitar picks of various sizes and colors, a black pen and what looks to be a guitar tuner.

From what i could tell, this Wilbur guy was really into music. i look around the room and gace upon the instruments standing along the walls, most of them being different kind of guitars. i walk up to an acoustic guitar and run my finger down one of its strings before taking it into my arms and bringing it to the bed and sit down with it before plucking the strings to see if its tuned correctly. 

i had never really learnt how to play guitar, but i knew a few simple songs from back when i used to have my own guitar. i take a deep breath before i put my fingers to play the chords i had memorized and hum along to the soft tune as i allow my fingers to gracefully move along the instruments strings.

hours felt like minutes and i slowely stop playing before allowing the guitar to simply rest in my lap. "You are pretty good, where did you learn that?" i jump slightly at the sudden talking and face the door to see a tall brunette standing there smiling at me. "God Wilbur you scared me-" i nervously laugh and he starts laughing aswell, but a genuine one. "Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." i get up and put the guitar back to where it originally was. "I taught myself, back when i used to have my own guitar a couple of years back. but i dont know much-"

"WILBUR WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?" the tall blonde yells out as he is heard stormming up the stairs, cutting me off. Wilbur looks towards where the yelling came from. "Tommy stop being so impatient!" i sigh, 'i guess they just cant get along huh.' "I AM NOT IMPATIENT, YOU ARE JUST SLOW!" The tall blonde is now visable in the door frame, he looks at me and scoffs. "It's time to eat, wilbur was supposed to get you, BUT HES TAKING SO LONG!" Wilbur gives Tommy a death stare. "you LITTLE GREMLING!" and just like that, they both dissapeared, Tommy running for his life and Wilbur trying to beat the living shit out of him.

i let out a soft chuckle before walking out the same door they had just bickered by and closed it softly behind me before making my way down the hall and towards where hopefully i would find food. As i get down the stairs i am hit with the smell of food which leads me to what looked to be the kitchen from before, i enter the room to see Tommy and Wilbur bickering, Techno standing by himself obsserving them and Philza trying to keep them from killing each other.

"Guys! Please! Calm down!" Philza pleads to the two boys. "He started it!" Tommy, otherwise known as the gremling child tries to defend himself. I let out a small laugh at the scene before i lock eyes with techno before he quickly looks away, 'was he looking at me? anyways... i should probably thank him for everything.' i think to myself, i then walk over to him and give him a light tap on the shoulder.

"Hey uhm Techno?" He does not look up at me but lets out a soft hum showing hes paying attention. "I just wanted to say-" "EXACTLY TOMMY!" Wilbur yells, cutting me off, again. without realising i am now looking over at what they were doing and Wilbur is laughing loudly as Tommy rambled about something being unfair but quickly gave up when he realises he wont be able to win.

"Now that that's solved, lets eat." Philza says out loud, mostly directed towards the two boys that had just been yelling their lungs out. Everyone takes a seat at the table with six seats. Wilbur sat next to Techno and i sat on the opposite side in the middle of Phil and Tommy, facing Wilbur. In short everyone starts to dig into their food while holding up some small talk. i on the other hand, i pick on my food a bit but i am still hesitant to eat any of it.

i take a small piece of food on my fork and put it in my mouth, slowly chewing on it. "Y/N? is everything okay?" Phil asks with a slight concern in his eyes. "yeah, i uh- just need to go to the bathroom real quick." Phil nods at me and i rush upstairs, but instead of going into the bathroom i enter the room i will be staying in. i close the door behind me and go lay down on my bed with a sigh. it didnt take long before i allow myself to slowly drift to sleep.


YO, GUESS WHO IS BACK, sorry i took a break i had a lot of exams and stuff PLUS my birthday was yesterday, may 19th babyyy!

but yeah im back now and ill try and keep updating this book, ok ty have a good day :]

1935 words

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