Chapter 46

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I heard a faint creek from Techno's chair as he sat down and scooted a bit closer to me. I rubbed my eyes roughly with the palms of my hands before opening them up and squinting at the light in the room. As I get used to the light I glance over at Techno who was removing a braid in his hair. He had a hair tie in his mouth as he ran his hands through his long, now wavy, pink hair.

I sat up on the bed while I continued to look over at the piglin. He glances back at me and quickly lets go of his hair and grabs the hair tie before heading over to the bed and lightly putting his hand on my head, being careful when pushing my head back down on the pillow. "You need to take it easy, Y/N." He said before sitting down on the bed next to me.

I lift my head back up with as I roll my eyes at him. "Techno, I am fine! Promise!" I properly sit up next to him, and he didn't protest. "If you say so, but you are staying here for a bit." He mumbles as he bites hold of the hair tie once more and grabs his hair and begins dividing it into three parts.

I scoot closer before moving his hands away seeing that he was struggling a bit and started braiding his hair for him, not that I was great but still. His thick hair was a bit tricky to put into such a thick braid, but the fact that it was already wavy helped. He removed the tie from his mouth and sat still while he held it. "Thanks, Y/N."

I smile slightly as I carefully braided the rest of his hair. I put my hand on his right side, and he places the tie in my hand, so I can finish the rest of the job. Letting go of him, I scoot back as I admire my, not so perfect, work. "No problem!" Techno ran his hand over the braid and smiled to himself as he faced me.

"I was planning on going to the book store in a moment. I've got to grab some books for Phil and Wilbur. Will you be okay on your own for a bit?" He asks calmly as he stares at me. "Techno, I had a bad dream, I am not dying or anything! I will be just fine!" I crack out a small giggle after I finish my sentence.

The pink haired hybrid silently nods as he gets up from the bed, stretching out his arms with a loud crack. I watch him make his way over to his messy desk and move around papers and books. "You can borrow anything in my room while I am gone as long as you give it back. You can also use my pc, just ask Phil about the password."

I quietly nod as I watch him bring up a bag to his shoulder, tossing it in front of him before stuffing his stuff into it. "Want me to pick up anything for you?" I get up and help him get prepared by handing him anything out of reach and handing him his phone. "Um, if you find anything cool, sure, but otherwise I am good."

He thanks me for the help as he properly puts on his bag and stuffs his phone into his pocket. "Okay, call me if you need anything, even if you need Tommy to shut up." Techno replied with a soft laugh he pat me on the head before walking out his room. I follow him down the hall and down the stairs with some small talk as he got ready.

After he tied his shoes I stood making small talk with him before he said goodbye and left. I let out a small sign before I hear shouting from the living room and decide to see what was going on. "COME ON!" I heard Tommy yell between laughs as they got louder the closer you got. I peek into the larger room and see the five of them playing something on the console connected to the television.

"What on earth are you guys yelling about?" I ask as I walk over and stand behind the couch between Jack's and Tommy's heads. "Tommy thought he was the best at Mario Kart, but he has done nothing but crash into a wall!" Tubbo answered my question before grabbing one of the controllers and getting ready to play the next race.

"Want to join? You can have my turn if you want?" Jack asked holding the controller out towards me so that I could grab it, but I lightly push it back towards him. "No, thank you, Jack. I'm going to go just outside for some fresh air. Can one of you guys call me back inside when it's time for dinner?" Everyone that wasn't too focused on the screen nodded or gave me thumbs up as I headed towards the front door.

I tossed on my jacket and shoes before bringing out my half dead phone from my pocket. I open the door, the cold breeze hitting me in the face as I stepped outside, closing the door behind me before taking a deep breath of the fresh afternoon air. The gravel and pavement crunching underneath my steps as I walked away from the house and back into the nearby forest, heading towards the same spot me and Wilbur had hung out at once.

I brush some of my hair out of my face as I walk in the quiet forest, branches snapping under my shoes and birds adding to the low wind howl. I spot the spot in the distance and make my way over there, with a small huff I sit down against a sturdy tree. It was nice to get away from the suffocating atmosphere in the house for a moment and let my thoughts swirl around in my head.

 I close my eyes as I hum to myself, focusing on all the things I could feel as I sat there. The uneven forest ground, roots and stones stabbing into my skin when I moved around, the bark against the back of my head and the feeling of spit on my leg - wait, what!? Ew! I open my eyes and in front of me was someone I quickly recognized, his friend stood next to him. 

"Look what I found, George!" The black haired man laughed as he ran a hand though his hair, quickly putting his hands into the pockets of his black pants as he towered over me. "What now, Sapnap?" The brown haired man next to Sapnap asked before he lifted his eyes from his phone and lifted his white glasses, smiling as he spotted me. "Would you look at that!"

I glare at the two guys playing tough in front of me and roll my eyes with a groan. "What do you guys want? Can you leave me alone?" Sapnap pretended to get offended as he brought a hand up to his mouth with a small gasp, causing George to chuckle next to him. "It speaks!" George was standing with his phone in his hand like an annoying school kid trying to catch a video for his snap story while giggling, tho I doubt he actually did that. And Sapnap laughed at his own joke while facing George, facing me once more before speaking up.

"Chill out kid, no need to be so sensitive!" Sapnap straightened his back as he held his hands in his pockets with a grin. "We are looking for Wilbur, who better to ask than you." Sapnap said in a more serious tone, his grin barely showing as he stared at me as he spoke in a monotone manner, George stood beside him like a lost puppy.

"Wilbur is not home." Was all I said before brushing off small pieces of dirt and trying to get rid of the spit on my clothes. I stand up, the two boys barely backing away as they watched me get up. Sapnap put one of his hands on my shoulder with a tight grip making me slightly flinch. "Well when you see him, tell him his buddies want to talk with him." He let go of me with a push as I bumped against the tree behind me. 

He leaned back as the grin plastered across his face once more. "Let's head out, George. See you around kid!" He said as he turned around, waving at me with no real effort as the two of them laughed while walking away. I stuck my tongue out at them before remembering once more that he had just spit on my leg which made me feel grossed out, deciding to head back home and change.

I made my way through the forest, slowly pushing open the door once I reached the house, walking in. "I am back!" I yelled for anyone who was listening. I take off my jacket and shoes, letting out a tired sigh before I heard yelling from the kitchen. "TOMMY! WHAT THE FUCK!" I decided to check the yelling out before I went and changed. 

Entering I see Tommy and his friends making what looked like hot chocolate and Tommy was getting yelled at by Tubbo while Jack laughed. "What on earth are you guys yelling at?" I walked closer to investigate what they are doing. "Tommy burned the god-damn milk!" Tubbo answered as he pointed to Tommy who was awkwardly cackling. "Tom..." I said as I watched the blonde crack up even more, tapping the counter as he laughs.


HELLOOOO I am back! I started writing on something else that I have yet to post and got caught up in drama, apologies for that!

But I am back now, and will try to post more. <3

Love you all so much take care! <3


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