Chapter 24

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Before I could fully comprehend his words and turn around I jump at the feeling of someone's hands on my shoulders. "BOO!" "HOLY!-" I quickly snap my head back to see Tommy laughing hysterically beside me causing Wilbur to burst out in laughter too. "You should have seen your face, Y/N!" Tommy said between laughs as he sits down next to me.

"You jerk!" I said as I pushed him ever so lightly as to not cause him to fall off the chair. Only now did I realize that Tommy also looked different than before, his hair was more golden than before and he had a pair of golden wings shooting out of his back, but nowhere near as big as Phils. But I decided to try and brush it off for now and just ask Phil about it later.

"You guys are such bullies!" I whine as I continue to eat the snack Wilbur made me, meanwhile, they both just continued laughing hysterically. Tommy lightly banged on the table with his hand while Wilbur was nearing the floor more and more with each laugh. 

"What is going on in here?" It was Phil speaking and I quickly looked at him while still eating my sandwich as I took the opportunity to whine. "Phil! Wilbur and Tommy are being jerks!" I dragged out the words. Phil patted me on my back as he walked by me. "Guys, be nice to Y/N! They just got home a couple of hours ago!" I finished the last piece as I got out of my seat. "Exactly!" I muttered out as I crossed my arms, pretending to be mad, but quickly broke character as a smirk made its way across my face.

"You little mischievous shit!" Wilbur spat at me (not literally) with a laugh showing he was not upset meanwhile Tommy just agreed with everything Wilbur said. "Mate! Quiet down! You are going to wake up the whole neighborhood! You already woke up me and Tubbo." Phil grumbled out as he poured up a drink for himself. 

Only now did it cross my mind that I had not seen Tubbo since the last time I saw Slimecicle, Quackity and we all know who else. The time when I practically had to run away from there with the help of my family. "Let's go prank him!" Tommy burst out while jumping on the spot catching us all off guard, giving him everything from confusing to disapproving glances

"Oh come on!" Tommy whined as he crossed his arms with a small huff. "Wilbur! You agree with me, right?" At which Wilbur just shrugged with a small smirk on his face growing bigger by the second. Phil on the other hand just rolled his eyes before taking a big sip of his drink. "Y/N, I would like to talk with you for a moment, are you okay with that?" Phil said softly, which I nodded at, I think we both needed to talk about everything that went down before looking at Wilbur and Tommy nodding for them to leave which they quickly did.

Phil took a seat and I mimic his actions of sitting down, only a small sigh escaping his lips before we are both met with silence, waiting for one another to start talking. "Y/N, about your scars and sudden ability to um... how do I phrase this, see and hear things. Has gotten me a bit worried if I am to be fully honest." I was not very taken aback since I had anticipated this conversation since I first saw him that night with his new pair of wings.

"Well I'm not quite sure what you want me to say, I mean... I'm not even so sure myself of what happened." I said softly as I stretched out my arm in front of me and Phil twisted my arm around while looking at the light scars. "I barely even notice them anymore, they are just kind of there. They don't hurt, they are not that visible." Phil nodded while still eyeing my arm before making eye contact. "Y/N, what about y'know, school, and stuff? will you be able to do stuff like that normally?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes "Dadza- I- um, Phil. They are barely an issue! Look at me, I'm doing alright, don't worry so much." I gave a reassuring smile and Phil smiled back, patting my shoulder slightly before getting up, his larger black wings spreading out slightly as if stretching before being brought back perfectly to his sides. "If you say so Y/N, then I will just have to trust your judgment." I muttered out a small "Thank you." before I ran out of the room on a search for Wilbur and Tommy.

Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now