Chapter 40

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//Tommy's POV// 
(Switching things up for a bit!)

I wake up with a loud groan and yawn, mumbling something about how uncomfortable my bed was as I quickly get up. I run my fingers through my hair with another groan before making my way downstairs, where I heard faint yelling. As I drag my feet down the stairs, low stomps were heard with each step I took down the beautiful staircase. I make my way towards the backyard where all the talking grew louder and while rubbing my tired eyes I peek out at Techno, Wilbur and Phil who were all looking around and had worried expressions plastered on their faces. But glancing around, I took note that Y/N wasn't around and in a tired voice I ask.

"What's with all the yelling? Where is Y/N?" Which caused Phil to and Wilbur to quickly glance over at me, Techno just lost in his own thoughts like usual. "Y/N went out into the forest roughly 15 minutes ago or so and haven't returned." Phil spoke in a low, yet worried tone. I respond with a confused glance, my wings slightly flapping as I tried to shake myself awake, confident that I misheard it all. "The forest? Huh?" I look around to read everyone's expressions and body language as I grew a bit worried myself.

Techno was stood mumbling to himself a bit further away from the rest of us, he had his hands near his face as he paced back and forth. Wilbur was tapping his foot and picking on his fingers as he looked at me with a frown. And Phil was stood up straight, his wings neatly by his side as he held one of his hands on Wilbur's shoulder and with a slight stern frown making its way onto his face.

"There is no time to explain, we need to go and look for them." Phil snapped a bit harsher than usual as he let go of Wilbur and spread out his wings. "You three stay here, and don't move until I am back, I'll scope out the area." was all that Phil said as he mumbles something under his breath before he took off. I shake my head again in slight confusion before facing Wilbur wanting answers. 

But instead of answering my obvious confusion, he just glanced at our pink haired brother, "Techno?" but it failed to snap him out of his rambling, so I tossed a small pebble at his head, which did the trick. "Heh?" he said as he turned his gaze to us. "You don't think anything bad happened... right?" Wilbur said as he scratched the back of his head with a forced smile.

Techno stayed silent for a moment. "Right...?" Wilbur tried again as Techno scoffs. "I'm going to look after them." He mumbles before walking in the direction of the forest, me and Wilbur rushing after him, Wilbur trying to convince him to just stay at home and me following along because I didn't want to be left alone. Techno suddenly stops and turns to face Wilbur, an expression of worry and frustration like I've never seen. "Phil might have the view from the sky. But he doesn't have any of our strong suits. Either you come along and help me out, or you can do a 180 and go home." Techno scoffs once more before carrying on, looking around every tree for any signs of Y/N.

//Y/N's POV//

I groan out loudly as a sharp pain makes its way over practically my whole body, and a shiver makes its way down my spine as I sit on the cold ground, trying to bring my legs up to my chest for support. I adjust my eyes to the slightly dim room, realizing where I was quite quickly when I noticed the beaten wooden door, my old bed and my old desk, I was right back in my old room. After adjusting to my surroundings, I got up to my feet with a slight wobble. 

I started feeling after my phone or something that could help me get out, but of course all of it was gone. With a slight shake I make my way over to the wooden door that stood between me and what I thought would be the death of me so many times before, and tugging slightly on the door it opened without a noise as I had figured out exactly how to open every door in this house without noise.

Taking slow and careful steps towards the staircase, I stand at the top and look towards the front door, which stood unattended. Taking my chances, with just a tiny bit of hope, I make my way down the stairs with ease and towards the door, the same door that had been my escape before. But upon tugging at the handle, I noticed that the door was locked up tight. There goes that plan.

"You didn't think that would work... did you?" I spin around and see a boy with a pair of large fox ears and a bushy fox tail, taking a moment before realizing it was Fundy. "Fundy? Why on earth are you here?" he crossed his arms to my question. "Making sure you don't go wandering around. I left you alone for roughly 10 minutes, and you are already trying to escape...? Come on, follow me and things won't have to get ugly." Fundy said in a harsh yet unsure tone, trying to put on a stern face, but his worry was showing. 

Noticing that he seemed more worried than me was enough to make me listen to his order and with quiet steps I followed the fox who had his hands stuffed into his pockets. Uneasy, we both made our way down the familiar corridors before making a turn to a large door made in a darker oak, Fundy pushing it open and practically rushing me inside. There were three very familiar faces. To the left stood Quackity with his arms crossed and embarrassed facial expression, next to him was the person I quickly recognized as Charlie, in more proper clothing though as he smiled.

And last but not least, in the chair behind the desk sat the one and only powerful man, Schlatt twirling a glass around in his hand, and the typical stench of alcohol and smoke made its way to my nose. "Y/N! So glad to see you here once again." The ram hybrid chuckled as he smiled at me. "Come closer! Don't be shy." He spoke in a friendly manner, although I knew it was everything but friendly.

Stepping right up till I was in front of his desk and looking him dead in the eyes. "Would you look at yourself." He mumbled as he stopped moving the glass of alcohol in his hand. "You have changed quite a bit since you were last in this house, you know..." I just stood quiet looking at him, just about ready to leave all of this behind once more. Putting down the glass, he leaned back and looked at me with a frown.

"Seemingly for the worse. Y/N, you have to realize that they don't ACTUALLY care about you. Look at how much you had to change before you could feel part of them." He looked me dead in the eyes, trying to read any kind of emotion or body language that he could catch, as he maintained a frown. "I'm sorry about what I did in the past, I should have realized how horrible it all was." The ram continued as he stood up with a slow breath through his nose.

"It, truly, pains me to see you like this. They made you into a monster." He continued on as I stiffen up at the mention of the word monster, thinking about the time Techno slipped up and called me something similar, all while taken aback by the sudden apology and confused as to what he was talking about. "Y/N, I don't want you to be surrounded by such a bad influence." I could feel everyone's eyes on me and him hiding a smile behind a concerned frown.

"You don't have to say anything, just know that I am doing what's best for you, Phil, and all of those idiots would never do something like this for you." While holding his hands behind his back, Quackity walks up to me and hands me my phone while avoiding any eye contact. "Sorry about taking your stuff, just had to make sure you wouldn't try to contact any of those mean, mean, people. You may leave."

And with that, he practically kicked me out of the room without letting me process anything that just happened, Fundy showing me the way out of the room and back to the front area like I haven't been here so many times before. "Sorry." was the only thing Fundy muttered out before he left me on my own.

Making my way back to my room, as I look through my phone I notice everything related to anyone I had called family was gone and now all I had left in my contacts was Quackity, Fundy and Schlatt. Not even Charlie. I lay down on my bed staring at noting while I thought about what I had been told. It was true that I had changed a lot. Maybe what he said about them being a bad influence was true. But then why would they take such good care of me? None of it made sense as I laid there, glancing at the contacts.

//Wilbur's POV//
(Another little switch up for a tiny bit.)

The three of us were still walking around the forest, but then I spotted something or rather someone in the distance and without telling the other took off running while yelling. "Phil!" I could see him quickly spin up before having a slightly disappointed look on his face. "I told you all to stay at the house!" By now, Tommy and Techno had caught up to me. Techno tried to open his mouth to explain, but Phil shook his head, which made us silent. 

"I think I have a good clue on where Y/N could be." Phil said, waving a yellow feather in our faces. "That just looks like one of Tom's feathers...?" I mumble, confused, as Techno cut me off. "It's a duck feather, you idiot." I roll my eyes at his comment while Tommy connected the dots. "Quackity...?" The younger blonde asks as the rest of us nod. 

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go find Y/N!" Tommy yells a lot more energetic and positive than before. Which lightened the mood quite a bit, but I still had a slight bad feeling about it all. But trying to ignore it, I force a chuckle and mess with Tommy's hair as we made our way over towards the big house we had seen many times before. Tommy practically skipping in front of us, Phil just trying to steady himself, Techno lost in his thoughts once more and me just fidgeting with my fingers as we walked.


HELLOO!!! Another chapter!! I am so sorry for the wait, I completely forgot about this story for forever! But I will try to update it a bit more!!

Also! Should I lean into Y/N trusting Schlatt over Phil and the rest or should Y/N realise that Schlatt is trying to kinda get to their head and go with Phil and the rest right away?

I love you all, stay safe <3


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