Chapter 31

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I was praised by both Techno and Phil each time I managed to get it right, and after a couple of hours of training my ability to use my mimic ability I was bored and exhausted. That was when Phil decided we should go inside and eat something, which we did before Techno took off to work on his homework in his room and Phil got ready to go set up a pc Tommy had recently been given.

I on the other hand decided to look through any homework I had to do, which was nothing big besides my mythology assignment, which I worked on for about 1 hour. Ready for a break again, I walk into Tommy's room to find Phil. Tommy's room was messy and was themed in red, white and blue. "Hey, Phil? I was thinking since the boys end school soon, I could meet them outside of school and walk with them home, I need some fresh air."

He put down a screw as he looked at me. "Alright, but Y/N, please be careful." He smiled softly, and I smiled back before nodding, waving and walking downstairs, throwing on the usual shoes and my coat before opening the door. "I'm leaving now!" I step outside, but before I close the door I hear Techno yelling "Y/N! Wait! I'll come with you." I roll my eyes, but wait for him to put on some kind of boots and his iconic royal mantel, topped with his crown that he had snatched back from me.

The walk to school was mostly quiet, only talking occasionally when we spotted something. Then we reached the school, approaching the larger building and waiting by the front doors for the iconic bell to ring. Which it soon did, and the growing sound of people talking and yelling grew louder as we step away from the doors.

We glance around for a moment before I spot Ranboo thanks to his height and Tommy thanks to his wings. "Tommy!" I yell, waving towards the blonde which catches his attention, He says something to the people around him which I can't hear before he runs over to us. "What are you two doing here?" Tommy grins at his own comment.

"We needed some fresh air, figured we would walk you two home. Speaking of which, where is Wilbur?" Tommy seemed just as confused by this as he glanced back to his friends and shrug. "Well on our way out, Dream stopped us, Wilbur said he was going to talk to him and-" Techno took off and hastily walked inside the school, throwing open the doors.

//TW: mentions of blood, injuries, fighting(?), threats//

"What the..." I mumble before following after him, Tommy soon behind me after he waves to his friends to wait for him. Following Techno, the growing sound of talking gets louder. "You and your family of freaks fucked up for the last time, Wil." I recognize the voice as Dream's and my heart starts beating faster than before.

"What the fuck?!" Tommy yells as we all turn the corner at the sight of Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad and Wilbur. Wilbur, coughing on the ground, Dream with a severe nosebleed and Bad with a black eye and a medium-sized, mostly healed scar on his cheek. Everyone's eyes shifted to us, the Dream Team looking pissed and Wilbur worried.

"Speaking of the freaks." George spits out in a harsh tone, crossing his arms. Sapnap started grinning as he leaned onto Bad, which made the taller demon flinch. "Techno! Old friend. A little bird told me you decided to have a little talk with my buddy Bad, huh?" Dream said, motioning towards Bad, who looked on edge, staring at the ground away from everyone.

"I was just looking for answers I knew he would have." Techno scoffs before Sapnap speaks up. "So you had to give him a black eye and scar?" Techno gives a sinister grin. "And I'll do the same to all of you if you don't leave my family alone. Besides, isn't that how you guys settle things? By talking." Techno motions to Wilbur, who was drying off some blood of his hands on his shirt.

Dream motions for the others to step back, and they do as told, allowing me and Tommy to get closer and help Wilbur up, not that he was badly wounded. That was when Sapnap snatched a grip of my wrist reeling me closer to him before pushing me into Bad, who took a firm grip of my shoulder, letting his claw like fingers sink into my shoulder ever so slightly.

"You see, Techno. Ever since you and your little friends showed up, you have caused nothing but problems." Dream says stepping closer while Tommy, Wilbur, George and Sapnap stepped aside. "And for what?" Dream spoke, shifting from a grin to a blank stare. 

"You fucked up things for nobody but yourself when you start beating up people that have done nothing towards you." The room was silent for a long moment before Techno looked at Bad. "You can let them go now. You already fucked them up enough, don't need to scar their shoulder too." Bad tensed up at Techno's words, which earned a smirk and glance from Dream. 

Bad took a shaky breath before pushing me towards Techno and hiding his hands back in the pocket of his hoodie, looking ashamed. Techno gives one last glance before the Dream team stays behind as we walk out the building. We made our way around the corner before we did a checkup on everyone. "Y/N? Are you okay?" Wilbur was the one to ask. 

"Yeah. Just fine." I reply, not even looking at him. "What about you, Wilby?" Tommy was the one to ask. "I can walk just fine, just a bad taste in my mouth." The rest of the walk down the hall was quiet and awkward before Tommy rushed to his friends, giving them some excuse about having to rush home before we all walk back home, slowly but safely.

Once home, I threw off shoes and coat before walking into my room, closing the door before leaning against it as I sat on the floor. Tommy has followed Wilbur and Techno to the bathroom to check if he was wounded. I feel myself begin to tremble, frustrated and overwhelmed, before I hear a soft knock on my door. "Y/N...?"

this chapter was pretty rushed but i really felt like i should post more sdfgjhdkrg

so another chapter!! woo :]

ily <3


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