Chapter 32

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"Who-" I begin to yell at the wooden door before I hear a faint wince. "It's Phil, can I come in?" I take a deep breath, staring down at myself before getting up and opening the door just enough to let Phil in and see Tommy's concerned glance before closing the door, leaning against it, not looking at Phil.

Phil sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to him, I sit down next to him, giving a nervous glance as he lets his wings rest around my back as a form of comfort. "I heard from Tommy what happened. Techno also mentioned your shoulder being wounded..." I lightly hold my own shoulder, realizing how badly it hurt.

"Is... Wilbur okay?" I whisper just loud enough that it was heard as he nods. "The others are just fine." Phil looks at my shoulder before removing his wings from my back. "Let's take a look at your shoulder." I nod as I move any fabric out of the way, revealing small scratch marks that cut a tiny bit into my skin. "Right, stay here while I get the first aid bag from the bathroom." 

After a couple of minutes of talking and sounds of movement outside my door, Phil walked back in, closing the door behind him before walking back up to me and starting with carefully cleaning the wound, humming softly. As he then patches the wound up, he starts talking. "They are all pretty worried for you, especially Tommy." 

He pauses to pick up the final stuff needed before continuing. "Well, Wilbur trusts you are okay. You are strong after all." Phil then puts away all the equipment as I move my clothes back on properly. "Thank you." I stand up and so does he as well as we both walk towards my door. I open it for him and thank him once more as I'm holding my door open for him.

"I'll make us all something to eat, aight?" I nod as he walks off. I look to my side and see Tommy glancing towards me, and I smile. Glancing towards Wilbur's and Techno's door, both closed, I decide to walk over into Tommy's room. His look changing from concern to pure happiness as I playfully push him aside as I step inside his room.

"You jerk!" Tommy yelled, closing his door fully as he laughs. I lay down on his bed, which had thick red sheets and comfy white pillows. He had a television playing across from his bed, a gaming setup in the corner, and the rest of his room was just a mess. "Hey uh, Y/N? I don't mean to be nosy, but your shoulder...? Are you alright?" I give a smile and nod.

"Yeah, I'm doing alright. What about you guys, tho?" I sit up on his bed looking at him as he sits in his gaming chair comfortably. "Wilbur doesn't have any wounds, and I'm fine now knowing you are okay. Techno seemed a bit upset, tho." I don't say much as I lay back down with a sigh. Tommy sits down on the bed next to me, glancing at the television as he leans back, so he is resting his back on me.

"Tommy! You have a bed to lay on!" I jokingly whine, dragging out my words with a giggle. "You are laying across the whole thing! Move over a bit!" He responds, shoving me more to one side of the bed before laying down next to me. "Aww, does someone want affection?" I laugh as he flips me off, ranting about how he just wanted to lay down, and I was in the way.

"Whatever you say." I move around a bit before laying down a bit higher than him, so I could see the television properly with his big head in the way. "Stop moving around, dickhead!" I ruffle his hair before laying down comfortably. "Stop complaining!" I say between laughs as I could hear him mumbling to himself.

Tommy reached for his phone as he opened up YouTube. "Want to watch Markiplier?" he asked, taping away at his screen, and I hum for a moment before nodding my head. The video soon started playing with the iconic "Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier." seemingly booming out in the whole room.

A loud knock came from the door, but neither of us got up to open. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Tommy yelled without warning, causing me to smack him lightly on the head. Glancing at the door, I saw Wilbur leaning on his door, crossing his arms. "Are you guys deaf or something?" He slammed the door behind him as he entered Tommy's room, marching towards us, snatching Tommy's phone and lowering the volume on his phone.

Wilbur tosses Tommy's phone back to him before sitting on the edge of the bed, where there was a little empty spot. We stayed like that for quite some time before Tommy got bored and started moving about, causing me to also sit up and for Wilbur to complain. This led to us eventually joking about and tossing pillows at each other. 

"You will never take me alive!" Tommy yells while running out the door, me and Wilbur chasing soon after as we run around the halls, eventually down the stairs and into the living room as Tommy jumps onto one of the couches face-planting on the pillows and hard fabric. "I give up." can be heard, somewhat drowned out by the pillows.

But that didn't stop Wilbur from hysterically laughing as he hit Tommy with a pillow, and a muffled screech came from the younger boy. "YOU-!" Tommy yelled, lifting his head up to stare at Wilbur, only to gain another hit on his head. "WHAT THE FUCK, WILBUR!" Tommy yelled, getting up and trying to steal the pillow, which Wilbur easily held out of reach.

Now all of us were laughing and joking around before the smell of fresh food hit our noses, and we rushed to the kitchen. "Good timing! Go take a seat by the table, and I'll be there in a moment." Phil smiled as he spoke. We all rushed to the table where Techno was already sitting, looking awfully down in the dumps.

I sat down, Techno on my right and Wilbur on my left, with Tommy across of me. The table was already set with food, plates, forks, knives and glasses, and very properly at that, so I figured Techno must have helped. I felt a light tap on my shoulder to my right and looked over at Techno, who had a nervous, small smile on his face as he leaned a bit closer, whispering. "Hey um, Y/N. Sorry for earlier today. I don't know what I was thinking." He quietly spoke, using basically no body language.

I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head, mouthing the words. "No worries." I sat back properly and Techno did the same, looking a lot less nervous. Meanwhile, Tommy and Wilbur were yelling at each other. Phil soon came and sat down next to Tommy, across of Wilbur, but only after breaking up their little argument.

We then ate the food, cracking jokes and mostly making fun of Tommy. Once we were all done eating, we helped clean the table before taking off to our own rooms. Exhausted, I swung open my door, barely closing it behind me as I laid down and soon fell asleep.


Hello!! Sorry for the wait, school started again, and I've been mad busy with that!

But here is another chapter!! I'll try not to take as long with the next one :]

ily <3 


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