Chapter 42

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My gaze was stuck on the ground as I walked down the forest path that leads back home. I couldn't stop thinking about Charlie and Quackity for some reason, it didn't make any sense. "Hellooooo, Y/N?" Tommy said as he waved his hands in my face. I look up at him slowly as he grins. Next to him was Wilbur and Techno who were chatting and to my right was Phil. "Oh, sorry, I must have zoned out there for a bit."

"For a bit? You have been admiring the ground for the past five or ten minutes!" Phil chirped in with a low chuckle. "What's on your mind, Y/N?" Phil continues to ask as he places one of his hands on my shoulder. "Charlie and Quackity." I answer as I look up at the Elytrian hybrid. "They are not bad people. They are just trying to avoid trouble." I said in a soft tone as I look back on the ground.

"Y/N, You can't be sure of that. For all we know, they are the reason you were there in the first place. They are just as bad as Schlatt." Phil said with a sigh as he walked next to me. I move away my shoulder so that his hand loses the grip on me, then I stop walking. This caused all of them to also stop and turn to look at me. "Charlie and Quackity, even Fundy, tried to protect me from him, they are nothing alike." I mumble just loud enough to be heard by the four of them.

"Wait, what? Fundy?" Wilbur asked, confused as to how he never heard anything about him working with the rest of them. "That's not what they are trying to say, Idiot!" Tommy said rather harshly. "We can discuss this further at home." The shorter blonde Elytrian said bluntly as he continued walking. "Come on, Y/N. Let's talk more about it in my room." Techno said lowly next to me before he also started walking

Soon enough, all of us were walking once again. Our home could be seen between a few of the trees and other plants that were growing around us. Tommy and Wilbur started racing each other with laughs and yelling, meanwhile, me, Techno and Phil just calmly walked the rest of the way. Once we reached the driveway of sorts, we could see, and hear, Tommy yelling about cheating and Wilbur laughing his ass off.

We all made our way into the house and start taking off our shoes. It was first now I remembered I was wearing Quackity's jacket. I decided to take it off and then tie it around my waist, and did just that. Wilbur and Tommy had rushed into the living room, arguing over the television, and Phil had headed off to his own room. "Hey." Techno said in his same monotone voice as he tapped my shoulder and nodded towards the staircase. 

Once we walked up the stairs and in to his room together, he closed the door and took a seat on his bed, I soon sat down next to him. He placed his hand on my back and starting moving it around in circles as I leaned against the side of him, staring at my hands as I fidgeted with my fingers. "You believe me, right?" I practically whisper as I look up at the pink haired hybrid next to me. I watch as he slowly nods.

"You would have no reason to lie." he replied with a huff as he patted me on the back. I nod slowly as well as I looked back down on my hands. That was when I felt a low vibration in my pocket and brought out my phone to see a new message. I glance over it but pay it no mind as I quickly shove away my phone again. "Yeah I don't. So why would Phil not believe me?"

Techno shrugs slowly as he hums. "It's Phil we are talking about, he is probably just trying to keep you safe." I nod at his response with a heavy sigh before a heavy silence filled the room. Only our breathing and the sound of Techno's heart was what I could hear. It was a comfortable silence, as much as I felt bad for leaving Quackity and Charlie, it was still nice to be back home.

The silence was broken by a loud Tommy bursting through the door, shouting and waving his hands around. "Are you guys DEAF?! I have been yelling your names from my room for AGES NOW!" the tall blonde complained. "I am about to BE deaf if you don't stop yelling!" I yelled back as I threw the nearest pillow at the screeching boy, causing him to bring his left leg up to his stomach and cower away with a typical high-pitched noise.

A faint cackle can be heard down the hall which we all quickly realized was Wilbur, and the fact he heard Tommy's screech all the way down the corridor made Techno and I burst into laughter. "He could have laughed at something else! You assholes!" Tommy said as he pouted and crossed his arms. I quickly get up from the bed and nudge Tommy as I walk past him. "Let's go ask him then!" 

The two of us quickly started a chase towards the wooden door at the end of the corridor, shoving each other and giggling like little school girls as we did. Tommy easily reached the door first, having longer legs, and a crazy amount of energy. He knocked on the door in a pattern, and soon slowly swung open the door. "Ohh, Wilbuurr!"

Wilbur quickly clicked a button on his keyboard and swung around in his chair facing us. "What do you want?" the taller brunette asked calmly as he fidgeted with a strand of his hair. "Oooo! What are youuuu doing?" Tommy asked, dragging out the words as he walked further into his brother's room, shifting his weight onto Wilbur's shoulder as he looked at what he was doing.

"Tommy, move out of my face!" Wilbur complained as the younger blonde was practically sitting on him while looking around his computer. And with the click of a button he moved closer to the microphone propped up next to them both and with a grin started laughing. "HELLO CHAT!" I was still stood in the door opening, quietly giggling to myself at their behaviour.

Wilbur forced Tommy out of the way as he grabbed hold of the mouse and keyboard again as he opened minecraft back up. He took a quick glance at his chat, which was going crazy over Tommy's appearance. "Who's that? What, you don't know Tommy?" Wilbur said with a laugh as he continued to look at chat. 

That was when a lot of "BEHIND YOU!" and "HUH?!" filled the chat. And before he could react, I gripped a hold of his shoulders and shook him, making him jump in his seat with a quiet "Fuck-!" escaping his mouth. I laughed out loud before lowering my face until I could see my face in the tiny camera view and with a light smile and wave I said "Hello chat!"

HOLY! I had my laptop at some repair place and completely forgot about this story, I am SO SORRY OMG.

But yeah!! New chapter after ages, I do have some plans, so I think I will be motivated to update more! <3

Thank you, love you all <333


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