Chapter 45 (Late Halloween Special!)

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Someone suggested that I should write a Halloween chapter, as it just passed! This chapter won't have anything to do with the plot of the story and is merely for fun! :]


"Wilby! Hurry up! You are taking ages!" Tommy complained as he twirled a piece of his hair between his fingers while he leaned against the wall connected to the front door. It was Halloween, and like most families we were all getting ready to do some trick or treating, mostly because Tommy insisted on doing so. 

I was knelt down, trying one of my shoes before standing up and starting to tie the coat Wilbur had gifted me around my waist in case it got cold or started raining. Techno was next to the both of us, adjusting the boar skull covering his face that he had put together with Phil's help. "ONE MOMENT!" Wilbur shouted from upstairs as Tommy groaned out once more.

But eventually Wilbur showed up at the top of the decorated staircase, rushing down and hurrying to put on his shoes. "Finally! Let's go!" Tommy spat out before practically slamming open the door and marching out. We all grabbed our things and Wilbur locked the door behind us as Phil wasn't home.

Tommy was happily jumping around in front of the rest of us as we were walking through the dim forest. The wind shaking the leafs off their branches and hitting the ground with the rest of the crunchy leaves that we were now walking on. First now did I get a proper glance at everyone's costumes.

Tommy was wearing a black and red themed suit and tie that was finished with a pair of black gloves. His hair messy and with faint streaks of white in it, making it look less vibrant. Not only that, but with the help of Wilbur he had put on some red lenses and a pair of fake fangs, finishing up his 'hot vampire guy' look as he called it.

Wilbur was dressed up as a part skeleton with a few fake wounds on mainly his face and hands. It was surprisingly well-made, but I personally think that was just because Techno helped him paint the bones poking out the fake wounds.

Next up was Techno, his costume looked amazing. He and Phil had made a fake boar skull that he wore like a mask. It had faint red splashes on it and together with his amazing mask he was wearing a more fancy version of his royal cape. His pink hair, somewhat wet to add to the look and his crown resting comfortably on his head as he dragged a large blue painted sword behind him with his right hand.

Their costumes look amazing, and it almost made me a bit embarrassed that I didn't try to go all in. I was dressed up as a werewolf, wearing a pair of what looked like boots together with a pair of pants that were a bit torn at the knees. Next up, I was wearing a plain t-shirt with and the jacket I had tied around my waist. Tommy had also helped me to make my hair look more messy. I used the mimic type ability for a pair of ears, the fang-like teeth and a tail which looked a lot like Fundy's, just more brown.

"GUYS LOOK! THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE!" Tommy yelled from a bit in front of us. Moving his small wings closer to his body as he pointed towards what was looked at as town square. It was filled with people running around and chatting, large amounts of decorations such as lanterns and candy was seen all around. 

Tommy took off running like a kid at a zoo and Wilbur having responsibility over us panicked after the hyper blonde. I and Techno on the other hand made our way over there at a calmer pace, making small talk and chatting about any impressive costumes we spotted. "Hey, isn't that Aimsey, Niki and Jack?"

Without letting Techno respond, I carefully grabbed his hand and pulled him with me as I aggressively waved at the familiar faces. "You guys look great!" I complimented as they spotted us and waved back. Niki was dressed up in a witch dress and hat that was finished up with some really cool and pretty Halloween makeup on.

Aimsey was dressed up as a zombie, small blood splatters painted around her mouth, and they were wearing some baggy clothes to finish the look. Jack on the other hand was simply dressed as the clown he was. He was wearing a suit of sorts and had some face paint that looked to be either very rushed or he didn't have much art talent.

"Y/N! Techno! Holy shit! You guys look absolutely amazing!" Jack complimented as he stared in shock at our costumes. "Thank you! Yours is... also great!" I teased as I watched the group break into laughter. "Oh shit! Hey! Ranboo!" Aimsey interrupted the laughter as she started waving over to the large Enderman awkwardly standing around amongst the people.

I looked over at the taller hybrid as he talked to someone next to him, the crowd of people covering who it was. But sure enough they all soon made their way over here and who else would it be if not Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur. "Hey guys!" Tubbo greeted as he and the rest stopped by our little crowd.

I took a moment to look at the two new costumes. Tubbo was using his hybrid parts such as his small bee wings and antennas to his advantage as he dressed up as some kind of mutant insect. Ranboo on the other hand was wearing a skirt a sleeveless shirt of sorts with a blue tie. His look was finished up by a pair of what looked like arm warmers and a hint of blue in his hair.

"You guys look great! Holy fuck!" Tubbo said as he looked at everyone's costume. "You guys also look amazing!" I responded smiling at them both. I heard Tommy cracking up next to Ranboo as they laughed about something. "Enough standing around! Who is ready for some trick or treat?!" Wilbur spoke loud enough for most likely the whole town to hear, and we all start cheering and make our way to a house on the corner. 

One house after another roughly two or three of us walked up and knocked on a door as to not crowd them, and without surprise we always managed to gather the most candy when either Techno or Tubbo walked up to the door. "Look at all of this candy!" Tommy smiled as he shook around all the candy he had in his little Halloween bag. 

"Me and Techno got way more than you guys?" Tubbo chimed in, lost and confused as he glanced around. "No wonder! They probably think you are a literal child! And Techno looks scary!" Jack teased as he looked through his collection of candy to see if there was anything good.

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