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To sum it up; I'm unsure on how to carry on this story with all the recent stuff with the DSMP members along with a loss in motivation for this specific project. Might make a new story if it's something of interest.

Hello everyone! It feels a bit weird to be back and writing on Wattpad after being gone for so long, but I feel as if tho I should at the very least drop by to give a bit of information as to what i'm planning with this story and why it's been lacking updates.

I have had no motivation to keep on writing this story and it feels as if though I want to either switch up the direction it's going in or start a new story as a whole. I also don't know if much of anyone is still enjoying this story and wants it to continue, especially now with all of the recent members of the DSMP being cancelled and all.

If people request that O continue this story, then I have no real problem doing so, but I would like some input from all of you on how you want it to progress then. Should it go on like I originally planned? Should I try and remove certain people from the story? Stuff like that.

Thank you all for enjoying this story if you have, it's been so much fun reading your comments and knowing that there is people out there enjoying my story. I hope all of you are holding up well as well as staying safe and sound. That's all for now.

Technoblade never dies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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