Chapter 37

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I groan lowly as I slowly open my eyes, a pain spiking through my head causing my eyes to close again as I hold my face, trying to shut out the light. After having adjusted to the beaming light hanging in the ceiling, I took me a short moment to realize that I could only see out of my right eye, and that the room was completely white and that the bed I was laying on was stiffer than I could remember my own being.

"What the...?" I speak hoarsely while trying to sit up, taking in the new blurry surroundings. "Y/N! Are you okay?" The slightly blurry figure speaks from the door opening, and I quickly recognize the voice and slight hint of a vanilla scent as it being Techno. I felt his larger body wrap me into a careful hug before he sat down next to the bed.

"Oh good! They are awake." A strange voice calmly spoke up. "Sir, could you give me a moment with the patient?" The stranger continued, directed at Techno as he got up, patting my shoulder before the blurry pink mess vanished out the door and the stranger stepped closer. "Hello, Y/N! My name is Cara, but you can call me Puffy!" 

Her voice was soft and comforting as she carefully wrapped off a bandage that I didn't realize was wrapped around my head until now. Once it was off, I could feel the stinging sensation grow back in my face and wince slightly at the light. After I adjusted once more, she spoke up once more. "So, Y/N! I was told to take a look at your vision as you had apparently had some issues with it?"

I quietly nodded as she stood up and prepared a typical sight check, rolling down the poster like, letter filled tool that would help figure out how bad things were. She started with covering the eye that had been underneath the bandage and told me to read the letter until I couldn't any more. And I did just that, stopping after roughly the fifth row.

With a nod, she moved over to my other side, covering my other eye as I tried one more. After having let my eye really adjust to the surroundings, I started reading out the letter, stopping at roughly the fourth row.

She removed all the things and smiled at me softly. "Alright! Great job, Y/N." She stood up and fills in the information on a sheet of paper before she opens the door, inviting Techno back in. He hurried inside and stood awkwardly beside the bed, giving me a glance before he looked back at Puffy.

"So, by the looks of it, they might have good use for some glasses, but other than that their injuries look good enough to be allowed to leave. We have contacted the ophthalmologist next door, and you are allowed to swing by to get the glasses prescription before going home!" Puffy spoke calmly while writing down some final stuff on the sheet.

Techno thanked her and took my hand, helping me stand properly on my feet. We then went to the nearby bathroom and Techno handed me some clothes he had stuffed in his bag so that i could change. "I'll be right outside, don't rush." He spoke in the same monotone voice as always and I quietly nod, muttering a small "thank you." as I went and changed.

After having changed into the red hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants that techno had given me, as well as my shoes, we left and got me my glasses. After what then felt like ages, we finally got me my glasses that I quickly had thanked them for. According to Techno, roughly 2 hours had passed, and we were just now getting home.

Upon reaching our home and walking up the path leading to the place I called home, I nervously clenched onto Techno's sleeve, standing close by his side and mentally preparing myself to be bombarded by people. After taking a few deep breaths and pushing up the new glasses, I looked a Techno with a weak smile.

"Ready when you are." I whisper, loud enough for him to hear. He practically drags me to the front door as he pushes down the handle and swings open the door. "TECHNO IS BACK!" I hear Tommy yell followed by his quick steps from the living room, but he comes to a halt when he spots me and instead of worry, his face gets plastered with a huge grin.

"Y/N! YOU ARE HOME!" Tommy's loud yelling seemed to set off the alarm everyone had waited for, as everyone rushed to the front room in an odd rush. "Everyone! Give Y/N some space! They just got home from the hospital, for goodness' sake!" Phil said loud enough to be heard over all the questions and compliments.

They all listen to his request as they calm down, speaking slower and quieter while giving me my space to breath. We shared hugs and jokes as I took off my shoes and followed them to the living room after Phil told me to take it easy for a bit.

"I must admit, those are some dope glasses." Wilbur says with a wide smile as he plops down on one of the couches near where Techno was laying down, exhausted. I sit down next to Wilbur, and Tommy quickly takes the spot next to me. "So, um, what exactly happened?" I ask while fidgeting with the strings on the red hoodie I was wearing.

Tommy was the first one to speak up, telling me about how I hit my head really hard on my wall and how after that Techno had called an ambulance while the rest of them kept me company. "Yeah, you were gone for what? 2 days or something?" Wilbur said calmly as he turned on the television and left it on a low volume.

"Oh." was all I could get out as I sat there thinking about all the stuff I just got told as I blankly stared at the television screen. "But hey, you are home now, so cheer up a bit!" Tommy smiled as he spoke up in an oddly calm voice, and I nod, smiling back.

Techno on the other hand had managed to fall asleep on the other couch, snoring every so lowly as his body peacefully rises and falls back down in a rhythm. "Geez, It's nice to see him finally get some rest, he has been really worried about you these past days." Wilbur said nonchalant as he continued his staring at the screen.

"Really?" I asked with a yawn before stealing Wilbur's wrist to take a peek at his watch, it read 10:28PM. "Yeah, he really cares about you, y'know? He just isn't always the best at showing it is all." Wilbur said once more, even more nonchalant, if that was even possible, as he moved back his arm in a comfortable position.

I glance back at Tommy, surprised by how quiet he was, only to see he had also managed to pass out, resting most of his weight onto my shoulder. Seeing all of them sleep made me realize just how tired I was, and I nudge Wilbur's shoulder. "Will, I think I'm going to go sleep, can you take my spot, so Tommy won't wake up?"

He quietly nodded and in one motion I got up, and he took my spot with Tommy sleeping on his shoulder. I walk by Phil in his room while walking towards my room, knocking and stepping in upon hearing his voice. "I just wanted to say goodnight." I said with a yawn.

He moved away from his desk, gets up and walks up to me, giving me a quick hug. "Goodnight, Y/N, it's nice to have you home again." we both weakly smile before we part ways, him going back to his computer and me going to bed. Laying down on the bed like so many times before, and drifting off.


NEW CHAPTER!!! Sorry if this one was a bit boring compared to other ones, I needed a way to kinda move the story forward, next chapter will hopefully have more to it :]

I love you all so much <3 :D


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