Chapter 21

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None of us properly said goodbye to anyone before we all rushed outside and into the car while Tommy asked 100 questions, not getting a single reply tho. the rest of the ride home was quiet and nerve-racking, to say the least, but the second the car was parked we all flooded out of it and into the house. "Wilbur?" Phil yelled and waited for a response, anything, but nothing was heard.

With heavy steps Techno rushed up to Wilburs room, not bothering to take off his shoes. he opened up the door to be hit with the slight smell of smoke and an open window. rushing back down he shoots a glance at Phil and shakes his head. "you two go sit on the couch." Was all Phil said, but not as stern, more worried, as he and Techno stood talking to each other in the other room.

Tommy for once complied and did as told laying down on the couch and turning on the television. But I had a faint idea of where he would have gone. I creaked open the front door and without thinking twice closed it behind me and took off running into the forest. I heard Techno yelling behind me but I ignored it as I pushed through all of the bushes, twigs and nearly stumbled over every possible dent in the ground.

I duck behind a tree and start panting while attempting to catch my breath. A very faint clicking noise and rustle could be heard deeper into the forest. I move around trees and bushes, seemingly getting lost in this maze of a forest. The dark almost consumed everything around me as I followed the noise. "Wilbur...? Are you there?" I spoke in a shaky voice as I walk deeper into the forest, towards the growing sound of a clicking noise, accompanied by a faint growing smell of smoke.

!!TW: small blood/wound mention!!

A faint rumbling grows louder the closer I get, but something felt off. a shiver went down my spine as I neared the noise but was replaced with a small bit of relief as I find Wilbur leaning against a tree, but with a hooded girl hovering over him telling him to stop moving while cleaning a wound. she stops dead in her tracks when she sees me, but soon recognizes me and tries to smile. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Niki spoke softly which caused Wilbur to jolt up and look at me. "Y/N!" I walked over to both of them and Wilbur was badly beaten up, he had blood soaking up the cloth covering him and was dirty with twigs and leaves in his hair.

"Wilbur! hold still!" Niki said while carefully grabbing his arm and placing a bandaid across his arm. "That should be good enough!" Niki exclaimed happily before digging in her bag I only now realized she was wearing. she lifted out a small paper package and unwrapped it with the fresh smell of bread, handing out a good chunk to Wilbur and me which I happily thanked her for. nibbling on the soft bread while Niki and Wilbur talked was somehow calming, yet I couldn't shake the feeling something bad was about to go down. 

we sat just like that for a couple of minutes, the sky growing darker with each second passing. quietly chatting as Niki packed up her things, but our little chat was cut short as we heard a rustle and a pair of footsteps from nearby, typical luck. Wilbur was first to notice as he stood up, facing the noise while moving his hands into fists with a faint tint seemingly glowing in his eyes. Niki and I both also faced the direction of the noise before being met with a taller person.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Wilbur was the one speaking in an overly annoyed tone. I glance at the person standing in front of us. tall, brown hair, a pair of black sunglasses resting on their face, and wearing something that looked incredibly similar to Techno's style of fashion. They must have noticed me staring as they gave a soft smirk. "What? can I not see a couple of friends?" A low chuckle filled the tense situation. "Fuck off Eret." Eret shrugged off Wilbur's response and faced me. "No, but really, I'm here for the kid, on behalf of Quackity."

Wilbur got between me and Eret, seemingly upset with their talking. "Now why on earth would I just let that happen? Even better question, why isn't Quackity here themselves!" Wilbur spat out taking a few steps closer to Eret while flailing his arms in his face to show how annoyed he was. "Look, Wilbur. It's about the kid's father." everyone froze at the statement, but I was the most affected by the words as my hands started to tremble. "That... creature. is not their father-" "Well guess what Wilbur! the papers say otherwise! Now please just work with me for once and stop thinking about yourself for once!"

I didn't even notice that Niki had grabbed my shoulder to try and comfort me as I watched the two taller people argue. "I always tried to do what was best for all of us Eret! I sacrificed so much for all of you! you are the one that decided to fuck everything up and blame m-" Eret grabbed hold of the collar on the shirt of the other. "Wilbur. Schlatt is gone." There was a moment of shock before Eret let go of Wilbur and continued talking. "nobody knows if he just left for something..." Eret shot me a gesture. "or if it's even as serious as him being... permanently gone."

"How can I be sure you are not just lying..?" Eret noded towards behind all of us and there stood a taken-aback Phil with Tubbo cowering behind his legs. "Phil i-" Wilbur attempted, but was shot down with a singular look from Phil, but it felt like there was so much more to it. "Let's go home." was all Phil said before turning around and walking back home with Tubbo tailing after. Eret and Wilbur gave each other a glance before Eret and Niki started walking in the other direction.

I too began walking home, behind Wilbur. I gave a last glance back at Niki and Eret, that was when I spotted something glistering on the ground, Wilbur's lighter. without thinking much I ran to get it. trying to remove the few pieces of dirt that stuck to it. but when I looked back up, everyone was far gone. "oh shit... no no no!" I slowly began to panic before trying to walk the way I saw Wilbur last go. to no avail, I just ended up getting lost. in defeat, I sit down against a big tree and hide my face in my arms with a groan. "great." I muttered out as I got out Wilbur's lighter and began clicking down the button, watching the flame closely, lightly swaying back and forth.

"Oh! Hello there! Are you doing okay?" a familiar friendly voice asked. I peek over to my left and see a taller guy I recognize from school. "Oh, Uhm... kind of..?" the person dressed in black, red, a bit of gray, and brown kneels down, he was rather tall. "Hey! You are that kid from school... well, I don't know if you remember me, but you can call me Bad!" He stood up and reached out a hand to help me up, I smile and accept his offer as he pulls me up with ease. "Y/N." He smiled before his face lights up with excitement. "Here! Follow me, I want to show you something i think you might like..."

I take his gloved hand nervously once more before he starts dragging me through the forest. I know that I am not meant to follow or let alone trust strangers like this. but we were not strangers... right? we go to the same school after all, I am sure it will be alright.


another chapter! i have a few plans for upcoming chapters but ofc im happy to take ideas into count :D <3

anyways tytyty <334


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