Chapter 22

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Light crunching from the twigs and leaves under my feet as I'm dragged through the forest by Bad who was happily humming as he came to a halt. "It's right over there!" He said with a smile while pointing forward, only now glancing at me to try and get an understanding of how I was feeling. I tried to remain calm and not show the fact that I was feeling pretty unsure, but he managed to pick up on how I was feeling almost instantly.

The taller guy patted me on my head twice to try and calm me or something. "Don't worry so much, I'm sure you will love it as much as the others!" And with that, he started tugging me with him as he went down a pretty sketchy-looking, overgrown alleyway, leaving me to wonder who else he was talking about. Down a stone path, we entered a spacious room of sorts, red plants growing up the walls. As we walked further in there was a strange feeling about the dimly lit place I was standing in, and Bad must have noticed my hands softly trembling despite how badly I tried to hold them still.

This time he did not say anything tho, just slowly moved me closer and closer to the strange feeling, and soon enough, I saw a shape form from between the plants that looked more like veins. The grip on my hand tightened as Bad fastened his pace towards whatever was causing this all. Now I was standing within arms reach of what looked like a red egg, Bad lightly put his hand against it with a smirk before looking at me. "Isn't it beautiful, Y/N?"

I must admit it was a nice shade of red but I didn't get what was so special about it. Bad rolled his eyes and guided my hand so that it was against the egg, it was oddly warm and had a thicker shell than id thought. But that was when my hand started to hurt almost like a burning sensation was spreading through it and up my wrist, I attempt to pull my hand away but Bad's grip on my wrist was holding me still in place.

As the burning sensation travels up my arm I start to struggle and against my will, I start tearing up, the salty tears only seeming to add to the burn. "Bad! Let me go!" I sob out between pushing and kicking, not seeming to face him at all. After what seemed like hours but was most likely minutes Bad let go of me as I practically fly backward and towards the ground, holding my arm in a tight grip as I grit my teeth.

The burning sensation that was now throughout my whole body and the foggy vision caused by my tears was all I could focus on, I couldn't even hear Bad talking or moving around as I was trying to calm the pain, at least not until he was kneeling down next to me. He looked upset, guilty, or maybe even ashamed some would say as he put his hand on my back. I could make out a few faint words. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

I sat like that, slumped over on the floor with Bad comforting me as the pain slowly started to go away and soon enough to sobbing stopped, and after a bit I was even able to move my hand without it being in loads of pain. "Y/N, I thought- I'm-" He gave up with a sigh before standing up and offering to help me up, I carefully accepted his help, but the second I was up on my feet I took a step back, a faint burn still aching across my body, even in my face.

I looked down at my arm that was covered in small red scars that climbed across my whole arm but quickly faded to light pink, barely noticeable unless looked at closely or touched. Without another word, I gave a shaky exhale, a final look at the regretful man's face before I walk away from the same way I got into this mess. Bad tried to protest but quickly gave up, figuring that he had caused enough harm for the moment being.

As I get out in the open I realize just how dark it had gotten as I stumble into the forest, just praying I'll end up somewhere familiar. I lean against the trees as I pass them, feeling fatigued after what just happened. "dang it..." I whisper under my breath before sitting down against a larger tree, still feeling a faint tingle in my body. "What on earth just happened..?" I continue my mumbling as it only now settled in everything that happened in this short time.

I let out a yawn soon followed by a shiver as try and lean comfortably against the tree in hopes to get some rest. I always wanted to sleep in the woods when I was younger, now was my chance. The only difference was that now I was all by myself and it was surprisingly cold. It didn't bother me all that much as I cuddled up in the coat Wilbur had given me.

The sound of the leaves swaying in the wind, my own breathing, and an occasional bird filled the fresh surroundings as I got ready to try and sleep a bit. And after a moment or two or my deep breathing, I slowly begin snoring lowly as I fall asleep for a small moment, but wake up at the loud sound of a rustle and frantic movement.

still half asleep I start to panic when I see a silhouette of what I think is a man but what made me doubt myself were the large pair of wings that were on each side of their side. Once my vision got less foggy I was able to focus on the person standing in front of me, there stood Phil but he has two large black wings.

"Y/N! Mate! What are you doing here!" I was left in shock at how I had never picked up on his wings before, and he must have noticed that something was wrong as he gave a concerned glance before stepping closer. "Y/N what's wrong? wait- what- Y/N! What the fuck happened to you?!" He quickly kneeled down next to me before carefully snatching my scarred arm into his hands and looking closely at them.

"Well- It's complicated... but, uhm, better question. You have... wings?" Phil's gaze moved from my arm to my face, in both concern and surprise. "Yes- but, you can see them..? Since when-" He fell silent as it hit him, I had suddenly managed to get a whole bunch of scars across the majority of my arm and up my face, even across one of my eyes like a typical scar you see in movies or games. (or like C!Quackity's for reference)

This was no coincidence that I could suddenly see his wings after these scars appeared.


hello! another chapter! my Wattpad has kinda been messing up a bit lately so I apologize if there are any weird mistakes!!

anyways!! tytyt <3


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