Chapter 44

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I walked into my room, hearing Tommy and the others loudly laugh downstairs. I walked past my desk, carefully placing down Techno's book on the wooden furniture as I head over to my bed. With a tired sigh, I sit down and bring out my phone. Holding the phone in front of my face, I scroll through some social media and check a few notifications from whatever apps I had lying around. 

A soft knock was heard from the door. "Come in!" I said without moving much as I heard the door creek open. "Hey, Y/N! I just wanted to say that I'll be leaving now." I lowered my phone and looked at the tall brunette as he adjusted his glasses and tossed his backpack strap on one of his shoulders. "Bye, Wil! Say hello to all of your friends from me!" He smiled as he nodded before opening up his arms for a hug, which I was quick to get up and accept.

He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same, his usual bittersweet coffee scent mixed with smoke filling my nose as I let go of him. "Have fun!" I yelled after him as he had started walking down the stairs. "Will do! Don't die or anything!" He shouted back as I went back inside my room. Realizing I was tired, I rest my head down on my pillow and set an alarm on roughly two hours, deciding to get some rest.

I slowly opened up my eyes, the dimly lit room making it difficult to make out any form of surroundings. I was quick to sit up, trying to allow myself to adjust to the lack of air and the slight scent of something burning. Slowly standing up as to not bump into anything, I make my way towards the small glimpse of light that was the door opening.

My legs felt weak, and I had to shift most of my weight onto the wall as I walked down the hall that was strangely quiet. "Phil...?" I muttered out into the dark silence while making my way towards the door to his room. Slowly pushing it open only to find nobody was inside. "What the...?" I ask out loud, confused on what was going on. 

That was when I heard a faint voice, much like Wilbur's downstairs. But that doesn't make any sense, he isn't even home? I thought to myself while guiding my way downstairs with my vision that was now somewhat used to the darkness. As I reached the bottom, it hit me how cold it was, and I was fast to notice that the front door stood wide open. I could taste the mixture of smoke and blood in my mouth as I stared out into the cold rain that was making its way into the house.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." Tommy spoke from upstairs, soon followed by Techno, who replied with a low voice. "Come on, maybe some fresh air will help." I stepped back to the stairs and waved at them while I whisper-yelled as to not disturb anyone. "Hey, guys!" But neither of them reacted. "Tom? Techno?" I asked a bit louder as they continued to ignore me.

But I soon realized why they didn't respond to me when Tommy broke out into loud screams and Techno froze. Tommy rushing down the last couple of stairs, hitting his arm against the wall as he stumbled over before running past me and straight out the front door. "TECHNO GET PHIL! QUICK!" And Techno was fast back up, the loud steps echoing in my head.

"Tom...?" I asked once more, seeing him slumped over a figure laying on the cold and wet ground. "Hello?! Please! Fuck, fuck, fuck!"stepping closer, I recognized the jacket Wilbur had given me. Moving up beside Tommy, recognized the shoes and I tensed up as I saw myself laying on the ground, barely responding.

I shoot up suddenly, heavy breathing and sweating as I tightly gripped my shirt and bedsheet. It was a dream, but it felt so real, and I could still taste the smokey and iron like taste in my mouth. "I need some air." I mumbled to myself before quickly getting out of bed, not caring about the fact it made me light-headed. I made my way over to my door before I had to pause, feeling sick.

"Y/N! Are you feeling alright?! Mate, you look like you have seen a ghost!" I silently shook my head as I took a deep breath as I leaned over. "I feel sick." Was all I said before Phil guided me over to the bathroom and removed any of my hair out of my face as I was sat on the floor next to the bathroom.

Soon after Phil stepped back, leaving me some space Techno peaked his head in, being curious and worried. "What happened with Y/N?" He said softly, and Phil just shrugged. "No clue. Mate, could you please get them a water bottle while I keep an eye on them?" Techno didn't object whatsoever as he rushed down the same staircase as so many times before.

I moved away from the toilet and leaned against the cold wall, as I tried to steady my breathing that was picking up. "Hey. Look at me." Phil spoke softly, yet stern enough to keep my full attention. He took one of my hands in one of his own and used his other hand to do motions as he showed me to take deep breaths. "Breathe in. Breathe out." 

Slowly steadying my breathing, Phil made sure that I knew things were going to be okay. "I got the water." Techno said softly as he reached out the bottle to me. I took it and drank a good amount of it, cleaning out the horrible taste in my mouth, and I sighed before thanking them both.

"Are you feeling any better?" Phil asked as he was knelt down next to me. "Yeah, I'm good. Just need a second to, um, get back on my feet and all." Phil nods, patting my head before he leaves the small room, leaving only me and Techno left. "Do you want me to leave as well?" Shaking my head, I pull myself up. "No, stay. Please."

Techno quickly walked over to me, allowing me to shift my weight onto him as he helped me out of the bathroom. "My room or yours?" The pink haired man asked before I nudge towards his room. Feeling better, I started walking more on my own and laid down on his bed with a sigh.


HELLO!! Another chapter! 

I saw someone ask for a Halloween chapter, and I think I'll likely write one, but that it won't play a big part in the story and more of a one off kinda thing! :]

Anyway!! Multiple uploads!! Woo! I love you all, stay safe! <3


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