Chapter 36

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I glance around the room, met with all kinds of decorations hanging from all kinds of furniture and some even from the ceiling. They all had large smug smiles across their faces, and Wilbur took a firm grip of my shoulders, shaking me and laughing. "Surprise! Did we get you?" He spoke between laughs as he rested his head lightly on top of mine.

"Wait, so the gift you got me earlier today...?" I asked, looking around for answers. "Yeah um, we weren't sure how long we would be away, so... rather safe than sorry!" Tommy chirped in, quite excited as he smiled widely. Looking around the rest of the room, I spotted the cake stood on the table. The cake was coated in a thicker (favourite coloured) icing and was decorated with edible flowers and at the very top, (second favourite colour) icing spelt out "The Minecraft Household" in bulky lettering with everyone's name, only one spot left untouched.

"What are you waiting for? Add your name!" Phil said eagerly as he handed me the smaller piping bag with the same colour as the rest of the names. I nervously wrote out my name, trying to stay as steady as possible as I piped out the icing which landed on the soft cake's top, filing up the empty space and finishing the look.

I step back from the cake after having added my name and admire my work. Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy and now my name was all written in our own handwriting. Phil's rushed and messy, Techno's clean and swirly, Wilbur's small and round, Tommy's larger and bulky which also meant he wrote the larger writing too, and at least my writing which turned out pretty good.

I give a proud grin as Techno snatched the icing from me, smudging some on my cheek with a laugh before he disappeared into the kitchen to put away the icing. "HEY!" I yell after him before I shrug it off and turn my glance back towards the rest of them. "MY EARS!" Wilbur yells, smacking me lightly on the head, having been standing behind me the whole time.

We all soon started taking pieces of the cake, sitting down by the TV and turning on some old comedy cartoon. Though, nobody was really paying attention, and we ended up telling our own jokes and talking about our day. After roughly 20 minutes of the show playing, Phil pauses it and looks at me with a smile before he nudged Techno's shoulder, which caused him to perk his head up from his phone and mutter out "oh."

He got out of the couch and quietly slipped past us and into the other room, muttering loudly while we could hear things be moved about. After a moment of sharing curious glances and Tommy complaining, Techno comes stepping back, nudging his crown into the right spot before walking up to me and handing me a medium-sized box wrapped in white wrapping.

I carefully remove the thinner paper before opening the cardboard box stuffed inside. Inside it were three books that I assume Techno himself had picked out earlier today, beside that was a smaller box wrapped tightly in bubble wrap which I took into my hands, carefully peeling off the popping plastic before revealing a phone box in white/black (the one you prefer).

"A phone?" I say under my breath, which Tommy out of everyone picked up on. "No! It's a car! What does it look like idiot?" he joked laughing at me before snatching the bubble wrap and making sure to not leave a single bubble left. A smile makes its way onto my face as I look around at my family members, and thank them all for all the gifts.

"I wasn't sure what books you would like, so I picked out a few that you might enjoy. My recommendations." Techno spoke while putting the books on the table and removing all the rubbish that was left over. I felt Wilbur shift his weight onto me once more while I tightly gripped the phone as to not drop it.

"Now for the next gift!" Wilbur said with a smirk that I could feel just based on his voice as he looked at me over my shoulder. "Tomorrow we are all going to the arcade!" He said, carefully shaking my shoulders which caused me to hurry and put my phone in the first pocket I could reach which was the one on my hoodie.

"All of us?" I spoke with a fainter smile as I turned to face Wilbur properly. He leaned closer with a growing grin as he whisper yelled. "Everyone." We both laughed before he let go of me and sat down a bit away. "This arcade is a bit further away tho, but It's so much bigger than the one here, so it's going to be worth it!" Phil chirps.

"But for now! You guys go do whatever while I clean up a bit." Phil said, walking past us before we all rushed off to our own rooms. With me, I brought my books and my new phone that I placed down on the smaller table next to my bed before I plopped down on my bed. I reached over and grabbed the device and turned it on, watching eagerly at the screen lighting up.

It gave out a small jingle as it brought up the screen to get started with the phone. Things like passwords were something I finished in a matter of minutes and I brought up my old beaten up phone and opened it, avoiding the cracks and sharp glass, and began filling in phone numbers from my old contacts and working out how to move over things like pictures as well as installing the apps I had.

Once that was done, I realized I didn't really have any of the phone numbers of anyone in my family or much of anyone I've met during my stay here. "Techno!" I yelled out, too lazy to get out of bed. But no response, I roll my eyes and yell once more. "Techno!" I lay quiet, listening for any steps or signs of him walking over here, but to no avail. "My god, TEC-" The door loudly swung open and an angry blonde appears. "WOULD IT KILL YOU TO SHUT UP?!" 

I jump, hitting my head against the wall, creating a loud thud and making me slightly dizzy. "Tommy! You scared me!" I complain, holding my hand on my head and trying to stop the room from spinning so much. "Good! Why are you yelling for Techno anyway?" 

"I- Um- Fuck-" I mutter while blinking harshly trying to focus my eyes and lean my head against the wall for some support. "Um, Y/N? Are you good?" Tommy asks, a lot calmer as he steps closer. I couldn't even tell what he was doing as my sight faded in and out of focus. I mumble out a response, but it is nowhere near audible.

Not only that, but I can feel Tommy covering my ears and holding me in one spot, and I can just barely hear him yelling out for Phil to hurry over in a somewhat panicked state. Rushing in comes Phil, moving over to me and talking to Tommy as he removes his hands from my ears and onto my shoulders. Soon after I can hear Wilbur's voice from the door opening asking what was going on.

"I-I don't know! They hit their head on that wall and-" I can feel and hear Phil sit down next to me on the bed and wrapping his large wing around me. "That loud thud was them? That must have been one harsh hit..." his voice slowly trails off as everything became a mess, all my senses into one huge blur as I close my eyes, leaning into Phil's side before things eventually went dark.


HELLOO!!! One more chapter! Sorry again for the wait, hopefully it was not all that bad!

I love you all, take care <3


Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now