Chapter 41

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I lay on my back on the somewhat soft bed in my old room and sigh as I stare at my phone. Seeing all the contacts of my loved ones just gone kinda stung a bit. "He doesn't know anything. They do care." I mumble to myself, still thinking about what Schlatt had said to me earlier. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair and stuff my phone in my pocket before going over to my old desk and taking a look out the window next to it. I was bored, horribly so, and staring at the swaying trees was not much help. 

With another groan of boredom, I go over to my door, opening it up. I didn't bother with being quiet, and the door gives off a low whine, which was enough to make Quackity poke his head out of one of the rooms. "Quackity, I am bored." I complain to him and he rolls his eyes. "Y/N, I'm busy, and I am NOT your babysitter." He complains back while gesturing to a book in his hand.

"I never asked to be here. Entertaining me is the least you can do!" I snap back, crossing my arms in a protest. "Okay, okay! Geez! Just shut up!" Quackity sighs before popping his head back into the room he was in earlier. I can hear some faint mumbling before Quackity comes back to waves me off, Charlie walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. "Hey, Y/N!" Charlie said loud and energetic and a smile creeps onto my face. "Let's go outside!" He whisper-yells like an excited child before grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs, only stopping one we were in front of the front door.

"Wait. You aren't allowed outside, huh?" Charlie asks, despite knowing the answer. I shrug, figuring it wouldn't matter what I said. "Wait right here! Don't move!" Charlie says, waving his hands in my face before rushing down the hall and taking a sharp turn away into a room. I sigh to myself before smiling at his silly behaviour. 

"Hey-" "AHH!" I yell as I jump, being caught off guard by the person sneaking up on me, who I quickly recognized as Fundy. "My ears!" I chuckle at his whining. "Hey, Furball." His ears fall down within seconds, and he tilts his head. "Haha. Very funny." He rolls his eyes before clearing his throat. "I, um. Why are you and Charlie sneaking around?" I grin at him before laughing. "We are not sneaking around, Charlie is like a big toddler, he doesn't know how to sneak." Fundy huffs before walking off. "If you say so!" He shouts as he walks.

And as Fundy walks off, Charlie comes running back. "Y/N! Y/N! You are allowed to go outside! But... we have to take Quackity with us." Charlie crossed his arms proudly, despite having to drag Quackity with us. "Cover your ears!" He continues, and I do as told before he starts yelling. "QUACKITY! I LOST Y/N!" He then faces me and shrugs. "It's the best way to get him running over here!" 

We soon hear footsteps making their way over here and quiet Spanish cursing, and soon enough, Quackity appears and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me standing right next to Charlie. "Oh my fucking god, Charlie." He pinches his nose bridge. "Hello, Quackity! Now that you are here, you are following us out!" Charlie answers with a grin while I awkwardly stare.

"Charlie, I don't have time for any of this. I am busy trying to take care of my work, AND yours!" The duck crosses his arms again and taps his right foot in growing frustration, his small wings doing a small flutter. "Then I will have to go out with them alone!" Charlie whines and Quackity groans. "Okay! If you shut up and PROMISE to do your own work, then I will tag along." Charlie quickly reaches out his hand and shakes Quackity's before opening the door.

"Charlie, calm down, I have to get Y/N's coat and stuff. Go out and feel the weather for now." Quackity said calmly before walking off, and Charlie just nodded and left. After what felt like ages of waiting, Quackity showed up once more. He quickly tossed me my shoes and a larger black jacket that was his own. "Might get a bit colder as we are out." It was all he said before putting on his own shoes and we both then leave together.

As we step outside, I can feel the cold air against my face, and I also see Charlie waving like a maniac further away. I hear Quackity faintly giggle beside me as we rush to catch up. Once we catch up to Charlie, we start walking calmly down the path which seemingly leads into the forest. Charlie was cracking jokes the whole time, while Quackity tried to hide his laughter. I take a deep breath and smile. "Thank god for fresh air." 

"Oh yeah, that house is kinda on the edge of dust and mould." Quackity replies with a laugh before stretching out his arms above his head. "You don't say! I wouldn't be surprised if the only safe thing to ingest in that house is the alcohol." I say underneath my breath. I let out yet another heavy sigh, then glance around. That was when I saw a spot in the forest that looked familiar. "Wait!" Was the only thing I said before rushing over there, not listening to Quackity's questions.

Once I am stood at the familiar spot, I realize this is where I was with Wilbur after he stomped off into the forest, meaning home was nearby. "Y/N! Don't run off like that! I have to keep an eye on you." I turn to face him, he looked stressed and Charlie, well, he looked pleased like always. "Sorry, I just remembered this spot and wanted to take a look!" He rolled his eyes at me before smiling and messing with my hair. "Well, don't just run off like that, I already have to take care of one toddler." He whispers to me before breaking out in laughter.

"Well you two wait here for a moment, I'm going to go make a call, do NOT move. Seriously." He said before walking further into the forest with his phone now in hand. Charlie slowly turns to me with a grin. "So! Y/N!" I tilt my head at him, waiting for him to continue. "Want to climb some trees?" I shake my head at him. "No, but I'd like to see you try!" Charlie quickly accepts the challenge and clings onto a larger tree, pulling himself up with the thicker branches, only nearly falling down 4 times or so before he reaches a decent height. 

"Y/N...?" He speaks weakly as he holds onto the branch he was sat on. "Yeah?" I almost shout at him. "I forgot I am scared of heights! Can you get Quackity?" I roll my eyes before giving him a thumbs up. I start walking down the way Quackity had earlier, looking around to see if I could find him. "Why did he walk so far away?" I wonder to myself as I continue walking, dragging my feet against the ground with each step in a little rhythm.

"Techno!" I tensed up. That sounded oddly a lot like Phil. Were they here? And where on earth was Quackity? It was strange how much I cared about Quackity and Charlie, even Fundy, after all that they did. But no matter, my mind was only set on Phil right now. If he was nearby I needed to find him. I started pushing past and bushes and trees that was in my way and only stopped walking when I spotted a pair of familiar black wings and someone with very familiar pink hair.

When I looked closer, I saw that Phil, Tommy and Wilbur were all worried over the fact Techno had grabbed hold of the collar of Quackity's shirt and was holding him against a tree, yelling all kinds of things while Quackity tried to calm him down. "Then where is Y/N?!" Techno snapped at the little duck, shaking him slightly. "Techno! Let go off him!" Phil stepped in, putting his hand on Techno's shoulder, which only caused him to wave it away.

Seeing Quackity like this did not feel right, and it felt like it was about time I stepped in. "Techno, listen to Phil! Quackity isn't to blame." Instantly, all eyes were on me. Tommy and Phil both rushed up to me asking a hundred questions of if I'm okay and what not, while Wilbur focused on getting Techno off Quackity.

I backed away from the two blondes that were all up in my face and wave at Quackity. "Hey, Charlie is stuck in a tree." He walked over to me and nodded before leaning in to whisper something. "I will take care of everything at the house. It was fun today, If you can, please do tell Wilbur I'm not the problem, and I'm still, y'know, friends with him." He patted my shoulder before he rushed off.

Everything happened so fast, and as badly as I wanted to see Charlie and Quackity I knew going home with the people I called my family would be better. But little did I know that things were just about to get so much worse.


Hello!! Sorry for such a wait, I honestly forgot about this story, and ill try to make up for it with more updates! <3

I love you all so very much!


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