Chapter 26

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The rest of the walk home was mostly quiet. Only the occasional car passing by or small chattering between the two of us broke the otherwise heavy silence. But once we make our way down the road and pass the school. Continuing down the same stone path we soon reached what I recognized as the cafe I and Wilbur had gone to, which I took a mental note off.

"Let's go through the forest. It's a bit annoying, but it's faster." Techno said gesturing towards the trees that grew with each step. I decided to pull out my acting skills as I leaned harshly towards his ribs. "But, Techno! I'm tired!" I started to whine with a forced yawn. "My fragile body can't take this torture as you can!" Techno stopped walking and looked down at me with an annoyed yet genuine smile. "Seriously, Y/N? You are whining like a baby." I laughed and dramatically threw my head back. "I dare not take another step for I might perish!" I burst out laughing at my statement.

Then with one loud sigh and a foul movement, he shifted around, putting his crown on my head before carrying me up on his back, giving me a piggyback ride, which was ironic. "You are officially royalty of whining, right beside Tommy." I tilted the crown till it was comfortable on my head. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Techno!" I giggle and put my arms around him as he started walking towards the forest path, only getting a few glances from strangers and even some classmates.

A loud thud was heard followed by frantic laughs and yelling. "Techno! I told you to put me down, not to drop me, idiot!" I yelled as I got up from the floor and pushed Techno gently, not that I was strong enough to get him to fall either way. We had just gotten back home after a comfortable walk through the woods and Techno decided he was done carrying me around. "What is going on here?" It was Phil that was peeking out from the kitchen, the scent of something familiar filling my nose.

I threw off my coat and shoes, still carrying my bag on my shoulder, before sticking out my tongue at Techno and running over to Phil, hugging him. "Just Techno being a jerk." Phil's wings wrapped around me ever so slightly while he and I laughed while Techno just rolled his eyes, taking off shoes and coat before walking past us and putting his bag on the counter. "Tommy is at the arcade and Wilbur is at the music store with a few friends, which means you two need to help decide if this is any good."

Phil handed me a muffin, it smelling better than any other smell. It was my favorite kind so I eagerly took a bite, the savory treat seemingly melting in my mouth. Techno was already eating one while flipping through a thick book, and Phil cleaned up any used supplies. "These are great!" I said between chewing while covering my mouth with the back of my hand. 

"Yeah, they were really good, Phil." Techno said while closing his book and standing up with a stretch, stuffing it in his bag again. Phil only smiled at our words as he continued tidying up the place. Techno on the other hand walked by me and as he passed me by grabbed hold of my arm and dragged me along with him. "Hey!" I yelled being caught off guard and tensed up a bit.

"Do you want my help with your homework or not?" I quickly calmed down and started walking by his side. "Oh, right." I started to grin as I playfully pushed him and darted off towards my room. "Oh, you little- get back here, Y/N!" I laughed as I took loud steps up the stairs, all while laughing and wheezing like a maniac. 

But playful laughter soon turned into a laughter-filled with more panic than anything as Techno started running after me, and since he was a lot taller than me his steps were able to carry him further and quicker than mine could with me. I dart towards the wooden door with the same block letters on it as the others, tho spelling out my name. I rush inside and throw my bag next to my bed, which I soon landed on, then using a pillow as a form of defense from the pig hybrid stepping into my room with a grin on his face.

"Come here!" He laughed as he walked towards me at a quick pace before sitting down on the bed next to me, I was also laughing and hit im in the head with the pillow before laying down with a sharp exhale. I gently brought out my trashy phone placing it on the nearby desk before leaning up just enough to look at Techno.

"That phone looks like shit, where did you get it? In a happy meal?" He gestured towards the phone before he too sharply exhaled. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Techno." I rolled my eyes and sat up properly. "I have had it for as long as I can remember, It's just been through a lot." Techno nodded and seemed to take a mental note of it. "Just like me, I suppose!" I said in a lighter tone as I smiled.

Techno fell silent for a moment before standing up and going to dig in his bag, bringing out the same thick book as before along with a notebook and a pen, then sitting back down next to me. "Well, let's forget about that for a moment." He flipped open the first page and cleared his throat, tossing me the pen and notebook. "Stop me if you don't understand something." And with that, he started to read the first couple of lines. His monotone voice and scribbling soothed me as minutes became a couple of hours and I had managed to write about roughly five greek mythologies and mostly done small doodles.

I leaned towards Technos shoulder, not taking more notes but rather just listening to him talk. "Heh?" Techno muttered looking at me. "You are grinning like an idiot, what's the matter?" I shuffled to where I was more comfortable and looked at him, clearing my throat. "You know, it feels weird. No matter what I can't stand the thought of it, but yet, I believe things will get better."


Hello, another chapter is done! :]

ALSO please do tell me if you want more of a specific member!!


Disc: Solar#2043 !! (Please do mention that you are from Wattpad or smth or I might not 100% respond ) <3

Things Will Get Better [Reader + SBI Adoption AU]Where stories live. Discover now