Chapter 34

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Wilbur leaned slightly closer to me before he waved to the smaller group and looked at Niki. "One moment guys, I forgot to ask Y/N something, be right back!" Wilbur then laughed as he waved at them one more time, before bringing me outside. I lean slightly towards the window next to me as Wilbur knelt down slightly next to me. 

"Are you okay? I can tell something is up." He sounded more worried and soft-spoken than most times. I let out a shaky breath, as I steady myself, explaining what happened with Eret at the library last time I went there, and also about my concern with my vision getting more blurred. Wilbur listened carefully to each word that left my mouth and reassured that things were going to be okay.

"Hey, how about this. You can stick with Quackity and Charlie today, I'm sure if I tell them you are just shy around people, things will go just fine. And Tommy and I are always just around the corner, never out of eyesight. Okay?" Wilbur spoke with a comforting smile as he messed with my beanie and pulled the hood over my head, causing me to giggle between shaky breathing.

I nod my head before fixing my hood and beanie back to how it was. "Okay." We gave each other a thumbs up as I wiped away the small tears that had built up in the corners of my eyes. "Now let's go have fun, and I will remember to tell Phil to book an appointment for your eyes once we get home." 

We both went back inside and Tommy was quick to flutter over to me, retelling a joke Quackity had just said. Wilbur on the other hand went back to Niki, saying something before getting a paper cup with coffee and shouting for Quackity to have a quick word with him. "Oh! Did you guys see the hoodie Wilbur got Y/N? I think he has a bit of an ego, putting his own name all over the thing." Tommy said as he pointed at the obvious letters.

"Says the guy who feels the need to put his name on every little thing he touches." Fundy mutters and Charlie laughs. That was when both Wilbur and Quackity, as well as Niki, joined back with the group. "I do not put my name on everything!" Tommy complained, which Wilbur laughed at. "Tommy, you felt the need to put your name on the letter when the only thing you did was toss in two bracelets!"

"Hey! Clearly, Y/N likes them! Look! They are wearing one of them right now!" Tommy quickly snapped back while pushing Wilbur to the side, making the brunette and almost spill his drink. "What is with the pattern? It is all random..." Eret mutters out while glancing at the bracelet that Tommy was proudly showing off.

I noticed Quackity's small yellow wings lower while he slightly froze up, all while Tommy's wings were spread out in surprise, glancing at Wilbur. "Favourite colours." Was all I said as I tucked my hands into my pockets. "Dang, no need for any attitude." Eret replied, and I could practically feel them roll their eyes under those sunglasses.

I could practically feel the anger boil inside me as I stepped towards the chuckling Eret and felt the others gaze on me as I push Eret off the chair they were sitting on. "What the fuck was that for?!" Eret yelled as they slowly got up to their feet. "Y/N?!" Fundy exclaimed surprised, and I now realize the looks on everyone's face, especially Wilbur's.

I only now realized the fact that a set of wings, just about the size of Quackity's had sprung out and had caught the attention of everyone. "So what Wilbur said was true! You really are a freak, huh?" Eret laughed lowly to himself as my gaze shifted around and landed on Wilbur. "You said that...?" I mutter out just loud enough to be heard in the silence. 

Eret stepped closer towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder, leaning closer to whisper in my ear. "Oh yeah. Wilbur and Tommy told me all about it." And just like that, Eret backed away with a grin plastered on his face as they sit down. "Y/N- You have to understand that-!" Wilbur tried speaking up, but I pushed him away, hurt, confused and conflicted on who to trust.

"Everyone, just shut up!" I yell out, caught off guard by my own words. I break my glance and stare down at myself as tears threaten to roll down my face and my throat starts aching. Everything was such a mess, I was pissed at Eret for what happened at the library, but now Eret was saying that Wilbur and Tommy had been talking about me behind my back.

"Y/N, Whatever Eret is telling you is clearly a lie!" Tommy yelled, throwing around his arms and giving the softest of glances when we made eye contact. Quackity stepped in next, backed up by Charlie, as they spoke in a call and response type of way. "Y/N, remember what Wilbur told you?" Quackity spoke first in a low tone, and Charlie chirped in soon after. "Yeah! Remember?"

I took a shaky breath as I felt Quackity wrap his arms around me, covering my ears for a moment as he motioned towards the door and told Eret to leave, only barely audible to me. Eventually Eret had left, everyone took a seat at the nearest table, and I settled on leaning against Quackity as he rubbed circles on my back.

"Y/N, look at me." He said lowly, and I looked him in his eyes. "Not Wilbur, not Tommy, not any of us would say anything like that about you, okay? Eret was just trying to get in your head." I nodded slowly at Quackity's words as Tommy chimed in loudly. "Yeah, Eret is a fucking bastard! It is like the whole treehouse situation again!"

"So you didn't actually say any of that...?" I asked, drying away the last few tears from my face, looking at Wilbur like a small kid. "Of course not, Y/N! Wouldn't dream of it." Wilbur said softly as he started grinning and snatched the beanie I was wearing and ruffles my hair before wearing the beanie himself. This made me feel a bit better, and I realized that I had found the people I could trust.

HELLOOO!! another update woo!!!

this chapter was mostly just stuffed with stuff that build up for future chapters but yeah it was a bit rushed dskfhjkdrg 

i love you all, especially my besites out there <333


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