Meet the group

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Santana's POV:

I can't believe I was actually expelled from Mckinley. This is it. I had to leave Brittany and Quinn... Everyone. I had to leave Ohio and go all the way to Pennsylvania to attend my new school. I asked my mom why I couldnt just attend a different school in Lima but she said she did some research and apparently Rosewood has a really good education system. Better than any in Ohio or any other state for that matter. I will admit I'm pretty bad... But seriously? To drive 365 miles just to try and change how I am? Whatever. Well.... We are finally at my new home. I went inside, found a big bedroom which I decided to claim as mine, put all my suitcases and stuff on the bed, and went to help my mom bring more stuff in. I wasnt in the best mood about this whole moving thing... I'll really miss Brittany. I dont think i'll ever find someone like her. But might as well make the best of it. "Santana unpack your clothes and stuff... You start your first day at rosewood tomorrow." I heard my mom yell from down stairs. I sighed and did as she said. I dumped out all the boxes of clothes on my bed and started hanging them up. After about an hour of un packing I got most of my shit arranged. I kind of like what I did with my room. My tv is in front of my bed, my bean bag chairs were placed perfectly at the foot of my bed, everything was perfect. We left Ohio pretty late and it took 10 hours to get here so I better crash. I dont want to be late for my first day. I took a quick shower, got in pjs and went to bed.

[next day]

Santana's POV:

What the hell is that noise?! Ugh. When I sit up I realize that noise is my alarm clock. Today was the day. When I got up to grab an outfit, I almost put on my cheerios uniform. God I miss those days already. I pushed the uniform aside and picked out a pair of jeans and a black tanktop with a black sweat jacket. Then I brushed my hair and teeth and ran downstairs. "You ready honey?" My mom asked as I opened the fridge to grab a quick breakfast to go. "Yeah I'm gonna drive." I responded as I ran out the door. The drive to Rosewood high was short, it was basically right around the corner from my new house. I pulled up into the parking lot of the school and studied the building. It was a very big school from the looks of it. Here goes nothing. I got out of my car and started to approach the school. A few guys started hitting on me but I punched them out... Maybe I shouldnt of done that on my first day... Oh well. Once I got in the building I tried to find my first period class. I had english with Mr. Fitz? I think that's his name. There it is! Room 143. I walked into the room and found a seat. "Hi... You must be the new girl?" A peppy blond said to me. "Yeah... I'm Santana. Who are you?" I responded. "I'm Hanna. Nice to meet you. There are two of my other friends in this class too but they're not--" she started but then cut herself off. I followed her eyes which landed on a tan girl with beautiful curled hair to the side and a shorter girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes. "There they are!" She startled me because I was staring at the tall tan girl. Damn she was good looking. "Santana, this is Aria and Emily." I smiled nervously but managed to blurt something out. "Hi." Hi? Really? Ugh pull it together Santana. I guess Aria noticed how awkward I felt because she said, "you can sit next to me if you want.." I just nodded. Class was finally starting, thank god to that because I was starting to feel sick. "It appears to me that we have a new student in the class... Santana Lopez. I'm Mr. Fitz, welcome to my english class." I saw a tall young looking guy standing in front of the class say. "Hi Mr. Fitz." I responded with a smile. A few seconds after my, I guess some what awkward smile, Aria passed me a note. I opened it and silently read it. "He's mine;)- Aria." I laughed to myself just at the thought that she thought I was into him. I am 100 percent for girls. I decided I didnt wanna start off at my new school pretending to be someone I'm not... So I wrote on the other side of the note, "dont worry... I'm not into dudes.- Santana." I passed it back to her and I noticed her smile in relief. The period was never ending but finally, it came to an end. I got up and waited for Aria, Hanna, and Emily. "What class you have next?" Hanna asked me smiling. "Oh um.." I quickly checked my schedule. "Math." I finally managed to say. "Oh cool I have math next too." Emily responded. I suddenly got really red. "Cool, we can walk together." I smiled and walked with her as Hanna and Aria walked the other way. "So.. You liking it here?" Emily said to me after an awkward silence. "Yeah.. It's nice." Seriously? I feel like I dont even think about what I say. I just blurt stuff out. Fantastic. Just then a brunette with semi curly hair holding a bunch of books ran up to Emily. "Hey Em." Em? Guess they're close. "Hey Spence. This is Santana... She's new here." She introduced me... Why do I find that cute? Ugh stop it Santana control yourself. The brunette extended her hand to shake mine, "Spencer Hastings... Nice to meet you." I shook her hand and smiled. She seemed like the friend I'd wanna have. All the people I met so far do. They're all so sweet. Turns out, Spencer was in our math class so she followed us in to the class. "Em! Hey did you do the homework?" A voice called from the back of the room. I looked to see a beautiful blonde with nice long curls. She was wearing white skinny jeans and looked like the literal definiton of a popular girl. That used to me me. I followed Em and Spencer to her seat. "Yeah, here." Em said handing the mystery girl a worksheet. "Um... Alison, this is Santana." Spencer said to her. Just then Alison looked up at me, her crystal blue eyes meeting mine. "Hey. Nice to meet you." She replied. "Well you've officially met all the girls in our group. Hanna, Aria, Spence, Ali and I are one big "possy" I guess you could call it." Em said to me. I noticed Emily checking Alison out.. Yeah she was definetly gay. Is she like... Dating Alison? Ugh whatever. Emily sat next to Alison and I found a seat next to Spencer. I have this somewhat profound feeling of trust for her already.... I needed to ask her about em. So i decided to pass her a note. "Is Emily gay...?" I realized it was a little... Right to a point of some sort but I didnt really care. I folded it up and threw it on her desk. Spencer picked it up and opened it. Instead of writing the answer down she laughed to herself then turned to me with a grin... "Yes.." She whispered. I smiled to myself and started working on my math. When the bell rang Spencer stopped me, "Santana? Why did you wanna know... About Em?" Shit. She asked the one question I wasnt ready to answer. But to be honest, I really trust her. Something about her persona. I looked around and noticed Emily and Alison both left the class. So I decided to just say it. "Well... I sorta have this attraction to her." I managed to get out. Spencer looked a little shocked, but then commented. "Well good luck with that one." She responded. I just laughed. "Let me see your schedule." She said taking it from my hand. "Oh cool, you have lunch with all of us. The one class the whole group actually has together. Come on." She smiled and walked me to the cafeteria. I saw Hanna, Emily, Aria, and Alison all sitting at a big round table. "Hey guys" spencer said as we approached the table. I decided to sit next to Emily. We actually had a conversation that wasnt awkward, yay. I started to get hungry so I decided to get food.

[no one's POV]

As soon as Santana got up to get food, Spencer sat next to Ali and whispered in her ear... "Hey... Santana is crushin on Em... Pretty cute huh." Spencer said laughing. "Santana is gay?" Alison said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. "Yup" spencer replied. "Good to know......" Ali said as she picked at her food for the rest of the period.

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