Dead to me

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Santana's pov:

"Okay... Here it goes..." Tina began as we all listened. "Yes, Sam is my half brother. We met in glee club the first year we joined. We were 15 and we started to like eachother. Things got... Serious. We hooked up a few times and agreed to keep it a secret." Then Tina looked towards Sam and he continued. "Later that month I heard my mom crying on the phone. She was talking to someone about how wrong it is that I never got to meet my real dad and that she never told him he got her pregnant. I started to investigate but didnt get anywhere. Then Mr. Shue had that parent teacher glee club thing and I saw it in my moms eyes when she looked at Tina's dad. The way she tensed up and looked like she was about to break. He looked a lot like me. His bone structure and hair, that's when I put it together. He was my father. The next day at school before glee club I pulled Tina into a classroom to talk to her privatley about--" Sam cut himself off and grabbed his neck in pain. "are you ok?" Tina asked him. "Y-yeah. Im fine. Like I was saying.... I talked with her privatley and told her that her dad was my dad."


"I understand that it would upset him. But dont you think it would upset him less if he found out he had a son now rather than when I'm 50?" Sam asked. "Maybe. But Sam, we were involved. We did things with eachother and I was happy about it. So I told my dad I may have a boyfriend and I showed him your picture. He cant find out that you are his son it would complicate things." Tina said. "Things are already complicated. And that's not our fault. We didnt know we were related. It's my mom's fault. My mom is the one who kept this a secret from him for 15 years. I think he deserves to know Tina." Sam finished. "No. I wont let you do that to my dad. Our dad. My dad finally found someone since the divorce and he's happy. I wont let you ruin that by dropping this kind of bomb. Please. Lets just keep this between us. I promise I will be a good sister to you. I'll always be there for you when you need me. We can be there for eachother without ruining our families. Ok?" Tina said. Sam finally agreed. "Fine. This will be our little family secret." Sam finished.

"To this very day our dad has no idea." Tina added. Just then Sam grabbed his neck again and collapsed to the floor. Before he fell he slammed his head on the corner of the coffee table and cut his head open. "Sam!" Tina yelled as she got down to the floor and tried to wake him up. "What just happened?!" Britt yelled. "Call 911!" Tina panicked. "We cant! The police cant know I'm here!" I yelled back. "Stop being so selfish! We need to get him to a hospital!" Tina argued back. "She's right..." Britt said as she pulled out her cell phone. "You're listening to her over your wife? A girl who has done nothing but torture the both of us for years?" I said. "She may have tortured us. But Sam is unconcious San... We need to help him." Britt replied. "Fine. Call them." I responded. Britt nodded and dialed 911. "Hello? Yeah Sam Evans just passed out and before he did he hit his head badly. We need an ambulance." Britt said. After a minute or two she hung up. "They're on their way." She said as she bent down next to Sam. "He's not breathing... And this time I dont think he's faking." Britt said worried. Thats when Quinn and Rachel bent down next to him as well. "Rachel what are you doing?" Quinn asked as Rachel connected her lips to Sam's and started pressing on his chest. "She's giving him CPR." Spencer added. "But he's not drowning..." Hanna said confused. "Hanna.. Cpr is used when someone isnt breathing or is having agonal respirations, meaning they have an abnormal pattern of breathing." Spencer replied. "That's almost as complicated as my leg lately. I can sort of walk on it when I use those crutches the doctor gave me. Much better than the wheelchair." Hanna said. Spencer just shook her head and put her head in her palm. "That is the point Hanna. They help you walk so you dont have to stay in that wheelchair. It allows you to do things that you cant do when sitting in the wheelchair, like take a shit or sit on someones lap, like you did earlier when we watched that movie." Spencer said. "Ok can we stop talking about irrelevant things? It's not working. He cant be revived." Rachel said as she disconnected her lips from Sam's. "This is all your fault!" Tina yelled as she stood up and started to step towards Brenna. "Watch it Tina." I said as I defended my sister. "No, you watch it. He kept grabbing his neck before he passed out! You choked him before am I wrong? I mean that's what he told me." Tina said as she crossed her arms. Brenna just stayed silent which took me by surprise but I spoke for her. "Leave her alone. She was just protecting me." I argued. "Hmm lets see if the cops will agree with you." Tina said as she picked up the phone. Before she could dial the police I slammed her into the wall, knocking the phone out of her hand. "Dont you dare. Brenna can not go to jail. She has a wife to get home to. And I cant go to jail either. I have a daughter waiting back in Rosewood for Britt and I and I will not be locked up for the first few years of her life just because I wanted to have my wedding in my home town! I wont let it happen!" I yelled. "You mean, Sam's daughter?" Tina snarked. I just turned and looked at Britt, then back to Tina. "No. I mean my daughter. Just like Rachel and Quinn, Britt and I have a baby together even if someone else shares their DNA. You dont need sperm to create a family, you need two loving people who are willing to love their kid no matter what, and we both know Sam was and never could be that." I said as I released Tina from my grip. "You are so dead to me." Tina said as she gave me an evil glare. Just then I heard ambulance sirens outside. Quinn and Rachel lifted Sam up and brought him outside and placed him on the gurney the ambulance had set up. We all followed behind them. "Can we come to the hospital?" Tina asked. "Only immediate family can come right now." The tall man said. "I'm his sister." Tina said as the man nodded and let her on the ambulance. Once the ambulance drove away I turned to Brenna. "What do we do now?" I asked. "We go home." Brenna said. "But what about--" I began but she cut me off. "We need to go back to the house." Brenna said as she walked back to the car and unlocked it. I just turned to Britt. "She's right. If we just stand around here we'll look more guilty of something. Lets go." Britt said as she took my hand and led me to the car. "I'm scared." Hanna said as she turned to Spencer. "Dont be. It'll be okay." Spence replied. Hanna just nodded and limped with her crutches back to the car as everyone shortly followed.

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