Keep holding on

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Santana's pov:

It's been almost 2 months since the incident at the cabin, Hanna has been in a coma since. Britt and I were supposed to have our wedding next week but we postponed it to be there for Hanna. I called my mom and told her everything and she agreed to keep Stephanie with her for a while till things settled down. Caleb explained the whole story to all of us and Britt and I were so pissed that this Kitty girl started going after our friends as well, but thank god to Em for killing her. It took a few days to get used to Caleb not being dead.. But we've finally gotten used to it. Come on guys.. Time to go see Hanna." Spencer called from downstairs as Britt, Em, Ali, Aria and I ran down the stairs and followed Spencer out of her house. Ever since what happened, we've been having sleepovers every night just to make sure we were all safe, even on school nights, But luckily today was a saturday. As we got into Spencer's car, Britt's phone started ringing. "It's Caleb." She said as she answered and put it on speaker. Caleb and Britt have gotten really close lately and it's sweet that they have eachothers backs. "Hey Britt. I just left the hospital, I stayed the night. Text me if Hanna wakes up." Caleb said on the other line. "Okay." Britt replied as she hung up. Just then Spencer turned the key in the ignition and we started to drive.

[35 minutes later]

Spencer's pov:

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and parked the car. We all got out and headed towards the entrance. "Hi, we're here to see Hanna Marin." I said to a woman behind the desk. She gave us a reassuring nod and let us go up to see her, we come every day so we are regulars. As we approached her room we slowly walked in to find Hanna laying on the bed. Just then a nurse walked in, "morning girls..I have a little bad news." The nurse said. We all gave the nurse a worried look as she continued. "Hanna has been in this a coma for a long time. Her physical condition is horrible. According to the x-rays we did on her head, she has major bruising on her skull. It is very likely she wont survive this.. But the choice is hers. She has to fight. If she fights, she can pull through this." The nurse said as she turned and left to leave us alone with her. I already felt tears in my eyes and I noticed tears in the girls eyes as well. "C-can I have a minute alone with her?" I managed to say. They nodded understandably and left, before Britt left she handed me her guitar that she brought with her... I gave her a warm smile as she closed the door behind her and left. "Hanna... I dont know if you can hear me right now, but I'm sorry. I never got to say it. I'm sorry for cornering you but now I'm sorry that I didnt stay and corner you more. If I stayed, I could of stopped you from going to meet Caleb, who you didnt even know was him at the time which is really dangerous, and you wouldnt of been Kitty's target. You are my best friend Hanna. I love you and we all do. You need to stay with us. Please fight. Fight harder and listen to my voice." I finished as I reached for her hand and a tear escaped. "Is this what it felt like? When it was me in this hospital bed and I didnt wake up?" I said as I put my head on her stomach and cried harder. "Please Hanna!"

Hanna's pov:

I hear a voice... I think it's Spencer.

Hanna... I dont know if you can hear me right now, but I'm sorry. I never got to say it. I'm sorry for cornering you but now I'm sorry that I didnt stay and corner you more. If I stayed, I could of stopped you from going to meet Caleb, who you didnt even know was him at the time which is really dangerous, and you wouldnt of been Kitty's target. You are my best friend Hanna. I love you and we all do. You need to stay with us. Please fight. Fight harder and listen to my voice

I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to tell her I'm okay but I just cant. I kept trying and trying when suddenly, I heard a guitar strumming...

(Spencer singing) You're not alone together we stand ill be by your side you know ill take your hand

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