I love you

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Alison's POV:

Wow... I still can't believe I had the courage to kiss Emily. I dont know what we are right now, things are complicated. But I do know that I love her. I love her and i'd do anything for her. After our kiss earlier... She told me she was gonna talk to Santana. I know I only looked Santana up to find info to get her away from Em... But I pratically just saved her. What if they had sex and Emily got her pregnant or something? Things would've got messy.

Emily's POV:

A lot has happened today... I made a new friend, that friend kissed me, we had a quick bathroom hook up, I find out she's my cousin, then Alison kisses me... What a day. I still have to tell Santana before she starts to think more of what our relationship is. Luckily, lunch was the last class I actually had with her so I had plenty of time to think of how I was gonna put this. I want to be with Alison. I've always wanted to be with her. I just started to give up on her to a point that led to desperation. I know now that I need to fight for her. I let her go once and I'm not ready to do that again. Finally, the last bell of the day rang and I pratcially jumped out of my seat. None of the girls are in my last period class. I have to sit alone next to some short girl who smells like cheese. I ran outside of the building to find Santana, I didnt have her number yet so I needed to find her. I couldnt wait till tomorrow, it would kill me. Oh thank god, she's getting into her car. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to her before she drove away. "Hey hottie" she said while rolling her window up to talk to me. "Santana... Look we really need to talk." I said while stepping closer to the car. "what is it?" She said, suddenly peaking interest. "Okay... Well for one, you are an amazing girl. you are one badass, and I still manage to find the hurt in your eyes everytime you look at me. You are hurt. And you can try to hide it with the smile and threats and fights with people, but you cant hide everything. So I understand you trying to find what you had with whoever hurt you... But you cant force yourself on every girl you find cute. That'll just add to the damage. Trust me, I know. So there's that. Then there's Brenna Carver. I found out today that she's your sister? Well she's also my cousin. Which makes us cousins. So this would've never worked out anyway. But I do admire you for standing so tall and being so brave, so I do offer you my hand in friendship. But you have to try to get along with Alison. I really love her and--" she cut me off at that. "Ok.. I was so right when I saw you checking her out this morning. But anyway, you're right. I am hurt. You know, I had to leave my girlfriend Brittany? A girl that I've been in love with since I was a freshman? We've been together for a long time. And I am in love with her. We had plans. Plans to get married. Plans to move away and live together. But I just had to ruin it all. I had to screw up the one good thing I had in my life by doing what I did. I hurt her. I left. I left her in tears and I honestly dont know how to go on without her." I actually saw a tear fall from her eye. "Hey.. It's ok. Don't cry. If you dont mind me asking... What did you do exactly? Why did you have to leave her? Cant you just go back and see her? She must not be too far if you were together for that long." I replied. "I'm not from here. I didnt transfer from some private school or anything. I transfered from Ohio. I got expelled. I made a huge mistake and had to leave her. My mom said this school had the best education system and I needed a fresh start." She said, banging her head on the steering wheel repeatedly. I felt really bad and stopped her. "Why did you get expelled?" I was curious. She put her head in her hands and began to tell me. "I um... Well I was captain of the cheerios. Me and Britt both were, actually. We were the best cheerleaders in the whole squad. But Sue, our coach treated us like garbage. She always bashed us and every single day she'd make some snarky comment on me and Brittany "doing it" behind her back. In front of everyone. I wanted to get her back. So I... I came to school with a knife. I wasnt planning on hurting sue! I was planning on hurting myself... But I wanted to threaten Sue. I wanted to scare her. So I walked into her office and took it out. I told her to leave me and Britt alone and I walked up to her and held it up at her face and said or else. She was so scared she actually called the cops seconds after I left. My mom had to bail me out of jail for 14,000 dollars! The cops told her I had to leave the state and attend a new school or i'd have to stay in jail. It was their compromise and I had to take it. Although to be honest i'd rather be in jail in Ohio so at least Britt could visit me and I could see her. I left all that out because I dont wanna scare people away. It scares myself too... So I try to avoid the topic. God I'm so STUPID!" She screamed and started crying. I was so shocked and upset. I felt horrible. That's probably why she lashed on Ali like that. All I could do was lean through the window and hug her. "Thank you... For talking to me. About everything. You are a great... Cousin." She said with a smile. It was definitly something I needed to get used to, but I could definitley do that. I love her. She's my family.

Alison's POV:

(Calls Emily)
Hey babe... i'm home now. I just wanted to know how everything went with Santana. Call me back when you can. (Hangs up)

Just then I heard a knock on my door. I ran downstairs to answer it. "Santana...?" I stood there shocked. "Hey.. I'm really sorry about today. I just... I have a past. A past I'm very good at hiding. Emily cracked my shell and I spilled to her and I feel so much better. I just wanted to say one thing. I'm in love with a girl i'll probably never see again from Ohio. Yes, I'm not from here and you can get the 411 from Em on that. Anyway, I did something bad and had to leave her. I just pushed myself on Em trying to feel something again. Now I know she's my cousin and I love her. She's my family. But I really regret hitting you. I know Emily loves you a lot. She told me. I dont know what you two are, she didnt tell me, but I do know that you two have something. And I came to you because we have one thing in common. We both put walls up to keep our feelings inside. We use violence and hate to stay strong when it's really just us breaking. You love her. I see that in your eyes and everything you do. Some may say you're a bad person. But I think you're everything but that. You attacked me, looked into who I was, all for Emily. You are protective of her. That right there is amazing and I admire that. I just think if you break down your walls and finally let people see you for who you are, including Emily, you'll see that too. You'll see who you are. And that is a girl who is in love with an amazing girl. And you should go for it. that's it I guess." When she finally stopped talking, I stepped forward and gave her a hug. She was right. The only reason I attacked her was because of Emily. I dont know her past and I dont know her story. And she is Emily's cousin after all. She doesnt seem to bad. "I'm sorry too." I muttered out. She smiled and said bye as she got into her car and drove away. Just then my phone rang. I ran to answer it. It was Emily. "Emily? I need to tell you something..... I love you."

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