EnGAYgement plans

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[2 weeks later, saturday... 7:00pm]
(Ali's house)

Alison's POV:

Emily and I are still broken up... After everything that has happened we just decided to be friends till we think we are in a better place. Things havent been awkward or anything, we've been getting along great. I really hope we get back together soon though. It's still hard to be around her and not be able to kiss her or anything. I was home alone bored on a saturday night so I decided to curl up into bed and watch spongebob. Just as I got settled my phone started ringing. I reached over and grabbed my phone.

Alison: hello?

Emily: hey Ali

Alison: hey Em, what's up?

Emily: Well... I'm alone and bored and it's a saturday night. My mom went to visit my dad at his base so it's just lonely over here. Wanna sleepover?

Alison: yeah sure i'd love to. I'll drive myself over in a few?

Emily: sounds great!

With that, I hung up and jumped out of bed. Lately me and Em have been spending a lot of time together and it's been fun. Last weekend we had a just dance party in her basement. I think we were finally getting to our "better place". I grabbed an empty backpack from my closet and put pjs in it and clothes for tomorrow. I also threw in a hair brush and toothbrush. I was set. I slipped on a black hoodie and a pair of nikes and grabbed my keys. Time for a girls night with Em.

(10 minutes later)

Emily's POV:

I literally just spent $300 on rose pedals, candles, a dim chandelier, and fancy resturaunt food, Ali's favorites. I set up a nice, fancy dinner in my basement to surprise Ali with after we watch a movie. I figured it was time to win Ali back. We've been getting along really well lately and I really miss holding her and kissing her... And the sex part because like, friends cant do that.. Just then I heard a knock on the door. I quickly ran to answer it. "Hey" she said smiling. "Hey" I smiled back as she walked in. We went up to my room and got cozy in my bed as we started watching the last song. Once it ended, we were both in tears. That movie definitley pulled on our emotional strings. I got out of the bed and turned on the lights. "Hey lets go in the basement and play some more just dance?" I asked trying to sound casual. "Yeah sure!" Ali said while getting out of the bed and following me. As I opened the basement door Ali just had her mouth open. "Oh my god... Emily..." She said as she noticed everything I set up. I took her hand and brought her to one of the seats. "Alison DiLaurentis... You are the love of my life. Ever since we talked everything through at the kissing rock, we became best friends again. Taking a two week break from being your girlfriend was the hardest thing I had to do, but it brought us closer. We found our better place and everything has settled down. For us, for Hanna, for everyone. After the funeral, she got her closure just like after our talk I got mine. I love you so much Ali... Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a tear in my eye. This was just like when we first got together except the roles were switched and she asked me last time. "It would be an honor." She said as she leaned in and connected our lips. The kiss was desperate. It's been two weeks since we've felt eachothers touch and it felt great. Once we parted, we smiled at eachother. "Shall we eat?" I asked, motioning over to the layout of food I set up. "We shall" she said smiling as we started eating.

[In Lima Ohio]

Quinn's POV:

The other day Santana called me and told me her and Brittany were engaged. I'm so happy for them! They are my best friends. I miss them so much, so I decided to take a plane out to Pennsylvania for the next week or two to help them plan. They dont know I'm coming, I want it to be a surprise. Just as I closed my suitcase because I finally finished packing, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in" I said. Just then I saw Rachel walk in smiling. "Hey" she said. "Hey Rach.. Whats up?" I asked. Ever since Santana and Britt left, me and Rachel have gotten really close. We are best friends now and literally have a sleepover every weekend. "Your mom let me in... I just wanted to see you before your plane boards." She said as she dropped an overnight bag on my bed. "Your lucky my plane isnt until tomorrow morning." I said smiling as I gave her a hug. "You know Q... I'm really gonna miss you." Rachel said as she looked down at her hands. "I'll only be gone for a week... I promise I'll be back in no time." I re-assured her. "I know... It's just..." She started but trailed off. "It's just what? Look When I get back I'll make it up to you. Movie night and just dance? And i'll buy you mcdonalds?" I said laughing. She just smiled and came closer to me. My heart started beating really fast as she leaned in and kissed me. She started deepening the kiss but she stopped herself. "Oh my god... Quinn I'm so sorry please dont hate me i'll never do it again." She said as she backed away from me. Before she could I grabbed her arm and pulled her back in for a kiss. When we broke the kiss we made eye contact. "I've wanted to do that for so long." I said with a smile. The rest of the night we cuddled and watched a movie... I think I'm in love with Rachel Berry....

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