Can a song save your life?

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2 hours later....
Spencer's pov:

We all just finished eating and playing a game of monopoly that Santana had in her attic a few minutes ago. I slipped on a grey tanktop and blue shorts to get more comfortable and went to the room Aria and I were staying in. Once I got to the room I was greeted by Aria, laying on her side of the bed and looking up at the ceiling. "Hey babe." I said as I got onto the bed with her. She turned to me with a disraught look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked as I lightly touched her hand. "What if we lose. The contest I mean. We worked so hard and we'd be losing so much if we--" Aria began but I cut her off. "Aria, we arent going to lose. Just like you said, we worked hard on that video. Hardwork always pays off in the end. We will get Brenna out." I replied. Aria just made eye contact with me and slowly nodded. "I guess you're right." She softly replied. "Well, my trig regents say the same so.." I joked. Aria just laughed. "You're such a smartass." She said. I just looked at her and started laughing. "Remeber that time you slept over and you spilled your bowl of ice-cream all over my bed.." I said. Aria just nodded, "how could I forget. You started rambling about trig and numbers and forums." Aria said with a laugh. "Yeah, cause you spilled it all over my homework!" I jokingly fought back. "Which for the record took me four hours to finish." I added. "Dont act like you're the victim. You picked up the spoon and started flinging the freezing cold ice-cream at me." Aria responded. "I wasnt the victim... My homework was.. And you dropped the ice- cream all over it! It was to weak to fight back so I did it for him." I said, trying to be serious. "Him?..." Aria replied. At this point we were both cracking up. "Come here." I said as I puled Aria over to me and connected our lips. "We're alone.." I smirked as she smiled and straddled me, continuing to kiss me.

Santana's pov:

"Hey where did Spencer and Aria go?" Em asked as she took a seat on Ali's lap. "Probably in their room doing it like there's no tomorrow." Ali joked from underneath Em. Just then I heard moans coming from one of the rooms. I just looked to Ali and Em and started laughing. "Only Spencer would wanna have sex with Aria loudly in a house full of our friends." Em joked. Hanna just laughed as she used her crutches and limped all the way to the couch. "Only Spencer? Remember that sleepover? I dont even think you and Ali went to bed!" Hanna joked, being her usual self. "Lets just admit we've all done it when our friends were in hearing distance.." I said as Britt turned a dark shade of red. "Ya think?!" Quinn joked, just causing Britt and I to turn redder.

Flashback to Quinn visiting Rosewood
"Britt... Faster." Santana moaned as Britt thrusted two fingers inside of her. Britt did as she was told and went faster and faster with each breath San took. Once she came, Britt went down on her and licked her clean as Santana held her head and pushed her deeper as she clenched to sheets with her other hand. "Fuck!" San yelled as she started thrusting and cumming into Britt's mouth. Just then their bedroom door swung open. "Ok, I know you guys love eachother and shit but it is literally 2 in the morning and if you thought that that would mean I wouldnt hear you cause I was asleep, you were wrong. You probably woke up the neighbors! The cops are probably already on their way because someone probably reported violent screams coming from this house! and I am literally in the room right next to you. I go back to Ohio in three days and I'm pretty sure for the rest of the time I'm here I'll be hearing your LOUD moans replaying in my head.." Quinn interupted. Britt and San just flushed a dark shade of pink and covered their naked bodies with the sheets. "Oh... Nowww you're quiet. Did you guys lose your voices from the screaming you were doing or did the cat LITERALLY get your tongue." Quinn joked. "Q-Quinn... We thought you were... Sorry." Britt mumbled as she looked down.

"For the record, I've never had sex when someone was in hearing distance." Hanna added. "Bullshit." Spencer said as she walked into the room, holding Aria's hand, with her hair all messy. Suddenly all of our attention turned to Spencer. "Remember when we first became friends? Before we met Em and Ali or any of them?" Spence said as she gestured towards the girls she mentioned. Hanna just turned red. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we were 13 or 14? Remember Brett? I let myself in your house with the key since no one was answering... Ring a bell?" Spence continued. "Ok! We get it! You walked in on me having sex with Brett! I thought we agreed to never speaking of that again." Hanna said. "I always hated that guy." Caleb said. "No baby, you were just jealous when I told you I hooked up with someone you went to school with even thought it was before we dated." Hanna replied. "Cause you're mine." He responded. "Wait, is that why you're such a prude? Always being a cockblock? Because it triggers your own experience and makes you uncomfortable?" Ali asked with a little bit of a snicker. Before Hanna could answer Aria spoke up. "Wait... What brought this conversation up? D-did you hear Spencer and I?" Aria asked with a little embarrasment in her voice. Hanna just laughed, "guess we're even now Spence, huh." Han joked. Spence and Aria just turned a dark shade of red. Deciding to break the awkwardness of the conversation taking place, I cleared my throat and changed the subject. "Who wants to pop in a movie?" I asked. Quinn just stood up and grabbed her hoodie. "I wish we could stay but... We have school tomorrow. It's getting late, but right after school I'll drive right over here with Rachel and we'll look at the results together ok? And we'll just see if a song can save someones life." Quinn said as Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, Mercedes, Artie, and Mike collected their things as well. "And wait till we get here to check your email. We are gonna skip glee club after school so we'll be here at 2:30 on the dot." Rachel added as they said their goodbyes and were out the door.
Next day

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