The memorial

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The next day...

Rachel's pov:

I still cant believe I lost the love of my life. I keep replaying our argument and the hit and run in my head. I thought about what was said and how her body became dust in a matter of two seconds. I'm having extreme PTSD and I dont need a doctor to tell me that one. Anytime I hear a car stop short or someone scream at someone, my brain instantly replays Quinn getting killed. It hurts me so bad I cant even explain it. Britt and San said I could stay with them till I find a home for Beth and I here in Rosewood, since I will have to raise her on my own it's good to have some help and another kid around for her to bond with for a lil while. Just then I heard a quiet whimpering noise. I slowly got out of bed, surprised I could even get myself up, and found Brittany in the bathroom quietly crying to herself. I guess she hasnt really gotten her chance to grieve. "Hey.. Britt it's ok." I whispered comfortingly as I pulled her into a hug. Tears slipped from my own eyes as I continued to hold onto her.

2 hours later
At Emily's
Emily's pov:

I pulled out my laptop from under my bed and searched Santana's youtube channel. My heart dropped when I found the video of Quinn, Rachel, Britt, and Santana singing. I hesitantly clicked on the video and began to cry as I watched how happy they all were.

"Quinn.. Would ya click play already?" Rachel joked. "Yeah yeah, hush up." Quinn joked back as she played the song and they sang.
🎶Cause we're old enough to know, we're never letting go. Cause that's just the way we roll. And I know we get a little crazy, and I know we get a little loud, and I know we're never gonna fake it. We are wild, we are free, we are more than you think so call us freaks cause that's just the way we roll. 🎶

"If we really were the Jonas Brothers... You'd defenitly be Joe. You think you're sooooo funny." Quinn said as she tickled Rachel and Britt and San had to seperate them. "Imma bout to be Kevin and put the us in serious when Britt and I kick your butts." Santana joked. They all just laughed as Quinn ran over to the video camera to press stop.

I let tears stream down my face and before I could find it in me to play another video, Ali walked into my bedroom. "Em.. Your mom let me in. Y-You ok?" She asked as she sat beside me. I just quickly sat up and wiped my tears but she noticed what I was watching. "Dont do this to yourself. Please. I cant take it. I loved Quinn. I loved hanging out with her and I was really looking forward to her going to school with us next year. But I am trying so hard to keep it together and it's getting really hard when everyone around me is torturing themselves." Ali finished as a tear fell from her eye as she stared off into space. I just shut my laptop and looked down. "You're right. Im sorry." I replied. "Dont be. Just.. Get your butt up. It's time to set up the memorial." Ali said as she took my hand and we walked downstairs to meet Spencer in her car with all the girls piled inside. "I dont know if I can handle this... She was my friend." Hanna cried as she wiped her eyes and put her head on Santana. San just nodded sadly and continued to stare off into space. After our talk yesterday she's barely said two words. I dont even think she's said one... Britt is doing all the talking for her and it's beggining to look like she can barely even handle her own thoughts let alone Santana's as well. Britt just began to rock Stephanie in her arms so she wouldnt cry and Rachel did the same with Beth. "Right here." I said as Spencer made the turn into the Rosewood park. "I-I thought it would be a good idea to put the memorial on a bench in the park so everyone can remember her. Especially Beth when she grows up." I said as we parked. "It's a great idea Em." Ali said with a small smile as we loaded out of the car with the stuff we got. By the end of all the work we did on the bench, there was a picture of Quinn plastered onto the middle of the bench, roses under and around it, and we even painted the bench gold in remembrance. Underneath her picture was a small little plaque that in gold letters read

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