Home sweet home(?)

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(The next day, saturday...)

"Ready to come home?" Britt said to Stephanie as she lifted her out of the bed the doctors had her in. "I think I'm ready to take both of my girls home." Santana said as she kissed Steph's head and gave Britt a peck on the lips. Britt had Steph in her arms as they checked out of the hospital and left.

[35 minutes later]

Santana pulled into the driveway of their house and parked the car. Santana smiled to herself as she opened her car door and Britt noticed. "What?" Britt asked with a little smirk. "Oh nothing.." Santana lied as she helped Britt out of the car. "I'll hold her.." Santana said as she held her arms out to hold Stephanie. Britt smiled and handed her the baby. They walked up to the front door and unlocked it, Britt walked in first. "SURPRISE!!!" Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Alison, and Emily yelled as they blew horns and confetii came from the ceiling. Hung on the wall there was a banner that read 'welcome home Stephanie Lo-Pierce' "oh my god.. You were in on this werent you." Britt said as she turned to Santana. She just laughed, "duh.. Why do you think I took Steph? I didnt want you to get scared and drop her." Santana said with a laugh. "You're sneaky." Britt said. "And you're beautiful." San said back as she kissed her. "What a beautiful family.." Spencer said with a smile. "Guys this is amazing... Thank you all so much." Britt said as she gave all the girls hugs. "Who wants cake?" Hanna said with a huge grin. "There's cake? Im in." Britt said as she followed Hanna to the kitchen. "Can I hold my cousin?" Em asked with a smile. "Of course." Santana said as she handed Em the baby.

Hanna's pov:

"Want a big or small slice?" I asked Britt. "Big." Britt replied with a smile as I cut her a big piece and placed it on a plate. Just then Ali walked in the kitchen with Aria and Spencer. "So I was thinkin.. Sleepover here tonight?" Ali questioned. "Sounds great." Britt replied as she swallowed her cake. "Where's Em and Santana?" Britt asked. "Oh they're in the living room with Stephanie." Ali responded. Just as I was about to cut my own slice of cake, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text.

Unknown number: Hanna.. You need to meet me. You cant tell anyone about this or we will both get hurt. The adress is 513 yorkfield dr. It's by an abandoned warehouse. Dont knock on the door... Just come to the warehouse. Tonight at 10:00 sharp.

Hanna: who are you?

Unknown number: I cant tell you till tonight.

Just then my heart started pounding. "Hey.. Han are you ok?" Spencer asked which snapped me out of my thoughts. "What? Yeah.. I'm good." I lied as I stood up. "I cant sleepover tonight.. I just remembered I have this big thing to do for school on monday and I didnt even start it so.. I'll talk to you guys later or something." I said as I rushed out of the door and before anyone could stop me I was already in my car and on my way home.

Spencer's pov:

Somethings wrong with Hanna.. She never blows off parties for school work especially on saturdays. "Hey what's wrong with Hanna? Where did she go?" Emily asked as she came into the kitchen. "Home.." I replied as I grabbed my coat and headed towards the door. "Where are you going?" Aria asked before Em could. "To see what's really up with my best friend." I said as I opened the front door and got into my car. I quickly sped away and drove to Hanna's. Once I got there and banged on the front door but she didnt answer so I took the key that was taped underneath the potted plant and unlocked the door myself. "Hanna?" I yelled as I ran upstairs to her room. I slowly opened her bedroom door and there she was. "Hanna.. What the hell." I said as I crossed my arms. She just kept pacing and ignoring me like I wasnt even standing there. "Hanna!" I yelled as I grabbed her arms, forcing her to make eye contact with me. "Whats going on? Is this about Caleb? I know you are still upset but It's been five months Hanna. You need to move on." I said. She just pushed me off her and continued pacing. "Hanna! Stop pacing around the fucking room and talk to me!" I yelled. "I cant! I cant so please just leave." Hanna shot back. "Fine. Be that way. But I was there for you for everything. I thought you could tell me anything. We are best friends. But you're right. I should just leave." I said as I slammed her door behind me and left her house. I decided to just drive home instead of back to Santana and Britt's because I was too angry. My best friend is keeping something from me and now we are sorta in a fight.

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