More planning?

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(Next day... Sunday)

Brittany's pov:

Santana and I finally sorted the new date of our wedding. It was going to be in two weeks on a friday. Stephanie is still staying with Santana's mom because we both just need to be there for Hanna right now and get fitted for our wedding dresses.. There's just so much to do. Hanna's leg wont be healed for about six weeks but she insisted that we have our wedding before that. She doesnt want to hold us back and she said she has no problem with sitting in the wheelchair for the wedding. "Babe... I have an idea." Santana said as she turned to me. "And what's that?" I asked. Just then she came over to me and plopped herself on the bed. "We should go back to Lima and have our wedding. You know, stay there for a few weeks and get to see everyone... I looked online last night after you fell asleep and there's an open venue with the same pretty chandilers like the venue we were origanally planning. It wont be a big deal if we cancel the venue we already had booked and just book the venue in Ohio, it would be fun." She said with a huge grin. I just placed my hands over hers and sighed. "San... You were banned from the state. If you go back there for a second, let alone weeks, they may not give you the choice of leaving this time. Are you sure you wanna risk it all? What if Sue finds out you're there... Or the cops?" I replied. "All the cops said was that I had to leave the state and attend a new school if I wanted to stay out of jail. They never said I couldnt visit." San said. "Yeah well they never said you could." I responded. She just looked down and stood up. "Whatever. I'm gonna shower." She said as she walked over to the closet the grab some clothes. I could tell she was angry. "Babe.. I didnt mean it like that. I'm just trying to protect you, I dont wanna see you being hauled away from me again. I am gonna be your wife in a matter of 2 weeks, I'm not ready to risk all of that. I cant lose you again. I wont. If you get put into jail again, I may have to kill someone just to land in there right beside you." I said as I stood up and walked over to her. "I'm sorry if I--" I started but before I could finish she connected our lips. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck and deepened the kiss. One she broke it she made eye contact with me. "Dont apologize. I'm sorry. You didnt say anything wrong, you're right. But I just really miss hanging around Quinn and Rachel and Artie... Quinn told me his surgery worked and now he can walk! I really want to be there to see that. I know we saw Quinn when she came here but that was about seven months ago. I miss her. I miss everything. We can have a secret wedding.. We only invite Mr. Shue and our friends from glee club. Sue will never know. And it will be nice, Em and the others can meet our friends and see everything from our perspective. We came here and got used to their town, maybe now is their chance to get used to ours." Santana finished persuasivley. I just smiled and sighed. "What about your mom? Their moms? You think your mom will let you take this big of a risk? And you think our friends moms will let them tag along?" I asked. "My mom.. Britt, has already seen me take a big risk. I had a baby with you, and she moved out so we could have the house to ourselves and be parents. That's a pretty big risk for two 17 year olds to take on, but we did it. And Emily's mom? She's my aunt. We're a family. If I have my wedding back in my hometown, I'm sure her mom will let her go. We've been apart our whole lives and now we are finally connecting, I dont think Pam is going to get in the way of that. Ali's dad loves Emily so Im sure he will let Ali go if Em goes. I know Hanna's mom might not be thrilled to send her daughter to another state for a few weeks after she hasnt been home in 2 months but i'm sure if Spencer goes she will too. Ashley loves Spencer, she's like a second daughter to her. We may need to work on Spencer's parents and maybe Aria's too.. But we are big girls. All of us. It will be fun." San replied. "Okay." I finally agreed. "Yay" san replied as she kissed my cheek and headed for the shower. While she was in the shower I went over to Santana's laptop and looked at her recent searches. 'Lima Ohio grande ball' was the first thing that popped up. I smiled and clicked on it. Oh my god.. She was right. It's beautiful, maybe even more beautiful than the venue we planned. Just then I grabbed my cell and dialed San's mom.
*ring ring ring*

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