The accident

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[1 week later]
(monay, 5:00 pm)
Hanna's POV:

I feel sick. I can't believe this is happening. I cant take it. I havent left my house in the past four days. Last week when Santana proposed and we all sang that song together, I thought we were all getting a fresh start. The girls have been trying to contact me but I've been ignoring them. I think it's time to talk to someone, I havent even spoke to my mom. I picked up my cell phone and called my best friend.... Spencer. After a few rings, she picked up.

Spencer: Oh my god.. Hanna? are you okay where have you been?!

Hanna: I'm far from okay, Spence. I-I-I need you to come over. (Muttered through a cry)

Spencer: Hanna... Please breathe I'll be over as fast as I can.

I hung up the phone and went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table as I waited for Spencer. I havent eaten in days but being in the kitchen wasnt tempting me because everytime I go to eat I throwup. I just stared into space and thought about Caleb, and how awesome he was and how great of a boyfriend he was to me. Suddenly, I picked up the knife holder that was next to me and threw it at the wall. I was holding in so much and I didnt know how to properly let it out. My mom was at work so I didnt have to worry about her yelling at me for throwing knives. Lately she's been giving me my space anyways. She knows what happened with Caleb, she was in the room with me when I got the call. After about five minutes I heard a paniced knock on the door. I turned around and opened the door as Spence rushed in. I sat back down and put my head in my hands. "Hanna? What happened? What's going on? You've been ditching school and glee club and not answering your door when we come over and avoiding our calls... What's up? You know I'm here for you, Han." Spencer said as she put a hand on my shoulder. I just shook my head and looked down. "Caleb said the same thing...Everynight he'd tell me, "im here for you Han. Always." But I dont believe that anymore." I said as I started to cry. "Caleb? Did you two breakup?" Spencer asked me confused. "No... He-He-He..." I started hyperventilating but Spencer wrapped her arms around me and tried to calm me down. "Breath Han... It's ok.. he what?" She asked worried. "He got into a serious car crash on thursday....." I paused and let a tear run down my cheek. "The impact from the car that hit him killed him. He was- w-was-" I stuttered. "Oh my god... Hanna I'm so sorry!....Breathe, I'm here... He was what?" Spence asked. "He was on his way here... For a date. It's my fault." Just then I let it all out and bawled. Spencer hugged me and I just sobbed on her. I noticed Spencer crying a little as well. "It's not your fault Hanna. And I know I didnt know Caleb that well, but I do know that whenever you brought him with us to the mall, he was a funny guy. Even if I only saw him for an hour or so every couple of months, I know he was a good guy. He made you happy and for that, it made me happy. He was so young he had his whole life ahead of him. He didnt deserve this. And neither do you. But you cant just shut all of us out ok? We are here for you and we care about you. We will help you through this." Spence said as she continued to hold onto me while I let out loud sobs into her chest.

[At Santana & Britt's]

Aria's POV:

I was pacing around Brittany and Santana's room like someone who hasnt went to the bathroom in two days. I was worried about Hanna. About a half hour ago Hanna called Spencer and Spence told us she'd call us when she found out what was up but she still hasnt. "Aria. Please stop pacing. We are all worried about Hanna. But pacing around the room wont help. All it will do is make us dizzy." Ali said. I just looked at her and sighed as I took a seat next to her on the bed. "I guess you're right." I muttered. Emily looked a little upset and cuddled up to Ali. I thought it was adorable, I loved them together. Just then my phone started ringing and Spencer's face popped up on the screen. I jumped off the bed and quickly answered it.

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