We're here.

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Spencer's POV:

Just then I heard police sirens and ambulences. Things started to go black and suddenly... I was out. Unconcious. I cant see anything, but I can sort of hear things. "We need to get her to a hospital... She is losing a lot of blood." I heard a voice say. "Jonathan Russo... You are under arrest." I heard another voice say. "Ugh not again." He mumbled. I didnt know what was happening to me. I couldnt feel my body. Soon enough, everything shut down. I blacked.

[at Emily's]

Emily's POV:

"That was a great movie." Hanna said while getting off the couch. "Yeah it was awesome." Santana added. It was only around 7:30 now. My mom was out with her girl friends so we all had the house to ourselves. "Anyone want a snack?" I asked as I walked over to my fridge. "Can you be my snack?" Ali asked, winking. I felt myself blush. "Ewww Alison oh my god.." Hanna said. "What?" Ali asked innocently. "Dont act like you dont know... I dont really wanna spend my friday night thinking about what you two do underneath the covers at night." Hanna joked. "Wanky.." Santana added. Brittany laughed at her cuteness. "So... Snack anyone?" Just then I felt someone grab my waist. I turned around, a bit startled, as Alison wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. It turned into a makeout session, but luckily Hanna stopped it before it could get out of hand. "Um... Hello? Ali, again...She asked if you wanted a snack... She is not an option." Hanna said smirking. "I know! I wasnt doing anything.." Ali defended. "Oh please. You were just pratcically eating her face off!" Hanna said with a joking tone. "I dont mind being eaten every once in a while..." I joked, deciding I should engage in this converstion. "You guys are just... Ugh" Hanna said laughing. Before I could even respond, I looked over to the couch and noticed Santana and Brittany making out. I laughed to myself, just waiting for Hanna to notice. I guess she saw me laughing so she looked towards the couch. "Seriously?! What is this... Makeout session hour? Jeez." At this point Hanna was just laughing. Just then there was a loud bang at the front door. We all jumped, it startled us. "I got it." I said as I walked over to the front door and opened it. Before I could even open my mouth Aria pushed herself past me and started mumbling a bunch of stuff. She was having a full on panic attack but I managed to listen. "I just cant believe it how did this even happen this is insane I dont even know what to feel right now even though to be honest the one feeling that I am feeling is sick.--" I had no idea what she was going on about so I cut her off. "Woah... Aria... Relax, calm down. Now what happened? In english." At this point Hanna, Britt, and San were all staring at Aria, as was I. She took a deep breath and continued. "Okay... I was driving home from Mike's game. I dropped Mike at his friends house so it was just me in the car. When I got home, my mom was standing in the kitchen with my dad... with a distraught look on her face. She had the phone in her hand but once she saw me she placed it on the counter. I asked her what was going on and she said that Spencer was in the hospital... Since my mom is best friends with her mom, Mrs. Hastings called her--" before I could let her finish I commented, "she's in the hospital?! How?! What the hell happened I thought she went home to study!" I yelled with sudden panic in my voice. "she did.. My mom didnt specify what happend though. All she said was she blacked out from a traumatic amount of blood loss." Aria finished, letting out a deep breath and taking a seat on the couch. I was in a state of shock. "I dont even understand.. If she went home to study, what could've caused her to end up in the hospital." Santana added. I started to feel really upset and Ali noticed and came over and hugged me. I started to cry on her shoulder. "Hey.. Baby it's okay. She'll be ok." She tried to assure me as she rubbed my back. I could hear in her voice that she was upset too... She was just trying to relax me. That's what I love about her. She always puts me before herself. I felt a single tear roll down my back. She was trying to hold aside her feelings for me, "babe it's ok I know you're not ok" I said to her as I made eye contact. She just looked to the floor as I brought my thumb up to her eye and wiped the tear. Santana and Brittany walked over to us and comforted us. "Guys... Where did Hanna go?" Aria asked, looking around. "I thought she was awfully quiet for Hanna..." I replied as I noticed she wasnt in the room. "Hanna?" I called. No answer. Everyone else started calling her as well. I decided to check the bathroom. "Han?" I said while banging on the bathroom door. There was no answer but I knew she was in there because the light was on. "Hanna... I'm coming in." I said as I opened the door. She was sitting on the toliet with the lid closed crying hysterically into her hands. "Hanna... It's ok." I said as I wrapped my arms around her and started comforting her. She started crying onto me. Of course this was going to affect all of us. Our bestfriend was laying on a hosptial bed and we didnt even know how. Suddenly all the others came crowding by the bathroom door. Alison walked towards us and ran her hand through Han's hair. "It'll be ok. Let it out." Ali's comforting words helped Her. "Did your mom tell you what hospital she's staying at?" Hanna asked Aria. "She's staying at Danville state hospital.." Aria replied. "In Montour county?" I asked. Aria nodded. "It was the closest one to Rosewood. It's only about a half hour drive. It's getting late now and visiting hours are until 8:30. We wont have enough time. Em, can we all sleep here? We could go together tomorrow morning." I nodded to Aria's question and we all left the bathroom. We tried not to think about it for the rest of the night. We popped in a movie and all cuddled on the couch. Halfway through the 3rd movie we chose to watch, we all fell asleep.

[a few hours later]

((4:30 AM))

"No.... NO!" I heard someone scream. I woke up and saw Hanna having a nightmare. I crawled over to her and put my arms around her. She started bawling in my lap. "It's all my fault... It's all my fault." Hanna cried into my lap. "What? No.. Han.. you're having a nightmare. It's okay." I said as I started calming her down. Santana slowly started waking up but I told her to go back to sleep and she was too tired to ignore me and fell back asleep. Once I calmed Hanna down I went back over to Ali and cuddled up to her. She was so cute when she was sleeping, she looked like a lil baby. I started to kiss her neck softly.. She turned over slowly and pulled me closer. "You woke up.." I said smiling. "Of course.. My adorable girlfriend was kissing my neck at almost 5:00 in the morning... I got the hint." Ali smiled and kissed me. There was something about that kiss that was different... It was a mix of passionate and soft. She nuzzled her head up into my chest and fell back asleep as I comforted her. Soon enough, I fell asleep too.

[9:30 AM]
(Still Emily's POV)

"Are you guys ready?" I yelled up the stairs as I grabbed my purse and car keys. Just then Santana, Britt, Aria, Ali, and Hanna all came running down the stairs. "Ready" they said in unison. They went upstairs to freshen up. We all piled in the car and started to drive. "I can't believe we had to wake up at 8:00 on a saturday morning.." Hanna said to break the silence. "Well visiting hours start at 10 and it's a half hour drive and you all take forever to get ready." I replied, keeping my eyes on the road. Hanna just laughed and looked out the window.

[30 minutes later]

I pulled up into the hospital parking lot. "well... We're here." I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt. The girls did the same as we got out of the car. We walked into the building and walked up to a desk with a lady behind it. "Hello... How may I help you ladies?" She asked politley. The girls all looked at me so I spoke, "um.. What room is Spencer Hastings in?" I asked. The lady pulled her glasses down onto her eyes and flipped through a book with patients names and information on it. "Ah.. Spencer Hastings... Third floor in room 306. Here's your visitors passes." She said as she handed us the passes. "Thank you." I said as we headed up towards room 306. "There it is." Hanna said as she pointed to a door with the number 306 plastered on the door. We walked up to the door and slowly opened it. "Spence?" I said as we approached her hospital bed. "She's out cold." A nurse in the room said. I jumped because I didnt even notice anyone else was in the room. "Oh.. Well has she woken up since yesterday?" Aria questioned. "Not exactly.. She did wake up for a minute at around 8:00 last night but she just started coughing up blood." The nurse replied. "Is she gonna be okay?" I said with obvious worry in my voice. "I'd like to think so. She lost a lot of blood, but not enough to kill her." Just then the nurse walked over the the bed where we were and lifted the blanket on the bed. "She was was slashed twice in the stomach with a sharp object. Police say it was a knife." She continued. "Wha-what happened to her?" Hanna asked with a tear in her eye. "Well.. I called the cops that showed up at her house last night to do a follow up and it turns out your friend called them saying a guy named Jonathan was trying to kill her. According to them that's all she said. By the time cops and an ambulence got to her house she was in her car passed out. Her car windows were smashed, indicating someone was trying to get in. Jonathan I pressume. She was already injured so i'm guessing he got to her before she could make it to her car. The cops arrested Jonathan at the scene and he had a knife in his possesion." The nurse finished. "Can we have a minute with her alone?" I asked. "Of course" the nurse left the room and we all gathered by her bed. I took her hand, "Spence... We're here. We're here for you. Please... fight. Please. wake up. You can do it..." I said as a tear fell from my eye and onto her hand.

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