Fail or bail?

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For those of you who dont know, Brenna Carver and Greer are characters from the show Chasing life so if you cant picture their faces in the story, Brenna is the brunette in the picture above and Greer is the blonde.
Brenna's pov:

I've let them down. I let them all down. My sister, my wife, everyone. I hate being in this cell, it's cold and scary. I hide my feelings behind this layer of tough when really I'm not as strong as I seem. It's only been a day and I'm already suffering. Just then a security guard opened my cell with his key. "You have a visitor." He said as he handcuffed me and led me to the visiting room. My heart dropped when I saw who was sitting at the table. "Greer." I said with a slight smile as I sat across from her, placing my handcuffed hands on the table. "Your sister and cousin called me. Told me you killed someone to protect Santana?" Greer said a little surprised. "It was a mistake. I see that now. Being in here, even for 24 hours, made me really see what i've done. I'm really sorry Greer. You have a stomach virus and you had to come all the way out here." I said as I looked down. "Brenna... You are more important to me than anything ok? I'd run on hot coals with athletes foot if I got to see you." Greer replied as she reached for my hands but before she could the guard outside the door banged on the glass. "We-we cant touch." I said sadly as I pulled my hands away. "I havent heard from Santana... Is she angry? Is she okay?" I asked. Greer just nodded her head. "She's not angry, she's scared. Scared to lose you forever and that's why she called me. I took a flight here as soon as she called and landed at the Lima airport at around 9:45ish last night. I crashed at Santana's old house with everyone else, she seems distant but her friends are holding her together with strings and needles and trying not to accidently poke her with one if you know what I mean..." Greer explained. I just gave her a confused look. "No... What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean her friends are trying to get her through this feeling she feels without accidently using the wrong words and hurting her." Greer finished. "That's why I love you... You're the smart one. You're using metaphors and shit and I'm sitting across from you while you talk about how my sister feels about my arrest. I'm a great sister." I said sarcastically as I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding. "You are. You just dont see it. Santana was arrested too for threating a teacher because that teacher was bullying Britt and her am I right? You told me this story the same way she talks about whats happening now. She thereatened her because she was protecting Britt and she ended up having to move hours away, that wasnt the intention but Britt found her way back to her. San made a mistake but all was forgiven. And you... You were arrested for beating someone up for getting your sisters wife pregnant. You did this for her, both of them. You dont see it but you guys are a protective family, not a dangerous one. This world is just too judgemental and screwed up to realize the story behind the facts." Greer finished. I just let a tear fall from my eye. "My family is so complicated. The whole cousin thing and jail visits, Santana's best friend dying.... our fucking dad dying." I began. "And you managed to get through it. Both of you. You are a strong family and I'm happy to be a part of it." Greer said with a smile. I just smiled. "I love you so much." I said as I made eye contact with her. "I love you too." Greer said back with a smile. "So um... Did they tell you how much your bail was?" Greer asked me. I just looked down and nodded. "Yeah... It's $100,000 for murder." I replied. "But you didnt intentionally kill him! That's ridicuolous. He wasnt even dead after you did it. Santana told me everything" Greer defended. "Doesnt matter the intention. He couldnt breath because of the pressure and force I used against his neck. He is dead... because of me. I killed him. That's second-degree murder." I finished. Greer just sighed and before she could say anything else the guard opened the door. "Times up." He said as he led me back to my cell and I watched Greer leave. I've never felt more ashamed of something till I had to watch the love of my life walk away from my jail cell.

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