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This chapter is dedicated to tvaddict417 ... Thank you so much for being a follower of this story and I'm glad you're enjoying it:- )

[5 days later, sunday 2:00pm]

Rachel's POV:

"You're back!" I yelled as I ran up to Quinn and hugged her. "How long have you been waiting out here?" She asked me as we went inside her house. "Not long, I knew your flight was at 12:30 so I just came over here at around 1:30." I replied. "Where's my mom?" She asked me, noticing she wasnt home. "Oh, I caught her on her way out.. She said to she was going to a dentist appointment." I responded. "So we're alone..?" Quinn said with a smirk. I just smiled and walked close to her and took her hands. "Look, I know we've talked about this on friday... But I'm ok with you keeping the baby. I meant that. I would be honored to mother a girl who came from you, whether or not she is biologically mine or not. I want to be with you, I want to have the kid with you, I want to think about what you said about maybe moving to Rosewood senior year. I want all of you, the whole package." I said as I pulled Quinn in for a passionate kiss. "I love you." Q whispered as she pushed me down on her bed and started kissing me. "I'm ready." I whispered.

[flashback to earlier, 11:05am]

"I guess this is it...?" Santana said to Quinn as she wheeled her suitecase to the front door of their house. Quinn sighed, "I guess it is." She replied as she pulled Santana into a big hug. "Im gonna miss you." Quinn whispered, not breaking the hug. "I'm gonna miss you too Q." Santana replied, trying not to cry. It was like saying goodbye when she had to transfer all over again. Just then Quinn pulled Britt into a big hug as well, "thank you guys for everything. For helping me with Rachel and letting me stay here and just... Thank you." Quinn said with a tear in her eye. "It was nice meeting you.." Emily said as she hugged Quinn. "Yeah you too Em... You and Alison are perfect together by the way. Thank you for that little speech the other day about popular girls being able to embrace who they are even if someone may have an issue with it by the way, Alison." Quinn said as she looked to Alison who was right beside Em. "Hey, anytime. You got my number, hit me up whenever." Ali said back as she hugged Quinn. "Tell Spencer, Aria, and Hanna I say bye and it was nice meeting them." Quinn finished as she said her last goodbye and left. Emily and Alison stayed with Britt and Santana for the weekend, it was sorta like cousin bonding...with each others girlfriends as well...

[end of flashback]

(back in Rosewood... 2:35pm)

Emily's POV:

"I had fun.. Thanks guys." I said as I said bye to San and Britt. They had to go to an appointment to see if their kid will be a girl or a boy so I decided to have a romantic day with the love of my life.

Alison's POV:

Emily is the sweetest girlfriend ever. She's taking me somewhere and she wont tell me where, she even blind folded me. "Babe... Where are we?" I asked her as I felt the car come to a stop. She didnt answer and just helped me out of the car. We started walking and I could feel a breeze on my face, finally we stopped and she took my blindfold off, except I was shocked to see it was Aria standing in front of me, not Emily. I was confused and then looked at my surroundings and I knew where I was... The kissing rock. Finally, I spoke up. "Aria? What's going on where's Emily?" Aria just smiled as she sat me down on the kissing rock. Just then Hanna and Spencer came out of the bushes with a bundle of a dozen roses and handed them to me. "From Emily.." Spencer said smiling. I blushed and smiled to myself as I looked down at the note attatched and read it

Reconize where you are now? I bet you asked Aria plenty of questions in the car thinking it was me... I blindfolded you but Aria was waiting in her car by Britt and San's house and I put you in Aria's car and she drove you here. Why? You'll see... We've had our first kiss here. This is our place. I hope you enjoy what's coming...

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