She's... Mine?

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Alison's POV:

no. I just wont accept it. That new girl will NOT take Emily away from me. She is mine. Well... Not exactly. But she will be. I always wanted her. I was just so scared of what people will think about me. Oh great, she's coming back with her food. "Hey Santana...." I said turning to her. "Yeah?" She replied. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat out. Just then I noticed all the other girls staring at me in shock, but I didnt care. "What did you just say to me?" She defended, with no expression of scared on her face. "Come to the bathroom with me.. Now." I said getting up and heading towards to bathroom. It took a few seconds, but finally Santana came barging in the bathroom. "Look Alison, what the hell? What did I even do?" She said while crossing her arms. "You are a selfish, slutty, whore. You think you can just go after Emily? Think again. Emily will never like someone as slimy as you. You are a cunt who should just go back to where you belong, the--" just then I fell into the wall. I grabbed my face and I was bleeding. "Did you just punch me?!" I shouted through my bloody mouth. "Hmm I dont know ask your bloody face." She snarked. That was it. She pissed me off. She asked for it. I clenched my fist and punched her so hard that blood splat all over my shirt. "What the hell is going on in here?" I heard a voice say. "Emily.." I didnt know what to say but that. What was she going to think of me now? If her seeing me with blood all over didnt make me angry enough, just then that bitch Santana grabbed Emily by the shirt and pushed her against the wall and kissed her. I pulled her off Emily and pushed her into the wall. "Fuck you." I said as she laughed and ran out of the bathroom to go back to the table. For the first time, I felt myself crying. I started to wash my bruised and bloody hand, then my face. The tears were more obvious now. "Hey.. You okay? What happened between you two?" Em asked me as she rubbed my back. I was shocked. Emily was such a good friend. She doesnt hate me? "Uh.. Yeah i'm fine. It was nothin." I lied. Emily got closer to me, "please dont lie..." I sighed. "I'm fantastic." I said, drying my hands and running out of the bathroom. I decided to skip the last few minutes of lunch and next period to go to the computer lab. I needed to know more about this bitch Santana. No way I'm letting her take Emily. Okay let's see... Good. She has a facebook. I went through all of her friends and found one name that looked familiar... Brenna Carver. That was Emily's cousin... Why the hell was she friends with Emily's cousin on facebook? Isnt today the first day she even met Emily? Suddenly interested, I clicked on her profile. They have a lot of pictures together and it says their relationship is.... Woah. What?! Sisters?! Wait... If Brenna and Santana are sisters.. And Emily and Brenna are cousins... That means Emily and Santana are cousins! I knew they looked alike...... With that, I ran out of the computer lab and tried to find Em. Since I already missed half of Chem, I couldnt just walk in.. So I decided to text Spencer since she's in my class. "Hey.. Is Em in class rn?" i sent the text to spence and waited for a response. Me Em and Spence all had chem together. Finally I got a relpy. "No... She went to the bathroom like 5 minutes ago... She never takes this long but thats where I think she is.." I ran to the bathroom hoping Em was still in there. "Mmm fuck... Faster." That was Emily's voice! "What the hell!?" I yelled when I saw Santana fingering Emily. When they saw me, she quickly pulled her hand out of Emily's pants. Smart idea. With an angry look on my face I approached them. "Santana... May I speak to Emily alone." I said with a bitchy snark. "Sure thing." She responded just as bitchy. Once she left, I felt a little calmer because I was standing in front of the love of my life. "So... You two are hooking up in bathrooms now? Wtf." I said crossing my arms. "Ali.. I--" i cut her off before she could finish. I knew who was gonna win this one. "So.. You know your cousin.... Brenna Carver?" I asked. "Yeah..." She replied confused. "Did you know... That she is Santana's sister. Her name used to be Brenna Lopez. But she got married a few months ago and her name changed to Carver. That makes Santana your cousin." I said with certainty. Emily looked a little scared. "How do you know all that?" She asked. "Well... Santana is friends with her on fb. I went on her profile and found all that out. Facebook can be a very over shared place." I replied. "Why were you even on her facebook? Is that why you skipped chem?! To fucking research some new chick just cause she kissed me? What are you jealous?" Em said with a little anger/confusion. "Of course not... I just care about you. I dont want you to get hurt. She is your cousin. And I think that's important to know." I cant lie to her directly because I feel guilty so I turned and started to leave the bathroom. Just then I felt her grab my arm. "Ali..." I started to stutter. "Y-yeah?" I said, turning red. "I know you wanna kiss me." She whispered seductively. I got really turned on and started to lean in. Finally! Our lips crashed together. I was finally kissing the love of my life. The kiss got desperate and i pushed her into the wall and started moaning into the kiss. "I knew you were jealous.." Emily said, breaking the kiss.

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