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Writers note: the song is not original
---------------------------------------------3 weeks later

Alison's pov:

It's time. I'm ready to fully have my girl back. She's been nothing but good to me the past few weeks. "Babe.." I said as I tapped her, distracting her from a youtube video. "What's up cutie?" Em asked. I just got off the bed and pulled out her chair so I was now sitting on her lap. I pulled her in for a long passionate kiss and broke it by placing my forehead on hers. "I'm ready.. To wear the ring." I said with a smile. "R-Really?" Em asked as she reached in her pocket and slid it on my finger. "You are my soulmate. I promise you, forever we will be part of eachother." I said as I took her hand in mine. "You're amazing. I love you so much." Em said as she caressed my face and kissed me, our lips moving in sync. We broke it for air and I placed my head on her shoulder as she pressed play on the youtube video and we watched it together. It was a video Santana posted on her youtube channel two days ago of the girls singing.. It was great that their talent was getting recoginzed. I could tell Em missed Santana because she watches every video they posted.. It must be weird, getting to meet your cousin after 17 years then be apart from them again for 3 months. They all looked so happy though. The four of them singing together, like a family. That's what I wanted with Em. A kid and a house and good friends like the girls nearby. Just then there was a knock on the front door. "I got it." I called as I answered it. "Hey." I said as Spencer walked in. "Hey... So, I need you and Em's advice... I would've asked Brittany and Santana but they're not here... I know we helped them for San's proposal but.. I'm not sure how to--" Spence began but I cut her off. "You're gonna propose?!" I yelled excitedly, causing Em to run down to us. "You are gonna ask Aria to marry you?!" Em yelled with a smile. Spencer just blushed. "Y-yeah.. I just dont know how." Spence replied. "How about we start with ring shopping." Em added. "Already done." Spence said as she pulled out a diamond ring. "Wow.. Ok." I said in shock. "How about you use a song.." Em said. "I'm not the best singer of the group.. You guys know that." Spencer replied. "Yes but you arent the worst. To Aria, you're the best. It will be coming from your heart and that's all she cares about." I replied. Spencer just nodded. "Ok.. But can you guys back me up?" She asked. "Of course Spence." Em said as she put her hand on her shoulder.

2 hours later...

Spencer's pov:
Everything for my proposal was in order. Em and Ali were going to knock on Aria's door and pretend they wanna hangout with her. They are gonna unlock her bedroom window from inside and I'm gonna climb up the side of the house and quote Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, our favorite play. Then I'm gonna climb up and sing her a song, then just pop the question. "Ok guys, lets do this." I said as I took a breath and got out of the car. I snuck around the side of the house while Em and Ali knocked on the door. "Hey Aria." Em said as Aria let them in. "what's up guys?" She asked. "We just wanna hangout with our bestfriend." Ali lied. "I need to pee.. Be right back." Em lied as she ran up the stairs to go to Aria's bedroom.

Emily's pov:
When I got into the room I saw Hanna laying on Aria's bed watching tv. "Hanna? What are you doing?" I whispered so Aria wouldnt hear. "We had a sleepover last night.. What are you doing.." Hanna questioned back. "Spencer didnt tell you?" I asked surprised. "Tell me what?" Hanna asked as she sat up. "She's proposing.. This is part of the plan for her proposal. I need to unlock her window." I said as I walked over to Aria's window and unlocked it. I gave Spence the thumbs up and she nodded. "Really? Awe that's so cute!" Hanna half whispered, half yelled. I just shushed her as I went back downstairs, Hanna following. "Hanna?" Ali said once we got downstairs. "Sup." hanna said causally. Assuming Hanna caught on to the proposal plan, she joined. "Can we finish the movie we were watching?" Han asked Aria as she winked at Ali and I. "Sure." Aria said as she walked upstairs with us following her. Once we got upstairs Spencer knocked on the window. Aria made a confused face but opened it. "Spencer?" Aria asked. "With loves light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt; therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me." Spence said. Aria smiled, "Romeo amd Juliet? That's our play." Aria said. "Yes it is." Spence said as she climbed all the way up and into the room. "Aria.. Take a seat." Spencer said as Ali, Hanna, and I led Aria to a seat on her bed. "Okay.. You are the love of my life. We started off as best friends but not typical ones. We always had the idea out there that we may just love eachother more than we say we do.. And I'm so happy we realized it. I wrote you this song from the bottom of my heart.. I hope you like it." Spence said as she cleared her throat and began to sing.

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