Everything's gonna be alright.

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Emily's POV:

"She's awake!" I yelled, wiping both sad and happy tears from my eyes. "Spence... Can you hear us?" Hanna asked. Spencer turned her head slowly and made eye contact. She was silent, a tear rolled down her cheek. Spence nodded to Hanna's question as I pulled her into a hug. "We were so scared Spence." I cried into her ear. The other girls started crying tears as we engaged in a group hug. "Ow" Spence muttered weakly. We released her, remembering her injury. "Oh... Sorry." I said as I let go. Just then Spencer's mom and the nurse walked in. "She woke up?" The nurse asked as she walked over to us. "Yeah" I said smiling. "She hasnt really said anything though." I added. The nurse nodded, "yeah.. It may take her a few hours to regain full conciousness. Again, she lost a lot of blood so the best thing would probably be for her to eat something, drink a lot of water... And relax but not alone. She needs to see people." The nurse replied. Mrs. Hastings walked up to the hospital bed and hugged Spencer. "I'm so glad you're okay." She said, trying to be strong. "Can she leave today?" Santana asked. The nurse smiled and nodded. "You girls can go home.. I'll drive her over later." Mrs. Hastings said while turning to us. "Ok." We agreed. "Oh.. Mrs. Hastings.. This is Santana. She transfered here from Mckinley high in Ohio. I found out not too long ago that she's my cousin.. And this is her girlfriend Brittany, also from Ohio. They moved in together so could you drop Spencer here?" I said while writing their address down and handing her the piece of paper. "nice to meet you guys.. And of course" she replied as we left. "You guys don't think the nurse was talking about Jonathan.... Russo? Do you?" I asked as we left the building. Aria turned and looked at me like I was stupid. "Em... Of course it's Jonathan Russo. Let's not forget what he's capable of. I mean, three years ago he raped her remember?" Aria responded. "Wait.. Is Jonathan the guy who got her pregnant at 14?" Santana questioned. I nodded. "She told you?" I asked. "Yeah." She replied. "She got herself involved with him.. He was 17 at the time. They were dating and he pressured her into things. He made her snort coke... He made her dye her hair once because he wanted her to look older... He spiked her drinks with alcohol and she would get drunk without even realizing and he'd do things to her. Then he raped her one day and got her pregnant. It was a disaster. That was the first year we knew eachother but we were pretty close and she came running to my house crying. She told me everything and we just had a close connection ever since." Hanna said as we got into the car. We just stared at her shocked. She never told me that story... And I'm guessing she hasnt told any of us but Han from the looks of their faces. I mean, she did tell us the whole abortion part.. but not all that. I understand her wanting to keep it quiet though. I mean, she's Spencer Hastings. She was probably too ashamed to share it. Even with us. Although we are her best friends, she probably just wasnt able to forgive herself for it. Spencer always was closest to Hanna... She was the first one of us she met. "Woah.." Santana said speechless. "I had no idea.. When she talked to me when I was upset and stressing she mentioned being forced to do things she regrets but she never elaborated. She didnt deserve this. If anyone deserves this it's me. I used to beat people up. I threatened people. I did horrible things. But Spencer.. Right when I met her I knew she was an awesome person. She knows where she stands in this world and she did not deserve this." San said with a tear in her eye. Britt put her arm around her and comforted her. "Dont say that... You made a difference in my life. You helped me so much. Remember that time Rachel started messing with me cause i'm a little dumb and you walked over and yelled at her. That was before we were even dating and you risked being outed just to say amazing things about me." Britt said smiling. I just reached my hand out and put it over hers. "Hey.. Britt's right. You're awesome. How bout when that dick Justin commented on me and Ali kissing and you punched him in the face. You use your bad for good and that's an important quality. You're my family... We share blood. Never say you deserve that." I saw her smile and Britt kissed her cheek. "Alright lets get to Britt and San's house.. That's where Mrs. Hastings is gonna bring Spence." I said as I put the key in the ignition and started driving.

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