Oh- 'puck'!

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(Next day, tuesday 6:30:am)

Santana's POV:

I've been getting ready with Britt to go to school, she left early to get to school with Spencer and study for a big global test. The other night was fun with all the wedding planning. We finished at around 11:30pm. Everything was decided... The wedding would be in six months. A month after the baby would be born. Just as I was brushing my teeth I heard puking. I quickly spit out the toothpaste and ran to the room Quinn's staying it. She wasnt in the bed so I figured she was in the bathroom that was in the bedroom. The puking noises continued. I ran the the bathroom and saw Quinn throwing up in the sink. "Quinn?! Are you ok?" I asked as I rubbed her back. She wiped her mouth and looked at me. "No.." She replied. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" I asked. She just shook her head. "Well then what is it?" I asked confused. "I'm late... I was supposed to get my period a month ago. I've been throwing up in the morning for the past 3 days but then I feel fine for the rest of the day...When you and Britt left yesterday I threw up all over. I thought I just ate something bad or something. But now I think it's...." She trailed off and had a tear in her eye. I just pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair. She broke the hug and continued. "Last month I had sex with Puck... He was drunk and so was I and it just happened. I dont know what i'd do if i'm pregnant because I dont wanna hurt Rachel and I know carrying Puck's baby would hurt her and--" my eyes grew wide and before Quinn could finish I cut her off. "Woah woah... Slow down. Rachel? What the hell does Dwarf Berry have to do with this? Why would she be hurt?" I asked confused. Quinn just took a breath as If she was realizing she just spilled something she wasnt ready to... And I knew that was the case. After a long silence I decided to break it. "Quinn...?" I asked. She just looked at me with sad eyes. "I-I'm in love with Rachel. Before you say anything just hear me out, Once you and Britt left I had no close girlfriends besides Mercedes and we only talked during Glee club. Rachel and I started talking more and hanging out and before you know it we became bestfriends. The past four months we've built a strong connection and we have sleepovers every weekend and I just saw this different side of her that wasnt as selfish and annoying as everyone thinks. So... Before I came here she stayed the night at my house and we kissed and now she's my girlfriend.... I dont want to hurt her by being pregnant that would mess everything up! I really love her and--" I noticed the hurt in her eyes as she started to cry and I just pulled her into a hug, still shocked about what she just told me, but I'll save that for later. Right now I need to comfort her. After a few minutes she stopped crying and sat down on the closed toilet bowl. "Uh, so want me to walk to school so you can take the car and pick up a pregnancy test? Or do you want me to stay with you?" I asked as I leaned up against the sink. "You dont have to walk or stay with me San. It's okay i'll be fine on my own." Quinn said, I could hear the upset in her voice and it hurt me to see her like that. She always helped me with my problems, so I'm not just gonna drive away as my best friend cries on a toilet bowl all day. "It's early.. Get some rest. I'm gonna pick up a pregnancy test and leave it on the bedside table next to you." I said smiling. "But... You'll be late for school." She replied. I just shrugged. "My best friend needs me. School will still be there in 20 minutes." I said. She just got up and hugged me. "I love you" she whispered. "I love you too Q." I smiled back as she got back into bed. "Be back soon ok?" I said softly as she nodded and I left. There was a walgreens right around the corner so I drove there and picked up the test. "$20? That's a little expensive for a dumb stick you gotta pee on but whatever." I said to the cashier as he rang up the test and handed me a bag. I walked outside to the car and threw the test in the passenger seat. Once I got back home I quietly walked in and placed the test on the bedside table and left. As I was on my way to school I got a text. I stopped at a stop sign and checked the message.

Britt: hey where are you? Em texted and said you arent in homeroom. Everything ok?

San: yeah I just had to take care of something, I'm right outside the school.

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