~9 months~

297 6 1

[5 months later, thursday 10:45am]

Brittany's pov:

"It's coming! The babys coming!" Santana screamed as I fell to the floor in pain. "The ambulance is on its way!." Mr. Fitz said as Aria ran back to the cafeteria with him. "I cant... It's coming.." I said as I clenched my stomach. "Babe.. Hold on just stay with me." Santana said as she crouched down next to me and started rubbing my back. "They're here!" Emily yelled as Santana helped me up and led me to the ambulance. I feel the baby coming and I'm not sure how much longer she'll wait to come out. "Can she come with us? I wont be able to do this without her." I said as I held onto Santana's hand. "Of course she can. But only her. Unless it's family." The man said. "Can I come? Im her cousin." Emily said as she came up to the ambulance. "Sure." He said as he put me in the ambulance and San and Em followed. "Wait Em! We have to meet Mrs. Hanley after school to make up for missing gym the other day.." Hanna said to Emily. "My cousins girlfriend is in labor! I think she'll understand. Tomorrow ok?" Em replied. "We'll meet you guys at the hospital after school." Ali said as the ambulance doors closed and her, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer walked back into the building.

Hanna's pov:

"I cant believe Em's cousins girlfriend almost popped a child in the middle of lunch." I said. The girls just laughed. "I cant believe they're gonna be mothers.." Ali added. "Hey ever think you and Em will have a kid together?" Aria asked. Ali just smiled to herself and looked down. "Yeah.. I honestly think we will." She replied. "What would you name it?" I asked. "Charles if it's a boy..." Ali said while blushing. Aria, Spence and I looked at eachother then back at Ali, "why Charles?" Spence asked. "It's symbolic to a moment Em and I shared. I was reading her an excerpt from 'great expectations' and after I did, she kissed me... the author of it is Charles Dickens so..." Ali said with a smile. "Aw that's adorable. If it's a girl you should name it Estella then." Spencer joked. "You've read that book?" Ali asked her. "Yeah we all had to read that for Mr. Fitz's assignment that year remember?" Spencer said. "And plus, she's Spencer.. I think she has read every book out there." I added. "Yeah yeah.. We should probably get to class now." Spencer said as we went our seperate ways. As I was walking to class I ran into Mrs. Hanley. "Hello Hanna." She said. "Wait, Mrs. Hanley... Emily's cousins girlfriend is in labor, i'm not sure if you heard but she was just escorted out of the school by an ambulance and Emily went with them. Is it ok if we make up our gym points tomorrow after school?" I asked hopefully. "I dont see why not." She replied as she smiled and walked away. Just then I pulled out my cell and started a group chat.

Hanna: hey guys.. I'm guessing glee club is cancelled today?

Emily: yeah.. I just asked Santana.

Ali: plus we are going straight to the hospital after school Han.

Hanna: will she even be in there till then? I doubt it takes four hours to deliever a baby.

Spencer: no.. It doesnt but it's best for the person who is pregnant to stay in the hospital for two days.

Emily: yeah

Aria: alright so we'll see you guys after school then Em.

Emily: okay

Ali: Em?

Emily: yeah babe?

Ali: I love you<3

Emily: I love you more cutie.

Hanna: awwwww love birds

Just then I turned my phone off and walked into my class.

[last bell of the day rings]

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