Years later

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*** 8 YEARS LATER***

Insight to what has happened: Spencer and Aria had their wedding and are married now, they decided they didnt want a kid. Hanna and Caleb got married two years after they graduated and Hanna is now pregnant. Alison proposed to Emily when they turned 22. Two years after the wedding Emily got pregnant and they now have a one year old child, her name is Estella. Rachel found a home with Beth that's super close to all the girls' houses. Beth is eight now, as is Stephanie. They both started third grade this year and are super close.
Rachel's pov:

"Please mommy? You keep telling me eventually you'll take me to see Mama. Why cant we now?" Beth asked me as I continued driving. "Because.. I'm driving you to school right now, you cant see mommy yet." I replied a little sadly as I thought of the good old days when I was a teenager and got to hold the love of my life every night. "Where does she live? Why doesnt she live with us? Did you two get into a fight?" Beth asked. I just let a tear fall from my eye, knowing it was the fight we had that killed her, but slowly replied. "She lives with angels, sweetheart." I softly responded as we pulled up into the Rosewood elementary school parking lot. "Angels? Just like Stephanie's mom's best friend?" Beth asked and it was then I actually felt my hear break. "Y-You know about Finn?" I asked as I parked the car and turned to the back seat to face Beth. "Brittany tells me and Stephanie stories everytime I sleepover. She says Finn is dancing and singing in the sky with the angels. It's weird though... Every time I look at the sky, I cant see anyone." Beth replied. I just placed my hand over hers and made eye contact. "Sweetheart.. There are some things that you just dont understand yet. But when I feel you are ready to know those things, you'll know. And you will understand, even though you wont want to." I replied as Beth just totally changed the subject like she often does. "Can I hangout with Stephanie today?" She asked with hope in her eyes. I just nodded, "Sure you can.. I'll call Santana and Britt and ask if that's ok." I replied as I took her hand and walked her into the school.

Brittany's pov:

"The girls are hanging out in the basement watching Hannah Montana... We're sorta alone..." I said as I turned to Santana and pulled her into a proud kiss. "What?" She asked as we broke the kiss and I just stared into her eyes with a big smile. "We did it. We raised our baby girl together at age 17 and now here we are at 25 and Steph is healthy and beautiful just like you." I finished as I brought my hands to her cheeks. "I love you so much." Santana said as she kissed my forehead and pulled me into a very heartfelt embrace. "You know what I miss most about being a teenager?" I asked Santana as I made eye contact with her. She just listened as I continued. "I miss the little things. Like the glee club we had in our basement with the girls, and being able to actually see them everyday instead of just on weekends cause now we all work. I miss Quinn, and cheering with you and her in cheerios practice. It's the little things that make up the big picture and I really dont want to forget the image. But at least I know every time I look at you, I see a little piece of our teenage years. It comes with your laugh and that sparkle in your eyes, which brings me right back to the little things." I said as I intertwined my hand with hers. Santana smiled and kissed my hand. "I miss it all too babe. I do." She replied. I just grabbed my guitar that was sitting behind the couch and looked at Santana with a smirk as I began to strum the chords.

[BRITT SINGING] Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind, it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me...

[SANTANA SINGING] I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

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