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The car ride to Hanna's went by fast because the girls spent the whole time catching Hanna up on whats been happening. After the 35 minute drive, Spencer pulled into Hanna's driveway and helped her out of the car once she got the wheelchair out. Hanna slowly got herself back into the wheelchair as Spencer wheeled her to the front door. Hanna's mom drove to the hospital seperatley so she was still on her way home from the hospital, so Spence got the key from under the plant and unlocked the door. Just then, Aria, Em, Ali, Britt, And Santana followed Spencer and Hanna into the house. Caleb was sitting at her kitchen table with a big grin on his face. Once he saw Hanna he ran over and hugged her as he started crying onto her. "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered. After a few minutes Caleb had to leave to start his first shift at his new job.

Aria's pov:

"Han you want us to stay to take care of you?" I asked. She just half smiled. "It's okay guys.. I'll just wait for my mom to get home so we can catch up. Thank you guys for bringing me home and not giving up on me." Han replied. "Hey.. We'd never give up on you. Ever. They could have cut all your machines off and say you were gone and we wouldnt have let them take you." I replied. "I love you guys." She said with a smile plastered across her face. We all just gave her a hug. "Well.. Text us if you need us. We're just a phone call away." Spencer said as she kissed Hanna's head. I felt a strange feeling overcome me when she did that but I just brushed it off as we all said our goodbyes and left.

Hanna's pov:

Once the girls left I just looked around and took in my surroundings. A tear fell from my eye as I started to think about the fact that I may have never seen any of this ever again. I was starving, so I rolled my wheelchair over to the cabinets and tried to grab the box of poptarts but I couldnt reach it. Just as I was about to make an effort to stand up so I could reach it, my mom walked into the kitchen. "Hanna..." Was all she said, implying that it wasnt a good idea to stand. I just sat back down as my mom walked over and handed me the box of poptarts. She was holding crutches in her hand. "The nurse said if you need to walk you have to use these." She said as she put the crutches against the wall and I started to eat my strawberry poptart. There was a silence but my mom finally broke it. "It's been 2 months Hanna... I wish we could just pick up where we left off.. But we cant. I almost lost you. You havent been around for a while. Your friends stopped by here every day just to come inside. They were afraid they werent going to get to say goodbye. I cant even tell you how lucky we are that you're here right now. I cant just pretend that you werent in that hospital bed because--" she stopped herself because her eyes became filled with tears. I felt a tear fall from my eye as well and I just pulled her into a hug. "Mom... I know. I get it. I understand you not being able to pretend I was ok for the past 2 months. But I am now. Soon, I will be out of this wheelchair and every thing will go back to normal. Now... Why dont you and I watch a movie? I havent seen one in a while... Being in one doesnt count." I joked as I saw my mom smile. "You got yourself a deal." She said as we went over to the tv and picked a movie.

Aria's pov:

Spencer just dropped Em and Ali at Em's and Britt and San at their place and now it was just her and I in the car. There was an awkward silence but Spencer broke it. "You okay? You're odly quiet." Spence said. I just looked at her and back down at my hands. "Yeah.. Just thinkin." I replied. "About?" She asked as she stopped at a red light and looked at me. "Just Hanna..." I lied. She just nodded as the light turned green. "Yeah I know.. I was so scared to lose her but now I feel like everything is as it should be." She responded with a smile. Her smile suddenly changed into a frown as she looked down at the steering wheel. "If she died... I would have lived the rest of my life blaming myself." Spence said as a tear fell from her eye and onto the steering wheel. "Hey.. Dont say that. You had nothing to do with what happened to her. If anything, you saved her. If it werent for you, none of us would've known she was missing. If it werent for you, we wouldnt of known where to look for her....And You tackled that kitty girl before she could hit Hanna again... That last hit could of killed her. What you did was very brave Spence." I said as I placed my hand on Spencer's. Just then she pulled into my driveway and stopped the car. "thanks Aria... That helped." Spence said as she pulled me into a hug. Once we broke the hug I left the car and went inside and watched as she drove away. "Aria? Is that you?" I heard my mom yell from upstairs. "Yeah Mom it's me." I called back. I went up to my room and locked the door behind me as I pulled out my phone and looked through pics of me and Spencer being silly together. That girl really made me laugh. I... I think I... Need to talk Emily. Or Alison.. Or both. I just.. Ugh. Just then I grabbed my coat and ran back downstairs but before I could get to the front door I ran into my mom. "Going out again? You just came home not even a minute ago.. Every thing ok? I heard Hanna got out of the hospital today.. That's great! Are you going back to see her?" She asked. Jeez she had a lot of questions today. "Yeah she's out, I was just there but I forgot I.. Left something at Emily's a few nights ago and I really need it so.. I'll call you.. Bye." I said as I opened the front door but once again I was stopped by my mom. "Are you sure everything is okay?" She asked again. "Positive." I said as I finally made it out the door and to my car. "Forgetting something?" My mom called from the door as she tossed me my car keys. "Thanks." I said as I got in my car and drove to Em's. After a few turns I pulled into Emily's driveway and banged on the door, maybe a little harder than I should have. Em's mom wasnt home so who knows what those two are up to. After about a minute or two, Em answered the door. "Aria? Hey what's up?" Em asked. I just looked down at my hands and started to play with my fingers, it's something I do when I'm nervous. "C-Can i come in? I get if you and Ali are busy and want me to go but... I need to talk." I said. "Of course you can come in.. And it's cool Ali is actually in the shower so it's just me." Em said as she let me in and we took a seat on her couch. I was just staring down at my legs so Em broke the silence. "Aria?... Y-You okay?" Em asked, sounding a little worried. I finally looked up at made eye contact. "I need you to kiss me." I blurted out. Em stared at me with wide eyes. "Uh... What?" She said. "I said I need you to kiss me." I said again. "Aria.. I have a girlfriend. And that girl is one of your best friends... And I thought you were straight? Arent you secretly dating Mr. Fitz?" Em asked. I just sighed. "Okay.. Well... I met him before he started teaching. He became sorta like my best friend. One day we were watching tv and he kissed me. I instantly pulled back, I didnt feel it. The next day I told him I think I'm in love with one of my best friends and I need him to date me so I could get over her. He did and I actually started to believe I liked him. But I dont... At least not like that." I said. Em just looked at me confused. "A-Am I the best friend you are in love with..? because--" she began but before she could finish I cut her off. "No. Spencer is. I'm... I'm in love with Spencer." I finally managed to say out loud. "Then why'd you want me to kiss you?" Em asked. "Because.. I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss a girl." I replied. Em just smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Good luck.." Em said. I just looked at her confused. "With what?" I asked. "you are getting your kiss... Just not from me." She replied as she took my hand and led me back to her front door and opened it. "W-Wait..." I stuttered. "No more waiting Aria... Go get her!" Em said as she nudged me out the door. I took a deep breath as I walked back to my car and drove to Spencer's. Once I got in her driveway I got out of the car and knocked on her front door nervously. After a few seconds the door swung open. "Hey Aria.. What's up? Did you leave something at my house?" She asked. "Yeah.." I said as I stepped closer to her and pulled her into a passionate kiss. I felt my mouth melting into hers, after a few seconds she pulled away slowly. "I-I'm sorry.. That was.. I dont know why I did that.. I should go." I said as I turned around and started to head back to my car but before I could Spencer grabbed my arm and turned me back around and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it, our lips moving in sync. Once we broke the kiss for air we made eye contact. "What does this mean?" She whispered. I just smiled. "You tell me" I whispered back. She just smiled and pulled me back in for another kiss.

Emily's pov:

Just as Aria left I smiled to myself, it was so cute that Aria was in love with Spencer. She sure is a good liar.. I really believed she was into Mr. Fitz. Just then, I heard Ali call my name from upstairs. "Coming babe!" I called back as I ran up the stairs. She was no where to be found. "Ali..?" I asked with more concern in my voice. Just then Ali popped out of the closet naked and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer as she started kissing me neck. "You scared me.." I whispered, giving in to Ali's warm body pressed against mine. Just then she turned me around and connected our lips. "Let me make it up to you.." She said seductivley as she pushed me down onto the bed and started to undress me. This girl was full of surprises, that's why I love her. She's mine and I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

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