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[next day, sunday 10:30am]

Spencer's pov:

I woke up in my bed and yawned. The sun was shining into my bedroom window, blinding me at the sight. I got out of bed and changed out of my pjs as I grabbed my phone to call Hanna. I felt horrible about cornering her yesterday and lashing on her. I know she's been going through things and it was wrong to do that, she's my best friend and I need to apologize. Her phone went straight to voicemail, so I decided to leave a message. "Hey... Hanna Im so sorry for yesterday. Can we just forget it happened and grab a coffee or somethin? Call me." I said as I hung up. After about 20 minutes she still didnt call me back so I grabbed my coat and keys and headed to her house. Once I got there I pulled into the drive way and knocked on the door. I kept knocking till her mom finally answered. "Hi Spencer.. Hanna's in her room. She hasnt come out yet, you can go on up." Ashley said as she let me in. "Thank you." I replied as I ran up the stairs. "Hanna?" I called as I knocked on the door. "Hanna please open up." There was no answer. Being the queen of picking locks, I got onto my knees and picked her lock with my hair clip. "Han-" I started but before I could finish, she wasnt there. Her bed hasnt been slep in, her window was cracked, she clearly snuck out and her mom thinks she's here. For Hanna's sake, and so she doesnt get more mad at me then she already is, I decided to re lock her door and go back downstairs. "Is she up?" Her mom asked. "Uh.. Yeah she is but she isnt feeling good so she wants to be left alone so.. Im just gonna go." I said as I left the house. Once I got into my car I sent the girls a text reading 'SOS' and just sat in my car. "I'm so stupid!" I yelled as I hit my head on the steering wheel. Her car wasnt in the driveway... She obviously took it. I hope she's ok. Just as I let my thoughts run away with themself, I got a text. 'Where are you?' Ali wrote back. 'Hanna's.. Hurry!' I replied as I waited.

Alison's pov:

Em and I fell asleep in Santana and Britt's bed last night and Aria, San and Britt were way too hammered to even walk up the stairs so they all crashed downstairs. Just then my phone buzzed and it said 'SOS' and it was from Spencer. I asked where she was and she said Hanna's... Yesterday she fled out of the house so this must be important. Maybe Hanna hurt herself? Or maybe she is having a break down again. Well whatever it was it was important. I woke Em up and she groaned. "Whattt" she said as she sat up with a cute tired face. "Em.. It's literally 10:45... Wake up. We have to get to Hanna's. Spencer sent an 'sos'.." I said. Just then there was a lound bang on the bedroom door. "Did you get Spencer's sos text?! Lets go!" Aria yelled from the other side of the door. Em and I threw the sheets off us and unlocked the door. "Are Santana and Britt awake?" I asked. "They already started the car... Come on." Aria said as she fled down the stairs and out the door and me and Em followed. "Wait... What about the baby!" Em yelled concerned. "She is in the car already! Lets go!" Aria replied. Once we got in the car we drove off to Hanna's, a little faster than we should be driving, but any time Spencer sends us an sos text, it's usually important. Once Hanna's house was in the clear, Santana sped and quickly turned into the driveway and stopped on the breaks, causing all of us to fly forward in our seats and back because of the seatbelt. Just then Spencer got out of her car and came up to San's. "What's going on Spence?" San asked as she rolled up the window. "She isnt here. I went upstairs to her room to apologize for a little argument we got in at her house yesterday and when I got up there to door was locked. I figured she was either ignoring me or sleeping.. So I picked the lock and she wasnt there. Her window was open though so I'm guessing she snuck out last night but the problem is she is still not there!" Spencer yelled with panic. "Woah.. Wait. Spence, how do you know she didnt sneak out this morning? She could of left this morning just to clear her head." Aria said. "No.. Aria you dont get it. She is my best friend. Did anyone notice how weird she was acting at your house last night?" Spence asked while turning to Britt and San. "She was fine till she got a text. I heard her phone beep and she wrote back and right after that she just left? I thought maybe somethin was happening with her mom and thats why she lied about having a school project to do but when I got to her house she was pacing around her room, and everytime I spoke she ignored me like I wasnt even there. She was worried about something. And she just kept telling me that she couldnt tell me. What if something bad happened to her?" Spencer finished. "Should we talk to her mom? Maybe she knows where she is and you are just miss interpreting this whole thing." Aria replied. "No.. Aria, when I got inside she told me Hanna was upstairs. She obviously doesnt know she left last night!" Spence said starting to pace. "Well is there any place you think she could be?" Santana asked. Before Spencer could answer Stephanie started crying. "Baby shhh it's okay." Em said as she started stroking her cheeks, which calmed her down. "Umm... I have no idea! I'm gonna try calling her again." Spencer said as she dialed her number. This time, it rang a few times but quickly went to voicemail. "UGH!" Spence yelled as she threw her phone on the ground. "Spencer... Breathe. It's okay we'll find her. Get in your car, we'll drive around town and look for her. If we dont find her soon, we'll tell her mom. Deal?" Santana said. She took a deep breathe and let it out. "Fine." She said as she picked up her phone and ran to her car. Santana pulled out of the driveway and we started driving around town as Spencer followed.

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