'Drunk' in love

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[At Jacks Bistro, 8:35pm]

Alison's POV:

"Babe you look amazing." Emily said smiling as she checked me out up and down. "You're not so bad yourself." I replied as I pecked her lips. "No PDA..." Pam joked. Em just rolled her eyes causing me to laugh as we took a seat at a big table in the resturaunt. I got the caeser salad and Em got the turkey supermelt, it was the best meal i've had in a while. After our meal Pam drove me home and I stayed up all night facetiming Emily till I fell asleep.

(Next day, monday 7:25)
(Continuing Ali's Pov)

I was sound asleep till I heard loud pounding on my bedroom door. I tossed and turned to try and ignore it. Suddenly I felt someone shaking me. "Wake up Alison! You're late to school!" My dad yelled in my ear. "Ow! Dad my ear what the hell!" I groaned back, still holding my ear from his piercing scream. "Get up Alison." He said more sternly. I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Maybe if you went to sleep earlier instead of freakin' 2 in the morning talking to Emily, and being pretty damn loud about it too, then maybe you wouldnt be so tired." He said as he walked out of the room, turning my light on in the process. I turned and looked at the clock and quickly shot up when I realized class started 5 minutes ago. I grabbed a black pair of skinny jeans and a cute hot pink top and quickly brushed my hair and teeth, taking all of 5 minutes. Then I grabbed my bag and car keys and ran out the front door.

[At school]

Santana's POV:

"Aww your mom took you guys to Jacks Bistro?" I said smiling as Em told Hanna, Aria and I the whole story. "Yes and it was amazing and afterwards right when my mom dropped her home we facetimed all night and it was just... Amazing." Em said with a huge grin on her face. Hanna and Aria turned to one another and smiled, happy that their best friend was so happy. "Oh, Aria, Hanna... Thank you guys for helping me with my romantic gesture yesterday." Em said. "Anytime Em... Hmm a romantic picnic and then a fancy dinner in the same night? I am officially jealous of your love life Emily fields." Hanna said while laughing. Just then Emily turned to me, "Santana... Spill.... Is the baby a girl or a boy?" Em asked with a hopeful smile. "Britt and I are announcing it in glee club so... You'll have to wait and see." I replied as the bell rang and first period ended.

Brittany's pov:

"Come onn just tell us." Emily begged. "It will be my cousin.." She added. I just laughed as I took a bite of my sandwich. "Not happenin cuz." Santana said with a smirk. Em just fake pouted and the rest of us laughed. Just then Alison stumbled into our table and fell onto Emily's lap. "Ali... Where the hell have you been? You've missed four periods." Em asked her. "I also missed a doctors appoinment when I was 7 but that didnt destroy me." Alison said while slurring her words. Emily's eyes widened as she turned to us and whispered, "she's fuckin drunk!" Just then Emily pushed Alison off her and stood up then pulled her out of the cafeteria. The girls and I just looked at each other in shock.

Emily's pov:

I pushed the bathroom door open and let go of Ali's wrist. "What the hell Ali?! Why are you drunk?..." I asked angrily. "Drunk? You're the one whose drunk baby." She said as she started laughing and pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me. "Ali... Stop. This isnt you. You are drunk." I said as I pushed her off me. Ali just stared down at the floor. "Now stop fooling around and tell me... Why are you drunk?" I asked, crossing my arms this time. "Ok fine. My dad woke me up at 7:25 and told me I was late to school so I quickly got ready and got in my car to drive here. When I got in the car I opened the glove department to see if there was food in it because I didnt have time to eat breakfast and then a bottle of vodka fell out of it.. I used to keep that in my car to deal with my depression. People thought I was a bitch just because I wanted to be when it really was just because I was depressed and used my anger towards myself towards other people. I got myself drunk everyday after school and once A got in the picture it got worse.. Seeing the vodka reminded me of all of that and our breakup and I just got upset and drank it..." Ali finished, slurring half of the words she said but I understood her. "Ali... How come you never told me
about this?" I said with worried tone. "Because I didnt want you to stop being my friend. I also thought drinking would um... Make me forget what I was feeling towards you. I was angry for liking you." Ali said with a tear in her eye. "Babe.. I would never stop being your friend. You were a jerk to everyone and that didnt make me stop being your friend.. Because I was and always will be in love with you. And as long as I'm with you, I will make sure you are never depressed again. And you wanna know how long that's gonna be?" I asked. Ali just smiled, "how bout forever?" I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Forever." I whispered in her ear as I tightened my grip on her. "Wait..." I started as I broke the hug and made eye contact with her, not letting go of her arms. "Y-you drove here... Drunk?" I asked, suddenly really worried. "I drove slow and I made it so everythings all good baby." Ali said with no tone of regret in her voice. I just took a deep breath. "You could've got yourself killed. I dont know what I would've done If I had went home today and you werent there because you got killed in a car accident. I would of died inside. I already thought you were dead for 2 years of my life, I dont wanna have that feeling ever again and I dont want to be worrying ever second about you dying either so you have to promise me... No more drinking... And no more drunk driving." I said with the most serious and calm voice I could possibly use. She nodded and whispered, "i'm sorry.." I just cupped her face with my hands and connected our lips. We just stood there in the bathroom kissing, just in the moment. Once we broke the kiss we intertwined our fingers and walked back to the cafeteria. "Everything okay?" Brittany asked as we walked back and sat down with them. I looked at Ali then back at Britt, "everything is perfect." Ali just smiled and squeezed my hand. I didnt want to tell the girls about everything Ali told me. Ali has kept it from me all these years, I'm sure she wouldnt want it suddenly being broadcasted. I also didnt want to worry them any more than I already was. "I'm gonna get you a coffee." I said smiling as I got up and walked over to the coffee machine.

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