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In Lima Ohio...
Santana's pov:

I was woken up by Stephanie crying. I noticed Britt wasnt in bed so I got up to go to Steph's crib. When I walked in her room I saw Britt standing there in her messy morning bun and pink tan top holding Steph in her navy blue t shirt pjs. "She's hungry." Britt sad as she took her top off revealing her bare breasts and let her suck on them. I just smiled as I walked over to them and wrapped my arms around Britt's waist from behind, placing a kiss on Stephanie's head in the process. "What time is it?" I asked Britt. "Ten.." She replied as she handed Steph to me. "Ten?! We have to meet Quinn and Rachel at Quinn's to practice our song for the talent show tomorrow night." I said as I began to dress Stephanie and once I did that I put her in the play pin so I could get myself dressed, Britt following.


Quinn's pov:

"You're such a good girl." I said to Beth as I held her close to my chest and burped her. Just then Rachel walked in the room and placed her lips on mine. "She's beautiful.. Just like her mommy." Rachel said to me as she looked into my eyes. I just blushed. "I love you." I whispered. Just then I carefully placed Beth in her crib as Rachel and I heard a knock on the door. We ran down to answer it and smiled when we saw Brittany and Santana with Stephanie in their arms. "Hey guys." I said as they came in. "Hey." They replied. "Ok so I was thinkin Steph and Beth could play in the play pin while the four of us work on the song for tomorrow." Rachel said. Britt and San just nodded as they followed us up the stairs to put Steph and Beth in the play pin. "Ok, so you wanna practice downstairs?" I asked. "Yeah." Britt replied. Once we got downstairs we thought out a few songs we could sing. The options were:

Brave by Sara Bareillies

Give your heart a break by Demi Lovato

When I look at you by Miley Cyrus

That's just the way we roll by the Jonas Brothers

No air by Jordin Sparks

"So which one are we goin with?" I asked. "I'm a big fan of Miley so.." Rachel began. "Yeah.. We know.." We all said in unison. "Yeah I do like that song a lot and I feel like it could really show our talent." Britt added. "Alright we'll give it a shot." Santana said with a smile.

The next day, at the talent show...
Santana's pov:

"Up next we have four girls performing a song by Miley Cyrus. Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce, and Rachel Berry." The man running the show said. "Here we go.." I whispered as we took a breath and walked out on stage. Rachel got on the piano with the attatched microphone, and Britt, Quinn and I stood in front of the microphones set up.


[SANTANA SINGING] Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights are long

'cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

[BRITT SINGING] Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you

[BRITT AND SANTANA] When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I, I
I look at you

When I look at you
[QUINN SINGING] I see forgiveness
I see the truth
[RACHEL JOINS] You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone

[ALL OF THEM] Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you

[RACHEL] When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I, I
I look at you

[QUINN] You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
[RACHEL] All I need
[BRITT] Every breath that I breathe
[SANTANA] Don't you know you're beautiful
[QUINN] Yeah, yeah, yeah

[SANTANA] When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I, I
[QUINN AND BRITT] I look at you

[SANTANA] I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me

The audience roared and clapped once we finished. "Wow! Talk about talent!" The guy said as she took the stage. "Okay so now we announce the winners... that's up to you and how loud you cheer. Okay how many for Georgia and her talking penguin?" The crowd went crazy. "Okay how many for Letica and her dancing?" The crowd was a little quiet. After naming a few more talents it was finally our chance. "Last but not least... The four singing girls from their schools glee club." Some people stood up and started jumping. "Ok.. We have a winner." The man said as a woman walked out and handed him a trophy. "The trophy goes to... Quinn, Rachel, Santana, and Brittany!" Everyone clapped as we accepted the trophy. Just then Quinn's mom aproached us with a smile. "Good job girls! Your kids are proud of you!" Mrs. Fabray said as she took the trophy from us and handed us our kids. "Im gonna tell Emily!" I said with a smile as I called her.

Emily: Hello?

Santana: Hey! How are things with Alison?

Emily: making progress.. How about with Britt and Steph? How's Rachel and Quinn?

Santana: they're all great. We just won a talent show!

Emily: that's great San!

Santana: yeah! Well, i'll let you go. See you in a few months.

Emily: yeah see ya.

With that, Quinn's mom took all of us out for dinner to celebrate our win. The rest of the day we just hungout and played with our babies.. Which really got along. I think our daughters may just be future BFFS...

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