The truth comes out

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The next day...
Brittany's pov:

It felt great to finally be able to call Santana my wife. I just hated the fact that Sam was the father of our child. I dont even know how to tell Santana that. Just then San snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey you okay babe?" She asked as she came over to me. I just looked down at my hands and started fidgeting. "Santana... I need to tell you something." I said as my voice cracked. She just nodded as I continued. "... Remember that fight we had in school a while ago?" I began. San looked down and nodded. "Yeah." She said quietly.


"Why dont you just mind your own buisness for once?!" Santana yelled to Brittany as she started to storm out of glee club. Brittany ran after her. "You are my buisness! You're my fucking girlfriend!" Britt yelled back. "You're my girlfriend not my mother!" San yelled. Brittany just sighed. "Look... I dont like that you came to school high! Not even on weed... On fucking cocaine? I know you are the badass of the school but I dont think you need to be snorting coke with Finn Hudson to get your edge." Britt said. "He is my best friend and actually knows how to have fun. How about you just go fuck someone or get high yourself?! Find your edge. Cause right now, I really just wanna push you off one!" Santana finished as she got away from Brittany.

"I'm so sorry for saying that... I didnt mean any of it. I was high and stupid and you were right. I still regret that fight." Santana began, making me feel more guilty. "San... It's ok. That's the past. But I got angry after that fight. So I had sex with Sam that day. We didnt use protection but I didnt think much of it. When we made up three days later Sam and I agreed to never speaking of it again, then you and I had sex. Once you left I was afraid I'd never see you again. When I found out I was pregnant I convinced myself Sam wasnt the dad but--" that's when San cut me off. "Sam is the father of Stephanie?!" Santana yelled. "Just... Let me finish. I actually believed you were the mom. I needed a reason to move to rosewood and being pregnant with your baby was a great one. Once I got there, any thought I had about Sam being the father went away. I was just so happy to be with you. It wasnt untill I realized the baby was 2 months when it should've been 3 where I found out Sam must've been the dad. By then I thought it didnt even matter. We were getting married 2 weeks from then and I didnt think it would--" San cut me off again. "I cant deal with this right now." San said as she grabbed her keys and drove away.

Santana's pov:

I cant believe Sam is Stephanie's dad. I dont even know what to feel. I was driving to the school to think... I need to talk to my best friend. It's saturday so no one is there. They always keep one door unlocked just in case students need to do projects so once I got to the school I found the door and walked to Finn's memorial and sat next to it. "I wish you were here Finn... You would know what to say. You'd make me laugh and bring me back to my feet. Get this, I'm not the mother of my wifes baby. I know, tv drama right?" I said as I touched Finn's locker and a tear fell from my eye. "Remember when you asked Rachel out but she turned you down cause she was in love with someone else? Well get this... She's dating Quinn now. I think that's why she turned you down." I said with a small laugh which quickly turned into a cry. "I miss you so much... I could use one of your hugs." I cried as I laid my head against his locker and started to quietly sing as tears continued streaming down my face. "We used to be together Everyday together always I really feel That I'm losing my best friend I can't believe This could be the end It looks as though you're letting go And if it's real
Well I don't want to know..." My tears were really coming now as I picked up one of the drumsticks by the locker. "
Our memories Well, they can be inviting But some are altogether Mighty frightening As we die, both you and I With my head in my hands
I sit and cry." I held the drumstick close to my chest. "Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts." I put the drumstick down and started to cry into my hands when suddenly I heard a voice. A familiar voice. "Santana... I'm here. Please dont cry." A male voice said. I looked around and saw no one. "Finn?" I asked with a shaky voice. "Yeah. I'm looking down on you, always. I'm sorry I left you." He said roughly. "That was very selfish! What you did. It was selfish!" I cried. "I know. I'm sorry." He replied. I'm actually talking to Finn's ghost right now... "Listen. Brittany loves you. That's all I know. I see all from up here. I wish I could've been at the wedding. That child is yours. Not Sam's. Who cares about sperm. It's the hearts that make a family." Finn's voice said. "Wow... Even when you're not here you manage to be here for me." I muttered. That's when the voice stopped. I sighed and looked down as I heard footsteps coming my way. It was Brittany. "How'd you know I'd be here?" I asked, not making eye contact as she sat down next to me. "You always came here when you were upset or we fought... Or at Finn's house. Now that he's not here anymore I figured you'd be at the school by his memorial. I know you, San." Britt softly replied. "I lose everything. I miss Finn so much. I miss this town and being cheer captain with you. I miss all the petty highschool drama. Now this is real shit. I just screw everything up. Tina was right about what she said a while ago... It should have been me who died." I said through tears. "Hey... Dont say that. We got to get married in our hometown and Sue didnt shut us down, We have a beautiful daughter back in Rosewood waiting for us with your mom, Yes, our daughter, and we get to spend time with our best friends. Dont cry it's okay. It's not like I kept this big secret from you, I didnt know till recently and by then I didnt wanna ruin our wedding week. I love you Santana. You only. You're my wife for crying out loud. Sam isnt and never was in the picture I wanted to hang up in my living room... You are." Britt finished. I just put my head into Britt's chest and started crying as she stroked my hair. "I love you." I mumbled. "I love you too baby." She mumbled back as she kissed the top of my head and held me close. We just sat there together in front of Finn's locker. Today was the first time I heard his voice in a little over a year. It hurt me inside, and Brittany knew that.

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