The Hangout

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Emily's POV:

I think it's pretty cool that I finally met my cousin. Santana told me she told Spencer.. Which means Hanna and Aria dont know. I should probably tell them.. "Hey... Guys..." I whispered while Mr. Fitz was writing something on the board. They both turned and looked at me. "Santana is my cousin.." I said. "WHAT?!" They yelled at the same time, causing Mr. Fitz and the entire class to look at us. "Is there an issue back there that you'd like to adress to the class?" Mr. F asked. "Uh-- no. Sorry." I replied, looking down. Once the bell rang they ran up to me and Santana walked over to my desk as well. "You two are cousins?!" Hanna asked me and San. "Yeah.." Santana replied. "Well... They do look alike.." Aria said while turning to Hanna. "Why didnt you tell us earlier?" Hanna asked confused. "Because we didnt find out till the other day. Alison told me." I said. "Um.. How the hell did she know and you didnt?" Aria asked confused as well. "Ok this is a long story and we have a class to get to... So.." I motioned to the door and started to walk with them. Me and Santana said bye to them as we walked to our math class together. "So before homeroom... What were you talking about? Your girlfriend?" I asked Santana as we were walking. "Yeah.. Brittany showed up at my house yesterday and told me she was pregnant! She drove 10 hours to come tell me and she is moving in with me. I love her and Im happy I finally get to be with her again." She said smiling. "Aw yay! I know how much you love her from the story you told me yesterday. You said you would've rather sat in jail in Ohio just so she could visit you and still see you. Now she's here and living with you. That's amazing. I cant wait to meet her later" I said to her as we entered our math class. Ali was sitting at her desk and I smiled and walked over to her with San. I didnt know if Ali wanted to be public about our relationship. So I respect that. I think Santana knows but I'm not sure. "Hey" she said to us as we approached her. "Hey" I replied. "Sup" Santana added. "So, Santana.. I thought about what you said the other day..." Alison said to Santana. I just stood there confused. "Whatcha mean?" San asked. Ali stood up... "My walls..." She responded as she grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. When she broke the kiss she looked at Santana and finished her sentence, "I'm knocking them down." I felt butterflies in my stomach as people in the class started staring at us. "What the fuck are you all looking at. Mind your goddamn buisness." Santana yelled to them. Just then a kid named Justin stood up. "The homos made it our buisness the second they decided to makeout in front of us. Ew. It is seriously horrifying." He said. I started to feel upset and angry. "What did you just--" ali started but Santana cut her off. "I got this." She said. San walked up to Justin and started to fake laugh, then she brought her fist up to his face and swung at him. "You fuck with my cousin and her girlfriend ever again... Next time you won't have a face to comment with!" She said as she pushed him back into his desk. I turned to Ali and saw her smile slightly. "Thank you.. That was really sweet of you." Ali said. "Thanks cuz" I said as I brought her into a hug. This was going to be difficult for us. Especially cause no one knew about Alison. But I could tell she was ready to fight with me. "Oh hey Ali I forgot, the girls are coming over after school to help me and my girlfriend unpack her stuff into my house. Wanna join?" Santana asked her. "Wait... That girl from Ohio that you told me you were in love with and probably would never see again when you came to my house the other day?" Ali asked with confusion. She was cute when she was confused. Santana nodded her head, "yeah. It's a long story and it's hard to keep repeating so just ask Em or Spencer." Ali laughed, "okay. I'm in." She replied. "I drove Hanna, Em, and Aria to school this morning so we'll all come together. Spence has to drive herself cause she always has to be here early." Alison laughed and sat in her seat. Time for another boring class lecture about how the vertex of a parabola is where there is a change in the graph. Boring.

Alison's POV:

I knew there was something Santana wasnt telling me... But I accept her privacy. I'm sort of excited to meet this mystery girl. Anyway, I can't believe I just kissed Em in front of our whole math class... It was sweet the way Santana stood up for us. The entire math class me and Em were exchanging sexy texts.

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