The voice

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Brittany's pov:

"What the hell just happened?!" Emily yelled as we all crowded around a passed out Santana. "She... She dissociated herself." Spencer said as she ran over to Santana and tried to shake her awake. "She what? Spencer, english... what the hell just happened." Hanna asked worried as everyone was now crowding around. "It means something triggering happened and it reminded her of something so she took herself away from the situation and blacked out." Spencer replied. "She's shaking.. Somethings going on in her head." Spencer added. "She mumbled something about Finn.." I said as I tried to bring her back. "Santana! Snap out of it!" Brenna yelled. "This is your fault!" Rachel yelled at Brenna. "Rachel.. Dont." Quinn said as she tried to stop Rachel from saying anything else. "It's true! Brenna hurt Sam and Santana thought the worst and shut down. It probably reminded her of Finn and what she did to Sue!" Rachel yelled. "She's right. I... I killed Sam. I didnt mean to, I just got angry. Once he started fighting back it got me angrier than I already was and I lost it." Brenna said quietly. The girls just stared at her shocked but then I spoke up. "You killed him?!" I yelled. "Well you didnt say that. Why the hell did San assume that." Quinn asked. I just looked down at Santana and back up at everyone. "Finn told her." I said, barely audible. "Finn's dead." Rachel said as she furrowed her eyebrows. I just sighed. "When I went to find Santana at the school I heard her talking to someone. Not just talking, but having a conversation. Then I saw where she Finn's memorial. I asked her about it and she started crying. When she stopped, she told me she could hear a voice. Finn's voice. He communicates with her in spirit. But I think today was the first time she heard his voice since what happened." I finished. "Ok next stop, twilight zone." Aria said. "Try talking to her. Ask her where she is. That usually can help guide the person away from the hypnosiss they put themselves in." Caleb added. "Santana. Can you tell us where you are? Who you're with?" I asked. "I see darkness. I think I'm with Finn. I dont know where he went!" Santana managed to yell. Just then Hanna walked up to her and slapped her across the face. "Hanna!" We all yelled in unison. Just then Santana's eyes shot open. "Babe." I said as I hugged her. "Santana... I'm so sorry." Brenna said as she walked up to her. "Finn told me to protect you. And not to be mad. I will get you through this." San replied. "No, you dont have to help me. You already got arrested here for harassment. I will take the fall for it alone, its my problem." Brenna said sternly. "Yes but you did it because he got my wife pregnant. It envolves me. Someone is dead because of both of us." San replied. "No. Someone is dead because of me. You werent there when he died." Brenn replied.

Flashback to earlier

"Open up! I know you're in there Evans!" Brenna yelled as she banged on his front door. "What do you want?" He answered as he opened the door. "What do I want? You get my sisters wife pregnant and show up at their wedding all cocky and wanna know what I want?" Brenna said as she stepped closer to him. "Alright chill dont make it seem like I'm the bad guy here. Brittany and Santana were in a fight! A big one! Brittany came up to ME for sex." Sam replied. "And you were the one who didnt think to use protection. And you got someones girlfriend pregnant who is now their wife so you really fucked up. Because Brittany and my sister believed she was the babys mom. It hurts to find something out like this. It's a burden. Because it hurts if you tell and it hurts if you dont--" Brenna continued but Sam cut her off. "Look, if you wanna get pissed and take it out on someone, dont dump it on me. Ok?" Sam said. Brenna crossed her arms. "Do you even get how much she loves her? You are so lucky Santana is forgiving but sadly for you Im not." Brenna said as she punched Sam in the face. He wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at his bloody hand. "You whore!" He yelled as he stepped forward and slapped her face. Brenna lost it and pushed him into the wall and punched him repeatedly. "You and Santana are defenitley Lopezes..." Sam said between breaths as he continued to get beat to death. "My last name is Carver now." Brenna said as she kicked his nuts and he yelled in pain. "Yeah but your birth name is Lopez. Just as psycho as your sister." Sam said as he kneed Brenna in the stomach and punched her in the eye. Brenna got angry and grabbed his throat and squeezed his neck till he couldnt breathe. "Stop. Stop." Sam muttered under his dying breath. Realizing she may be going to far, Brenna let go and let Sam fall to the floor. "Sam?" Brenna asked to see if he was alive. Once she checked his pulse and realized he was dead she just left his house and drove away.

"Who cares if I wasnt there Brenna? You killed someone because of me. I could have hurt him if I wanted to. He's been trying to break Britt and I up since we started dating. But I didnt, I didnt because when he wanted to be, he was an okay guy. You shouldnt have went there. But you did, so we will get through it together. As a family. You had the choice to kill him but you dont have the choice to not let me help you." Santana finished as she pulled Brenna into a hug and held her tight. Once they broke the hug I grabbed the car keys. "Lets go." I said as I held the keys up. "Britt... Where are we going?" San asked. Before I could answer, Spence walked over to me and opened the front door. "Obviously to get rid of Sam's body.. C'mon people." Spence said. "No. We are not involving you guys." San said. "We are your friends. Friends dont let friends move dead bodies alone." Hanna added as she stood up and walked over to Spence and I. "Yeah. I've seen who and what lurks around out there. I'm not letting my gifriend and friends do this on their own." Caleb said as he stood by them. "I agree." Aria added. "So it's settled... We're going." Quinn said as she grabbed her coat. I guess it's a good thing Quinn and Rachel still lived with their parents so they could watch Beth. "Fine.. " Brenna mumbled as she followed. "Wait." San said as she stopped everyone at the door. "I love you guys." She said with a small smile. Once we got into the car we started driving to Sam's house. Brenna took the keys so she's driving. On the way I looked at Santana and she was staring out the window with a tear in her eye.

Santana's pov:


"You're such a dumbass" Sam said as he jokingly pushed Finn. "Calm your tits. Dont push him." Santana said to Sam with a joking tone. "Yo call your girlfriend. She should sleepover too." Sam said with a wink. Santana just looked down. "They're in a fight asshole. You know that." Finn added. "Ok ok..." Sam said as he held his hands up. Just then he pulled his phone out. "Finn, San... Smile." Sam said as he snapped a pic of them on the bed. After he took the pic he showed them. "Aw that's a good pic." Santana said with a smile. "Good. So lets stop talking about girls and getting upset and just have fun." Sam said with a small smile. Finn just gave him a thumbs up as he joined them on the bed and watched a movie.

"Hey... San you ok?" Britt asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I just wiped my tears and nodded. "Yeah." I lied. Britt put her arm around my shoulders and brought my head to her chest. I wasnt ok. First Finn, now Sam. Sure Sam was a dick sometimes and sure he tried to steal Britt from me half the time. But Sam was Finn's bro.. They were the only guys I could hangout with to get my mind off things. Of course there was Blaine and Kurt but they'd just slobber all over eachother the whole time. I was so pissed at Sam for getting Britt pregnant. But Brittany is just as guilty. She was willing to have sex with him and she didnt tell me that that ever even happened when we made up. If Finn's voice got me to forgive Britt, He would probably say the same for Sam. After all the times he tried to get Britt he finally got her but it happened once. Finn would have told me that I told her to have sex and I should be just as mad at myself than I was at them. Just then we pulled into Sam's driveway. Brenna took a deep breath and opened the car door, all of us doing the same. Once we got to the front door and opened it Brenna's mouth dropped open. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "T-the body. It was right there." Brenna said panicked. "Are you sure he was dead...?" Spencer asked. "Yes! I checked his pulse he wasnt breathing!" Brenna yelled. "He's smarter than you thought.." Spence added. Brenna looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" She asked. "People can fake things like that. They can make themselves stop breathing to look like they are dead." Spencer replied. "Why would he pretend?" Brenna asked. "Because... That would be the only thing he could do at that point for you to leave and stop hurting him." Caleb added. "So where the hell did he go?!" I yelled. Just then I heard the voice again. "He's hiding. Just walk away, do the thing your sister should have done and walk away." Finn's voice said. "Hello... Santana? I said he's probably--" Spencer started but I cut her off. "We need to leave... Now." I
Said as I grabbed Brenna's wrist and pulled her to the car as everyone followed.

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