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2 months later....
Santana's pov:

Today was the last day of school and it was actually a little upsetting. I've made a lot of new friends in Rosewood high. There was obviously the five girls, but also Caleb and this guy named Toby Cavanaugh, this popular football player. He was kind of the "Finn Hudson" of Rosewood. There was also Jenna, Shana, CeCe, Nate, Noel, and Eric, which was Noel's brother. Noel was known for throwing parties and today he was throwing a party for school being over so my mom agreed to babysit Steph. "Babe come on we have to go, Em is waiting for us outside." Britt said as she grabbed her purse. "Ok, I'm ready." I replied as I checked myself out in the mirror one more time. I was wearing a red and white striped shirt with overalls over it. Once Britt and I got outside we saw Em with her widow rolled up blasting 'All summer long' by kid rock. Hanna was sticking her head out of the sun roof and singing like a doofus. She was happy, as were the rest of us, that her leg finally healed and she could ditch the wheelchair she would call "a horrible fashion statement." Once we approached the car we saw Ali in the passenger seat and Aria and Spencer cuddling in the backseat. "Is Caleb coming?" Britt asked as we entered the car. "He has work." Hanna replied, not removing herself from the sunroof.

At Noel's

"Hey guys." Noel said with a smile as we entered his cabin. I smiled, as did the girls as we all greeted him with a hug. "Ok well we were just about to play a game of truth. You girls in?" Noel asked as he nodded his head towards Jenna and the others sitting in the game room. I looked towards Britt then Em, "yeah, we're in." I replied as we followed. "Guys this is Samara, she's Maya's girlfriend and this is Maya." Noel said as he introduced them to us. "Emily." Em said as she extended her hand to Maya and Samara. I noticed Maya looking at her in a flirty way but I ignored it and sat next to Jenna on the couch. "Alright lets play." Hanna said as she happily strutted her no longer broken leg. "I just realized you're out of the chair! When did that happen?" Noel asked with a smile. "After school today." Hanna replied with a huge smile. "Ok who wants to verse who this round?" Eric asked. "How about Santana and I." Jenna said. "Sounds good." I agreed as I moved my position to sit across from her as everyone sat and stood around us. "Ok first question... Any regrets of taking up a baby with Britt?" Jenna asked. "None." I replied. "Ok... Would you fuck anyone in this room?" I added. Jenna looked around the room then smirked when her eyes landed on Toby. "Yes.." She replied. "Is it true that you'll be leaving Rosewood soon and just drop all of us like pieces of shit.?" Jenna said with a hint of hurt and anger in her voice. Just then Britt stood in front of me so she was now in front of Jenna. "Hey.. We talked about this. Stop. Dont start." Britt said to her but I moved Britt out of the way and stood up. "No. Lets. Lets discuss this because all of you probably are thinking the same thing so might as well just fuckin say it. I am not leaving. I am staying here. But... I do want to go there and stay for the summer. It's a win win for everyone. And Britt, I want you and Steph to come. And when we come back, Rachel and Quinn will be coming back too permanently." I finished. "I'd love to baby." Britt said as she hugged me. "So you're not leaving?" Em asked with a smile. I just nodded my head as we continued playing truth for a little while. After Noel and Spencer's round I decided to get some vodka so I went to the fridge to get some but before I could open it I ran into Alison. "Hey, have you seen Em?" Ali asked as she looked around. "Havent seen her since it was me and Jenna's turn for truth..." I replied. "Alright, I'll keep looking." Ali said as she walked off.

Emily's pov:

"Fuck." I moaned as this Maya chick stuck two fingers inside of me. I could barely feel my head, I was so drunk. "Have another." Maya whispered seductively as she handed me another shot of hardcore vodka. Once I chugged it down, she started kissing my neck and I moaned loudly. She brought her lips to mine and roughly kissed me. "Can I hearve anotha shot may-aaa." I slurred as I reached for the bottle and started drinking it from the bottle. Just then the bedroom door swung open and I felt my heart break as I saw Ali walk towards me with a tear in her eye. "Get out. Now." Ali said to Maya as she pointed towards the door. She quickly put her shirt back on, to find her girlfriend I pressume. Once Maya left Ali sat down next to me and the bed and ripped the vodka out of my hand. She just sat there in silence as she stared at the bottle, then she slowly brought it to her lips and began to drink it. "Ali..?" I said but she didnt answer. "Ali you promised." I mumbled as I looked down. That's when she threw the bottle against the wall and picked up the broken glass with her hand. "So did you." Was her only response as she held up her hand to show her promise ring. Before I could respond she took it off and threw it at me. "Have it. Give it to Maya. I dont fucking care. I'm done." Ali said as she slipped the glass piece into her pocket. I just started to cry. "Alison please dont leave me. I'm a mess without you." I muttered. "Yeah well, I'm a mess without you." Ali replied as she lifted up another shard of glass and sliced her wrist open. "Stop. Please stop." I cried. She did it a few more times to the point where I stood up, stumbling over my feet in the process, and took my shirt off to wrap it around her cuts. She just sighed and dropped the glass. "Come on. I'm driving you home." Ali said with a sad tone. "Buh what about the othersss" I slurred again. I hated myself so much right now. Ali didnt answer, she just helped me down to the car and began to drive. "I-I'm sorry Alison." I managed to say without slurring my words. "Yeah, so am I. I'm sorry for not being enough for you." Ali said as she pulled into my driveway and stopped the car. I felt my heart break. "Come inside. Please." I begged. "No. Goodbye Emily." She said as she took my shirt off her bloody cuts and handed it to me. "Please just let me--" I began but she cut me off. "Please. Leave." She said as she looked away from me. I let tears fall as I opened the car door and stumbled to my house. Thank god my mom wasnt home, I wasnt ready to face anymore anger. Once I got upstairs I lost it. I broke my tv with my fist, I kicked my window open till glass went everywhere, I flipped my bed over, punched holes in the wall, etc. when I finally got all the anger out I fell onto my bed and started crying into my pillow. Why. Why am I so stupid.

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