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Brittany's POV:

(Sunday morning, 10:00)

I've been up for the past five hours, just thinking about Santana. Last night, once I got myself to sleep at around nine, I had nothing by nightmares. I woke up crying at five in the morning and wasnt able to get myself back to sleep since. I wish this was all a dream. I can't breakup with her. I wont. Maybe if we werent that serious i'd do it to be safe but I cant do it now. We live together, we're having a baby together. I wont leave her now, after all we've been through, and have her think that it's what I want. It was one thing to force me to relapse and beat the crap out of me with my own guitar, but this... This was going too far. I had to do something, and I knew exactly what. I got out of bed and texted Santana.

Brittany: Hey baby. Is it okay if you stay at Ali's a little longer? I have things I need to take care of. I'll pick you up at around three? I'll let you know if plans change.

Santana: Okay.

Once I texted her, I texted Hanna.

Brittany: Hey Hanna. So you know how after every glee club meeting you tell me how awesome your boyfriend is and how good with computers and electronics he is? Well I need his help with an electronic related thing. This is really serious and I need to get in contact with him... please?

Hanna: sure... his number is (412) 544-8821.

Brittany: Ok thanks Han

With that I opened a new message and texted him.

Brittany: Hey... It's Brittany. I'm Hanna's friend. She talks about you all the time and she told me you are good with electronics? I really need help tracking down a phone number. I'll pay you.

Caleb: Hi.. Sure I can help you. Meet me at the brew in an hour?

Brittany: okay see you there.

Once I texted Caleb, I changed my shirt and pants, brushed my hair, and slipped on a pair of black and white nikes. I had an hour till I had to meet him but I was hungry so I decided to stop by the brew early and grab a little somethin and a coffee.

[At the brew]

"Hi can I get a large expresso and a black and white cookie?" I asked the woman behind the counter. "Anything else?" She kindly asked. I nodded my head and paid as she gave me my coffee and cookie. I ate my cookie slowly as I stared at the wall, waiting for Caleb.

[1 hour and 10 minutes later]

It's now 11:10... Caleb is ten minutes late. I'm not really surprised. He doesnt even know me, I doubt he jumped at the opportunity to help a stranger. Just then I saw a tall boy with semi long hair wearing a gray hoodie and a backpack walk in. It was definitley him, Hanna has shown me a few pics and I reconize his hair. He looked around then I saw him sit down at a table. I got up and sat across from him. "Hi you must be Caleb? I'm Brittany." I said smiling. "Oh.. Hi.. So what do you need help with?" He asked as he got more comfortable in the seat. "Um... Well.." I pulled out my phone and showed him all the texts I recieved from this unknown number. As he was reading them I continued, "i've been getting these texts from an unknown number threatening the life of my girlfriend if I dont do everything she says. I'm pregnant, Caleb... And she forced me to relapse. That is extremely bad for the baby and myself. Do you know how hard I had to work to get rid of my addiction? Cost me 4 months in a crazy house and lying to the one good thing I have in my life. I need to know who is doing this to me. I need a name, a face, an address... Something to link me to her. I refuse to sit back and continue fighting a war that'll have an obvious end if I dont do something." I said. Caleb put my phone down on the table and made eye contact with me. "I can help you... Easy. I can get you an address and a name in fifteen minutes. But... The price." He said as he picked my phone back up. "Fifteen dollars for tracking the address, ten for the name, and twenty for driving here and meeting with someone I dont know. But I'm feeling sympathy for what you just told me so... I'll subtract the last part. That'll come to twenty five dollars." He said smiling. That was sweet of him, no wonder Hanna loved him so much. "Thank you so much." I said smiling as I pulled out my wallet and handed him a twenty and a five. "Don't mention it." He said as he pulled out a laptop from the backpack he was wearing. His backpack looked like an electronics center... I mean, he had a laptop and connection chords to any possible phone you could name, etc. he pulled out an iphone chord and connected my phone to his laptop. He started typing a bunch of things and after about five minutes of watching him in amazement I asked him a question. "What kind of laptop is that.... It seems like the albert eintstein of all computers.. You know, click click then bam, solved." I said with an impressed smile. He just laughed. "It's a 1000 xxxB628 grand composture laptop. It's one of a kind.. My uncle gave it to me when I turned sixteen." He said proudly as he continued typing things. "Wow that's awesome. How old are you now?" I asked curiously. "19." He replied. I looked at him shocked. He noticed this and added to his comment before I could, "dont worry... Me and Hanna have been dating since she was 15 and I was seventeen. I'm a good guy once you get to know me... I'm not as shady as I make myself out to be. I wont hurt her. I'm no Jonathan.. Once me and Hanna started dating, she was scared because I was an older guy and she thought I was going to do what Jonathan did to Spencer to her. So she told me everything that he did to her and I spent that whole night telling her i'm not that guy. It took a little while to earn that part of her trust because what happened with Spence did scar her a little, but look at us now. We've been dating for two years and we couldnt be happier." He finished as he continued what he was doing. About eight minutes later he unplugged the wire connecting my phone to his laptop and opened up notes on my phone and I noticed him typing something. Shortly after he handed me my phone as he read aloud what he wrote. "552 oakwood lane. Her name is Kitty Wilde. According to the difference in area from where she sent the first text compared to the rest, she was in Lima Ohio then took a plane here and continued with the messages. That's why it took her three days to send the next message after her first one." He said. I looked at him confused. "Wait.. You got all of that from just fifteen minutes of typing and clicking a few things on your fancy xxb latop?" I asked. He closed his laptop and put it back in his bag then responded. "xxxB628.... And yes." He said laughing. "Now... Go kick some ass. But he careful. You always got my number if you need anything." He said smiling as he swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked away. I smiled to myself with both happiness and rage. Happiness because I knew who was doing this to me and I was ready to kick this cowards ass, and rage because I'm about to be face to face with someone who threatened my girlfriends life. I typed in Kitty's address on my phone and it said it was only ten minutes from me and San's house... Of course that pyscho would move that close to us. I got up and threw out my coffee and headed to my car. Once I got in the car I followed the directions to get to this bitches house and quickly arrived. I stared at the house for all of five seconds, then ripped my seatbelt off and stormed towards the house. I banged on the door as hard as I could and finally, a short blonde answered then jumped back, shocked at who was standing in front of her. I took no hesitation and stormed into the house. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" She asked with a shaky yet stern voice. "Oh cut the bullshit Kitty. I know it's you. You are the one who has been sending me the threatening messages. I told you... You are never laying a hand on Santana and if that meant paying a sweet boy $25 to track down your number and information, then so be it. So let me be the one to ask the next question. What the fuck is your problem? Why would you go through all of this trouble to threaten and stalk me and my girlfriend." I said, stepping closer to her. "Well... I--" before she could even answer I felt all the rage I was feeling build up and I punched her across the face super hard. Then I just let it all out. "WELL NOTHING! YOU THREATEN THE LIFE OF MY GIRLFRIEND! MAKE ME RELAPSE WHILE PREGNANT! BREAK INTO MY OWN HOUSE WHILE IM UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS YOU FORCED ME TO TAKE AND BEAT ME WITH MY OWN GUITAR AND CUT ME WITH A FUCKING KNIFE?! And you have the NERVE to stand here right now thinking you can reasonably explain yourself?! And not to mention, you managed to do all of this OVER TEXT MESSAGE. YOU HID BEHIND A FUCKING TINY SCREEN. You know what I think you are? A coward. A big fucking coward." I screamed. I've never hit that level of anger but I couldnt just stand in front of this bitch who could've possibly gotten away with ruining my life if I didnt reach out to Caleb. She held her face as blood started to drip from her nose. She just wiped it and finally spoke. "Fine. You want the truth? Here it is. My parents died when I was five. I begged them to get me Mcdonalds that day and they finally agreed and on their way back they got into a serious car accident and died. I blamed it on myself every single night. I was so young I didnt know what to do. I went to an orphanage for two months but then my uncle adopted me. I had no choice but to live with him. He was an abusive drunk who admitted to my face that he only adopted me so he had a punching bag to rebound from all the drinking he did. He was sick. Every single night he would chug a whole bottle of Vodka and then beat the shit out of me. He taught me that violence was a good thing and it was the only answer to anything. Two years later, when I turned seven, I got into dancing. I started watching dance shows and listening to dance music, I finally tried out for cheerleading... At nine years old. I joined a local cheer team for kids and once I did my uncle stopped beating me. He told me that as long as I proved to him I was worth something and I could actually do something, he wouldnt hit me. So I cheered every day, I made him happy, and it became so serious to the point where he made me practice cheer for three hours every day before I could eat dinner. Once I turned fourteen I started attening William Mckinley highschool.... Right away I tried out for the cheer team and coach Sue made me head cheerio. Then you and your girlfriend came along, and since you two could dance and sing as well, it made you better cheerleaders and in order for you two to be able to join, Sue had to cut me from the team. I had nothing left. My uncle raised me for nine years of my life to be nothing but the best, and as soon as I slacked for a second, he'd use violence. I was too old to join anymore local cheer teams so when he found out I was cut, he beat me worse than he ever has before. He said, and i quote, "your whole life you built yourself up and practiced to be the best all for what? To come crashing down and be exactly what I knew you always were.... A failure!" And with that he beat me every night. With the way he raised me, I started to direct his hate for me at you and Santana because if it werent for you two getting me kicked off the team, I wouldnt get beat anymore. So using my uncles fine words, "violence is always the answer." I decided to do something. I stalked you guys the rest of freshman year all the way up till where we are now to try and plan my way of getting you guys back for taking away the one thing in my life I needed. I was there for when Santana threatened Sue, when she got expelled, when you left because you found out you were pregnant... Everything. I'm 17 now just like you and Santana and I figured I'm gonna be out of there soon anyway. But I still needed my revenge and there was no way I was letting you both move 10 hours away without me getting what i've been planning since freshman year. So I snuck into Sue's office and found your contact information, I sent you that text... Then tracked where it sent to and it said a town called Rosewood in Pennsylvania. So I tricked my uncle and told him I was offered a scholarship in Pennsylvania for a cheer school and he was drunk off his ass when I told him but I left and took a plane here then just moved here and continued stalking you and looking into things about you so I could find a way to hurt you like my uncle hurt me because of you and Santana stealing my position." Kitty finished her story and looked up at me. I was a little shocked but still angry. "Look... I'm sorry for everything you had to go through as a kid. That's rough. But I'm not sorry for going after what I wanted and getting it. Me and Santana got that position, because we deserved it. We were better than you. There were so many other things you could've done rather then follow in your uncles footsteps. You could've called the cops on him. You could've ran away. Went back to the orphanage. But what you did? All that trouble you went through just to hurt me and Santana... It's insane. And sure you could stand here for another ten minutes and try telling me that your uncles ways are what made you do this but no... It's your ways that made you do this. A part of you is just as insane as he is. And you deserve to be locked up for it. Maybe not in jail, but you do need to be somewhere. Like that place around the corner, Radley. You need help, Kitty. You really do. I fucking hate you for what you put me through the past few days, and I swear if something happens to my baby you can expect a letter blaming your sorry ass. You threatened me, you harrased me, you stalked me... Those are all a bunch of crimes rolled into one. I walked in here ready to put your ass in jail... But after the story you just told me, I am willing to call Radley. You have no choice. You will go to Radley and stay there and you will never bother me or my girlfriend again or there will be serious consequences. Got it?" I said as I pulled out my cellphone and started to dial Radley. "Fine... But--" she said as she quickly attmepted to put her hands around my neck but I grabbed her before she could. "I'd be very careful with your next move..." I said as I kept grasp of her while on the phone with Radley. After my phone call with the sanitarium, I waited for someone to pick Kitty up and escort her there. Once a group of men in a big van finally did, I hopped in my car and drove away. While we were waiting for the guys to get her, she jumped at me a few times and tried attacking me, but I walked in a fighter and left a winner. It was over. It was actually over. Now I get to see my beautiful girlfriend... And It's time to tell her everything.

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