Wedding day

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**The vows in this chapter are from the glee episode 6x08.**

Santana's pov:

Today is the day I get to marry the love of my life. Mr. Shue, Brenna, Mike, Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Emily, Alison, Hanna, Caleb Spencer and Aria were all coming and it will be a dream come true. Last night I stayed over Quinn's place with Brenna so Britt and I could be apart and arrive to the venue seperatley, it would all be more of a surprise that way. Rachel stayed over Q's too so it was just Quinn, Rachel, Brenna and I... And Beth, their baby of course. They were so worried Puck would forward for custody of the baby after what happened yesterday but he actually came to his senses.

Flashback to yesterday at 8:45 pm

"I cant believe Tina practically screamed to the whole world that Puck was the father of Beth. This is such a mess." Rachel said as she sat down on Quinn's bed with her head in her hands. "Hey.." Quinn started as she sat next to her and started rubbing her back. "I'm not gonna let him take Beth from us. I promise." Quinn reassured her. "Yeah, plus... c'mon you are a much better mother than Puck could ever be." Santana joked as Rachel and Quinn laughed. Just then Quinn's phone rang. "Hello?" Quinn said as she answered. "Hey... Quinn it's me, Puck. I just wanted to say I'm not going to try to take the baby from you. You obviously didnt tell me about her because you love Rachel... and I have a girlfriend I'm in love with and she wouldnt like me to be with a baby I made another girl have. So, she's all yours. It took me a lot of time to figure it out, but I did." Puck said on the other line. Quinn had a huge smile on her face. "Thanks Noah. It means so much to me. But you can always come and say hi when she gets older, you still will always be the father." Quinn replied. "Thanks.. See ya round." Puck said as he hung up. With that, Rachel got up from the bed. "What happened?" Rachel asked. "We- We get the keep Beth!" Quinn yelled as she hugged Rachel tightly. Just then Brenna walked over to them with Beth and handed her to Rachel. "I love you guys." Rachel said as they all sat down together.

"Hey Santana you ready?" Brenna asked as she banged on the bathroom door. "One sec! We're almost done!" Rachel yelled from the bathroom with Santana, she was doing San's hair. "Hurry up it's already 4:45 and we need to be at the place by 5:30." Brenna replied as she walked away from the door to continue getting ready as well. "Rach is still doin San's hair?" Quinn asked Brenna as she popped her head in the room. Brenna just nodded and continued to clip her hair. Just then the bathroom door opened and Santana and Rachel walked out. "Wow.. You guys look amazing." Brenna and Quinn said in unison with a look of awe in their eyes. After about ten more minutes of finishing up their looks, the girls were ready to start heading to the venue.

At Santana's old house

Brittany's pov:

"Britt you look amazing." Em said. "Thanks, you too." I replied with a smile. Just then Spencer and Aria came into the room with their hands intertwined. It was cute that they were together now. "Wow.." Ali said with a smile as she looked at their dresses. "I second that... Just, wow." Em added. "Can I tripple that?" I joked. We all just laughed as I finished up brushing my hair and we all headed out the door. Time to get married!

45 minutes later, at the venue

Santana's pov:

I walked into the 'Lima Ohio grande ball' with Brenna, Quinn, Rachel, and Beth in their arms. It was even prettier in person. The way the chandeliers hung perfectly from the ceiling and the dim lighting reflected off of the walls perfectly. As I walked in I saw Kurt and Blaine. "Hey bride... Wow you look great!" Blaine said as he hugged me. "Brenna.. Nice to see you." Blaine added. Just then Kurt's dad Burt came over to us. "I'm ready to officiate and speechify and radiate love." He said with a goofy smile. I just laughed and hugged him. "Thank you." I said. "Well, get in there! Dont want Britt to see you!" Kurt said as he pushed me into one out of the two rooms for Britt and I as Brenna and the others took a seat.

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