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Brittany's pov:
(At San's old home)

"Now will you tell us why we had to leave?" Spencer asked as she turned to Santana. "Finn's voice told me he was hiding... And to walk away." San replied. "Oh so now we're listening to the voice of your dead friend?" Brenna rudley asked. I gave her a look saying "seriously?" And she just looked down. "San... I didnt mean it like that. I'm sorry. You know I love Finn. But I hurt someone. Badly. I thought I killed him. Who's to say I didnt? His bodys gone but someone could've moved him." Brenna said. "No. Finn sees everything now. He's out there somewhere. He isnt dead." Santana said. "Ok if we're really gonna listen to Finn then can you at least get him to tell us where Sam is?" Quinn asked. Santana just looked down. "I'm sure there's another way to do this than have my sister talk to her dead best friend." Brenna added, hoping to protect San's emotions. "No.. It's fine. I'll do it." San said as she pulled Finn's drumsticks out of her bag. "You took those from the memorial?!" Rachel asked. "He told me to take them." San replied. Just then she held them close to her chest. "Finn... We need your help. I need your help. We need to know where Sam is hiding. I know you could be protecting him but I need you. Please?" San said with closed eyes. For a lil while she just stood there, holding the drumsticks tight. But finally, she spoke. "H-he's with Tina." Santana said. "Tina? Tina Chang? This is so messed up." I said. "Why the hell would Sam be with Tina?" Rachel asked. "Who knows... But I guess we'll find out." I said as I headed out the door and everyone eventually followed. Quinn was the only one who knew where Tina lived cause they were forced to do a glee club assignment together once outside of school so she drove. I was staring out the window, thinking of any reason why Sam would turn to Tina. But then it hit me. I remember now.


Brittany was heading to glee club when she overheard yelling. She walked to the history room and listened in to the conversation she heard. It was Tina and Sam in the room. "You cant tell my dad that any of that happened. You cant tell anyone. Understand?" Tina said sternly. "I think he should know. A kid needs his dad. " Sam said. Brittany just stood by the door confused but continued listening. "It would upset him. Do you wanna upset him? Because that's what you'd be doing if you tell." Just then Santana ran in to Britt. "Hey what are you doing? We're gonna be late to glee club." San said as she took Britt's hand and walked with her.

"I know why Tina helped Sam." I said loudly. Causing everyone to become silent and look at me. "We're listening." Rachel said. "Santana, remember when you saw me by the history room a while ago and pulled me away cause we were late for glee club?" I asked. San nodded, "yeah... Sorta. Why?" She asked. "Ok well I was eavesdropping on a conversation Tina and Sam were having which was why I was by the history room. At the time I didnt know what they were talking about, I didnt even know they were friends. But now I get it. It makes sense. Tina and Sam are related. Half related at least. They were discussing how they couldnt tell their dad or anyone something. Well... It would make sense for Tina to not want Sam to tell her dad that he has another kid and got someone elses wife pregnant. Remember how Tina never had a mother? She always talked about her dad. Well, I think Tina's dad is Sam's dad as well. I think Her dad had sex with his mom and got her pregnant. Her dad already had Tina from a previous marriage though. Sam was born and I'm guessing she didnt tell Tina's dad because she was in love with someone else and didnt want to ruin that. They probably had no idea at first but remember that parent teacher day where all our parents came to glee club to meet Mr. Shue? Sams mom and Tina's dad were forced to meet again and they were acting weird towards eachother. Maybe Sam overheard his mom talking about him and Tina to someone on the phone? Some how he found out that she was his sister and told Tina and she said that he couldnt tell their dad Cause it would hurt him to know that he had a 15 year old kid that he knew nothing about." I finished as Quinn, Rachel, and Santana stared at me shocked. "And you never thought to mention this?" San asked. "Because I didnt understand till now! That's just what I think from outside knowledge of the situation. I dont even know if it's true." I replied. "Well it's a pretty in depth theory." Rachel added. "Yeah well I got smarter over the years and thinking back, Sam did anything to try to get with me. He even told me I already met his sister so all that was left was his mom. I met his sister... And his mom? What about his dad?" I replied. "Well... I guess we can find out now." Quinn said as we pulled into Tina's driveway. "Ok I really hate this girl and she really hates me so think I should wait in the car to stop world war II from breaking out." Santana said. "Babe... Please come." I said as I took her hand. "Fine." She sighed as she opened the car door and followed. Once we got to Tina's front door Brenna knocked loudly and soon after Tina answered. "Well well.... If it isnt for the lesbian possy and their very defensive friends. Lets see, we got Quinn and Rachel, Santana and Brittany, and um... I forgot the rest of your names but whatever." Tina said as she crossed her arms. Just then Caleb stepped forward. "You forgot Caleb and Hanna. Yeah, we're a couple too. A couple who is not afraid to kick your ass if you dont tell us where the kid is." Caleb said. "See, defensive friends. You see... I was actually referring to the lesbians of the group. You are male, are you not?" Tina said with a bitchy snark. "Ok that's it. Seriously Tina. We didnt come here to discuss lesbians or sexes or what color fucking underwear you are wearing. Where is Sam." Santana said as she stepped forward. "Oh hey almost didnt recongize you for a second. You were really quiet and not a bitch for all of two seconds. Brava." Tina said. I could tell she was about to hurt her so I stepped up. "Enough Tina. You have dodged the same question twice. Last chance to answer it or we will find your brother ourselves." I said. Tina tensed up and cleared her throat. "Brother? I dont have a brother." Was all she managed to say. "Oh please. I overheard you and Sam's conversation a while back about you not wanting him to tell your dad something. Clearly it was because you two are related and you're hiding him out here to not only protect your half brother and your little family secret, but to get Santana's family in big trouble all over again so she can get locked up for good. That's all you want to happen. You do nothing out of the pureness of your heart so for your sake and Sam's, tell us where he is." I said more sternly. "Wow... You got a smart girlfriend here Santana. And to think it only took two years for her to figure out." Tina said as she turned to Santana. "S-so it's true... Isnt it? Sam is your half brother?" Santana asked. "And blood is thicker than water? It can also be very slippery. Dont fall on your way back to the car." Tina said as she started to close the door but Santana quickly opened it back up and gave her a death stare before punching her in the face. Tina held her face in pain, too hurt to fight back. "Fine! Sam is my half brother! But there is so much more to the story you dont even understand!" Tina finally managed to say. "Care to share?" Quinn added. Tina sighed. "It's personal. And every one of you hate me, and that feeling is very much mutual. I dont have to tell you anything. If either of you touches me again or threatens me I will call the cops to let them know we have a visitor." Tina said as she directed her eyes to Santana. "Forget about our hate for eachother. This is about Sam. He is your brother and I get you wanting to protect him. But we arent here to hurt him. We want to make sure he is ok and--" I began but was cut off. "Alive?" Sam said as she stepped forward. "Sam? You're ok! Thank god." Santana said as she hugged him then slapped him. "Hey what the hell?" He said as he grabbed his cheek. "The hug was for being a decent guy when Finn was around. The slap was for everything in between. You getting Britt pregnant, trying to steal her from me 24/7, that time you replaced my milk with bleach and I had to be rushed to the hospital..." San finished. "I was just trying to help you. At that time you were upset about Finn passing away so I figured I'd help get the job done for you so not only will your pain be gone but you could be with Finn. That was the intention." Sam defended. "To kill me?! For what, so you can finally have Brittany all to yourself. Bullshit you wanted me to stop suffering and see Finn. Way to get away with murder, just tell the cops that story as they put cuffs around your wrists!" San yelled. "You're one to talk. Your sister almost killed me with her bare hands and you were arrested. So dont give me this "I'm a saint" bullshit because everyone here knows you arent one." Sam replied. "One more word and I really will kill you." Brenna added. "Alright can everyone just calm down. Lets go inside and rationally talk this all through okay? No fighting or yelling because lets be honest all of us have done something we regret." Rachel said. Tina just agreed and let us all in the house as we all took a seat in her living room. "Okay... Here it goes." Tina began......

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