The move in

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Brittany's POV:

I woke up in Santana's bed in her arms. I guess I crashed here? I still have to move my stuff in... Maybe I should of done that last night. Oh well. Just then Santana started to wake up. I smiled. I really missed her. Once she told me she had to leave or she'd be put in jail, I felt my whole world crash. I thought i'd never see her again. When I found out I was pregnant and she was the baby's mother, I was so happy because I knew that meant I had to come here so we could raise the baby together. I wouldnt want the baby to grow up with one parent. And this was a one way ticket to being with Santana again, so I took it. "Hey baby" she said as she sat up in the bed. "Hey" I responded with a big smile. It was probably more dorky than it felt but what could I say? I'm happy ok. Shit... It's a tuesday. That means San has school. "Santana... You have school dont you?" I asked. She jumped up at looked at the time. "Oh thank god... I have an hour. I drive myself so it's cool. Buutttt we should proably go downstairs and eat. My mom is down there. She has no idea you are here so she'll be in for a shock." With that, she grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. "Hey mom..." Santana said to her mom. "Hi hone--" she cut herself off and looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. "Brittany? What are you doing here?" Her mom asked me with the most confused look on her face. What was I supposed to tell her? Do I tell her the truth? Shit. "Um... Well there was an incident and--" I started but Santana cut me off. "She's pregnant. With my child. She had to come back here so we could raise it together when it's born. She's moving in. Dont worry, my room is big enough for the both of us." Wow. She got right to the chase. I loved that about her. She never held back on anything. "She's pregnant?! With your baby? How is that even... How did that-- you know what, doesnt matter. She's moving in? You never asked me." I could tell her mom was angry. "I didnt ask you to drag me away from the love of my life. But you did that. Well, she drove 10 hours to be here with me and I refuse to let her stay in some shitty hotel or move in a few neighborhoods down when she could live with me. I love her mom." Santana said crossing her arms. "Fine. Well, welcome to the family Brittany." Her mom said as she left to go to work. To be honest I was kinda shocked by that response. "Wow... I was so not expecting her to--" before I could finish my sentence, Santana had her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. She pushed me against the counter in the kitchen and started to rub against me. I missed her touch. I took her shirt of and started kissing the top of her boobs. She brought me even closer and put her hand in my pants. "Fuck.. Oh my god babe." I moaned out as she started fingering me faster. Just then she pulled her hand out of my pants and licked her fingers. "You're so hot." I mumbled under my breath. "Let's call your mom and have her come over with your stuff baby. I have to get ready for school now but I'm gonna ask these girls I met yesterday at school to come over after school and help. So dont do too much lifting. Just ask your mom to bring them inside and we'll deal with it later." She pecked my lips and ran upstairs to get dressed. Once she got upstairs I pulled out my cellphone and called my mom.

(Phone call)
Britt: Hi mom
Whitney Pierce: hi honey.
Britt: are you still at that hotel with my stuff?
Whitney: yeah
Britt: can you bring the stuff to Santana's? Im moving in. Her adress is 43 bexford lane.
Whitney: okay i'll be over soon

(End of phone call)

After about 15 minutes Santana came running downstairs while I was making me and her breakfast. "You're making me an omlet?" Santana said smiling. "I know it's your favorite. You still have 45 minutes right?" I said hopeful. "You're so cute." She kissed my cheek and sat at the table while I continued making our food. We used to do this thing back in Lima where every weekend we would alternate whose house we slept at, then we'd make eachother breakfast. It was really fun. After about 10 more minutes of cooking, the omlet was finally done. "One cheese omlet for one amazing girl." I said while handing her the plate.
She smiled and I grabbed my plate and sat across from her. We ate for about 10 minutes then Santana had to go. She still had 35 minutes and even though she told me her school is right around the corner, she wanted to get there early. "Bye babe" I said as I kissed her. "Bye cutie" she replied as she grabbed her keys and ran out the door. I knew that I had to transfer to that school eventually, I just dont know when. With the baby and moving in to Santana's house and un packing and everything there's no time for school. But my mom said she expected me to be in school in at least 2 weeks. I didnt have any of my stuff yet so I couldnt get dressed, so I decided to lay on the couch and watch tv until my mom got here.

(20 minutes later)

*knock on door*

Finally. I got off the couch and answered it. "Hey mom" I said smiling as she brought my stuff inside. "Where's Santana?" She asked, I guess forgetting she had school. "She's at school and her mom's at work." I replied as I took a few boxes and went upstairs to put it in me and San's room. My mom put everything else up there and then left. She was trying to find a job so she's been very quick about things. It was only 8:30 AM and I was alone so I decided to take a nap.

Santana's POV:

I pulled up into school and got out of my car. I was about 30 minutes early so I just decided to walk around the building. It was my second day and I was barely used to the place. Plus I needed to get out and think because I didnt really have any alone time to process the fact that I'm going to be a mother. I'm really happy that Brittany will be living with me and that we are having a kid together but it makes me nervous. We are so young, I just dont wanna screw this up. After 5 minutes of roaming around I ran into Spencer. "Spencer..? What're doing here?" I asked. She looked up at me from her locker and replied. "I come to school early every morning. I just relax, study, and go through my notes and stuff. I come from a family of overachievers so.." I walked over to her and sat next to her on the floor against her locker. "So how about you? What are you doing here so early on your second day?" She asked me before I could even reply to what she said. I just looked at the floor. What would she think of me if she knew the truth about me? Emily, Brittany, and my mom are the only ones who know why i'm really here. "It's a long story. I made a few mistakes in my life and I dont know if im ready to be judged for them yet." I replied, putting my head in my hands. "Hey.. It's okay. I wont judge you. I have a past too that I'm not so proud of. I've been into fights, drove in a car with someone who was drunk, forced to do things I regret, had an abortion at 14.... Believe me I have issues that I try to cope with everyday. I promise you, I wont judge." I was a little shocked by what she just told me. I looked up at her and just hugged her and started crying. Everything just came crashing down on me. All of my regrets, everything. When I released her I stared ahead and started to speak. I couldnt make eye contact. "Do- do you know why I'm here?" I asked her with obvious regret in my voice. She shook her head. I took a deep breath and continued. "I'm here because I had to leave Ohio. I did something really bad. The only option was to leave the state or do jail time. The thing I did happened at my old school, William Mckinley high. I was expelled. Then arrested but they made that proposal and I was given no choice but to take it. I had to leave the love of my life, Brittany. I was all over Em to try to get over her because I figured i'd never see her again. But after school Emily told me that my sister was her cousin. Which makes us cousins. Then when I got home, Brittany was at my door. Yes, the love of my life drove 10 hours out here to tell me one thing. She's pregnant. With my child. She's moving in with me now and she is probably gonna transfer here once things get settled and Im really happy about that because I get to wake up to her every morning. But Im just scared. I dont know how to take care of a baby! I'm still trying to take care of myself. And there are parts of me that miss Lima because I miss cheering and my best friends and Glee club. I miss singing and being the badass of the school. I miss wearing my cheerious uniform every morning. But Im glad I met you and the others because you guys made me fit in when I felt I lost everything." I finally turned to Spence and made eye contact with her. "It's ok. Hey, you arent a bad person. What ever you did back in Ohio makes you who you are now. If that didnt happen, you wouldnt of met your cousin. Maybe god laid a hand. Maybe you belong here. If you dont feel that's true, I promise me and the girls will stand by you till you feel you do." I smiled and hugged her. She was an awesome friend and Im glad I met her. "Do you think you and the others could come over after school today? Britt and I need help moving in her things." Spence smiled "we have to ask the others but it's a yes from me." I stood up and helped her up. "Thank you. There's 5 minutes till first period so i'll see you later?" I said while starting to walk away. "Yeah see ya!" She shouted back. As I was walking to homeroom I ran into Hanna, Aria, and Emily. I'm glad we all had first period together. "Hey guys" I said smiling. "Hey San. Are you and Ali ok? When you came back to lunch yesterday you were bleeding." Hanna asked. "Yeah we talked. There was so much more to what was going on and we talked about it. So we're cool." I replied. "Ok good." Aria said smiling as we entered Mr. Fitz's room. "Can you guys come over after school? Spencer's already coming. I need help moving my girlfriends stuff into my house." Hanna looked at me confused. "Your girlfriend?" She asked. Shit I forgot I didnt tell them. "It's a long story. Just ask Spencer about it." Hanna nodded, "yeah I can come. How bout you guys?" Hanna asked Aria and Emily. "Sure" em said. "Course" aria added. I smiled to myself as we all took our seats. This was going to be interesting.

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