In love with my bestfriend

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Beth's pov:

Six years ago today, I found out my mother died. It wasnt till last year I was told how. Today would've been her birthday so my mom went out to buy a cake for us to have later. "Do you think she's looking down on us?" I asked as I turned to Steph who was doing her history homework on my desk. She just put her pencil down and came over to where I was sitting on the bed. Just then she took my hand and placed it where my heart is. "Do you feel that?" Steph asked. I just nodded.. "Yeah.. It's my heart beat." I replied. "Exactly. Quinn gave you life, and I know for a fact she's smiling down on you right now to watch you live the amazing life she gave you." Steph said. I just felt butterflies in my stomach as I made eye contact with her. "Can I talk to you about something?" I asked. Steph just nodded. "Of course.. You can talk to me about anything. You know that." She replied. I just took a breath and looked down. "Nevermind... You're my best friend... I dont wanna mess up the best thing in my life." I said as I quickly stood up and went to the desk Steph was previously sitting at so I could start doing my homework. Who knew freshmans in highschool got so much work. I pulled out my math book and placed it in front of me but before I could do anything else, Steph broke the awkward silence that was filling the room. "My mom fell in love with her best friend.. Your mom fell in love with her best friend.. Ever think maybe it's hereditary?" Steph asked. I just looked at her confused. "What's hereditary?" I asked. She just got off the bed and came over and sat on my lap. "Falling in love with your best friend.." She replied. I just turned red, realizing what she was getting at. She knew what I was trying to tell her. "I-I dont know.. I guess I uh...--" I began but before I could piece together a sentence, I felt Steph's lips connect with mine. Once we parted I kept my eyes closed as I took in what just happened. "Wow.." I said with a smile as I opened my eyes. "I know..." Steph replied with the same giddy smile. Just then my mom appeared in front of my open bedroom door with grocery bags in her hand. "Could you girls give me a hand? We're gonna have cake soon." She said as she headed back downstairs. I just giggled, Steph doing the same, as we went downstairs together. "So.. You girls were workin on homework?" My mom asked, causing me to turn red, just hoping she didnt see the kiss. "Oh.. Yeah, we were." I replied. "Steph, what time are Britt and Santana getting you?" Mom asked as she turned to Steph who was getting plates and cups as I got forks and napkins. "Is eight ok?" Step replied. "Of course." Mom said as she placed the cake on the table. "Alright girls..." Rachel said as she turned off the lights and we began to sing happy birthday to my mom.
At Emily & Ali's...
Alison's pov:

"Yeah, okay that's sounds great. See you soon Han." I said as I hung up the phone and turned to Em, who was coloring with Estella. I just smiled as I wrapped my arms around Em's neck and leaned over her to see what they colored. "Is that us?" I said with a big smile. Estella just nodded. "That's you, and that's mama, and that's me. I even drew cousin Santana in the corner with Brittany and Stephanie." Estella finished as she pointed to every detail on the paper. "It's beautiful." I said as I kissed her head. "So, what'd Hanna say on the phone?" Em asked as she turned around to look at me. "Her and Caleb are on their way with Chase." I replied. Chase was their six year old son and Estella and him are only a year apart, so they have play dates all the time now. It's great getting to see Hanna more. Caleb too, he's a fun guy to be around. Just then there was a knock on the door, I went over to answer it. "Jeez, when you say you're almost here, you're not kidding." I said with a laugh as I gave Hanna and Caleb a hug and messed with Chase's hair, causing him to smile. "Estella... Chase is here." I said with a smile as I turned to see her run over and hug him. "Go play in your bedroom." Em said with a smile as she came over to us and greeted Han and Caleb. Chase just nodded and followed Estella up the stairs. Once they were gone, I turned back to Han as I interlocked my fingers with Em's. "Wow... It's all so sureal." Hanna said with a soft smile. "Having a kid.. It's a great feeling. I cant believe over 14 years ago we all fell in love with our bestfriends." Hanna finished.

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